The first game out in months and they put the wrong price? I have a feeling $60 isn't a mistake.
The first game out in months and they put the wrong price? I have a feeling $60 isn't a mistake.
Your Mii looks shocked. Dat body languageI can't understand why Miiverse is taking my CNN news story seriously![]()
"are you serious?"
uh dooh
How did you order it? Is this deal online too? Damn, I'm gonna buy so many games if so...
Your Mii looks shocked. Dat body language
Wait people are actually believeing the hacks lol.
Just hit the home button and click on the controller settings on the left.Anyway to turn the GP off while downloading? I have burn in protection on, but I don't want the pad to be on over night
A guy named littlebigfoot on Miiverse says if you have 22gb free on your Wii U, you can download this without an external.
I can't understand why Miiverse is taking my CNN news story seriously![]()
"are you serious?"
uh dooh
Heh, that was you? I should add you as a friend if you have space, that is.
Inception.gifI'll have to find a non-gaffer to delete
Rex Fury is not a spoiler most LCU trailers feature him so I don't get it maybe I am being trolled :/
It's 4:50pm where I am. I'm waiting for someone to play the game and give me the good news about loading times on the DD version.just 22% oh well I wish I could go to sleep like u guys
It's 4:50pm where I am. I'm waiting for someone to play the game and give me the good news about loading times on the DD version.
I'm just being optimistic ^_^I'm not sure it will be so different but I'll be here
It's 4:50pm where I am. I'm waiting for someone to play the game and give me the good news about loading times on the DD version.
Ah, I didn't realize USB2 was so slow. I just thought HDD>disc. Oh well.The optical drive and USB2 typically run at the same speeds. As such, there won't be any difference
The optical drive and USB2 typically run at the same speeds. As such, there won't be any difference
Quick question before I buy it. Is there a quick mission/selection option or is it always a get mission, drive there set up?
does anyone on the fence for this want to spoil the first 25 minutes?
I should not do it but the wait 29%
Ah must resist still 10 days to go...
Actually what is the harm with looking at the game intro.
As great as this game looks and as much as I appreciate the work that has gone into creating an experience only capable on Wii U, limited funds means I'll have to wait for a price drop.
I really hope this sells well, as a reward for the developers and to boost those Wii U numbers.
I guess this guy edited out the load screens but this shit is cracking me up![]()
edit: nope if that is the first load screen then wtf is the problem this shit was seamless until this load screen
This game used wii U power?
Or still wii U not shown it true power.
Wait, so you're saying power=/=fun? We don't take kindly to fancy notions like that round these parts.1fun
noun ˈfən
Definition of FUN
: what provides amusement or enjoyment; specifically : playful often boisterous action or speech <full of fun>
: a mood for finding or making amusement <all in fun>
a : amusement, enjoyment <sickness takes all the fun out of life>
b : derisive jest : sport, ridicule <a figure of fun>
: violent or excited activity or argument
See fun defined for English-language learners »
See fun defined for kids »
Examples of FUN
I can't remember when I've had so much fun.
Sickness takes all the fun out of life.
Origin of FUN
English dialect fun to hoax, perhaps alteration of Middle English fonnen, from fonne dupe
First Known Use: 1727
It's like Nintendo can never do anything perfectly. They get close but then they fuck it up. The gamepad is great but the battery lasts three hours, the 3DS's 3D is great but only if you don't move your head at all, the eShop is great but games cost any extra $10. Always so close to greatness, like Icarus flying too close to the sun,
Well, I hope it's just a one time thing.This is the only time that's happened.
Anyway, 6hrs later..34%
does anyone on the fence for this want to spoil the first 25 minutes?
I should not do it but the wait 29%
I don't understand your question.This game used wii U power?
Or still wii U not shown it true power.