Probably the kind of team-specific base decorations DOTA has.
Team D, support/mid/offlaner, godking desu, 4.1k
Team D, support/mid/offlaner, godking desu, 4.1k
Now that would be really fucking coolProbably the kind of team-specific base decorations DOTA has.
Team D, support/mid/offlaner, godking desu, 4.1k
I was thinking the opposite for a couple of reasons:Now that would be really fucking cool
I mean for competitive with the team logos and such, I don't that shit on solo Q lolI was thinking the opposite for a couple of reasons:
1. Like someone else mentioned, it may lead to additional pointless chat harassment, like "You're on team SWAG?! You suck!"
2. It's kind of obnoxious like TF2 sprays or ad banners suddenly showing up on the League map or something.
"what kind of fucking name is jklaewjriowehafns?"I mean for competitive with the team logos and such, I don't that shit on solo Q lol
But some people just can't handle the girth of her balls now.46% is where Syndra was before she became popular-ish so she should be fine now.
yeah, she was 46ish when i started playing her46% is where Syndra was before she became popular-ish so she should be fine now.
Just wait on those Sion buffs. Those Mana cost of his should be irrelevant.Sion is that dude.
Definitely feels better top than in the jungle though. Those first few levels are real rough in the jungle.
Sion is that dude.
Definitely feels better top than in the jungle though. Those first few levels are real rough in the jungle.
huh? sions sustain is pretty good.
huh? sions sustain is pretty good.
...yeah it's easy as balls. One of most sustained out there provided you max Q.
like I said that's not what I meant
You gonna come back to lol now?Probably the kind of team-specific base decorations DOTA has.
Team D, support/mid/offlaner, godking desu, 4.1k
We had no right winning this one, lol. Their Zilean was dc from the start and our Thresh dc when he started losing lane despite the 2v1 in his favour.
Was looking really bleak when they stole Baron from us. But Morgana split pushed all game so Yasuo was able to back door their base while Cassio was busy killing everyone else in mid.
This is exactly why you should never surrender.
So does that mean I can leave anytime I want? I thought everyone who plays lol sells their soul to devil.You gonna come back to lol now?
You gonna come back to lol now?
i duno sounds to me like you could've saved yourself half an hour of a terrible game![]()
Point still stands though, his clear time are in line with almost every other jungler except power clearers like Skarner, Udyr, etc. There's nothing rough about jungle Sion's early game.
Time for new NA GAF teams (since the old team GAF9 is basically dead). I made two teams: GAF Team A and GAF Team B.
The first team is kinda the more competitive team, and I know there's already a bunch of people interested. If you want to join the first team, it would be preferred if you're at least Plat in solo q but rank doesn't really matter if you're comfortable at that level of play.
The second team is going to be a bit less competitive, and is a good team to join if you're new to ranked teams or just interested in playing with a team or GAF in general. This team is has no real requirements to join.
If you want to join either team just post your role, the team you want to join and your summoner name. Also, posting rank would be appreciated too.
eg Team A, ADC, Lord Newt, Diamond IV
If the teams get enough members we can then decide on times that we'll be playing.
So as Kayle what do I have to do against Fizz in mid lane
EDIT: Ok no is Viktor and that laser is killing me
just play rumblei tried playing viktor for the second time
yeah this guy is not for me
just play rumble
hes just like viktor except better.
You just have to farm up and dodge that laser. Not much else you can do really. Harass when possible. Fizz would have been easier
Man you went real casuallol no
I have HOTS if I want to spam skill shots and run around capping objectives.
Matched with SeigX! But we all got carried by a random Cho'gath lulz.