Wait, so you're saying power=/=fun? We don't take kindly to fancy notions like that round these parts.
And that have to do with what GRW810 was saying how?
Wait, so you're saying power=/=fun? We don't take kindly to fancy notions like that round these parts.
Yeah I'm not quite sure how my post relates to power, I was talking about my inability to afford the game at the moment.And that have to do with what GRW810 was saying how?
does anyone on the fence for this want to spoil the first 25 minutes?
I should not do it but the wait 29%
I have a question for you guys that own other consoles. does downloading a game of similar size takes as long on PS360?
edit: because for me if all games (yes i know not all will be 22GB) are gonna take as long whats the use of having a Hard drive? i would rather have the physical copy especially if the game is the same price as retail copies. to me if the console manufacturers and gaming publishers are gonna push this than they need to discount dgital games. that would help ease people into downloading games if the can save some bucks.
no it looks like Need for Speed MW:U is gonna be the first true game to use "some" of Wii U's power. devs said they are using the "high end" pc version textures, better lighting, better draw distances, and the best night version they have EVER done. so in my opinion its the first 3rd party game or Wii U game all together to use a fraction of whats available to make a visual jump over its ps360 version of the game.
Why in the world is this more expensive on the eshop? Makes no sense.
How much in CANADA Eshop?
Is this mistake from nintendo and there is refund after fix ?
because the price in Amazon 49.99$
44% 11 hours to go what a joke
44% 11 hours to go what a joke
But... Nope.
best version :p
This is the only time that's happened.
Anyway, 6hrs later..34%
45% 10hrs, 20mins
In the Caribbean, downloading from Canada I guess? Anyone know if there are separate servers for the US and Canada?
best version
Doesn't work it's 2 different types of coins between "falling from the sky" and in Iwata's pocket.
Can someone make it with a more uniform use of coin?
This bothered me for quite some type!
For those still downloading the game, could you guys please take the time to do a speed test and post your download speeds?
I want to know if these slow downloads are Nintendo's fault or not.
10 Mbps (10Base-T) 04:53:20 this is the amount of time it should take to download 22GB
if this stayed steady I could be playing at 6am![]()
frank honey not been playable is a crime
ill pay for dlc just to play as him
i love combupers
does anyone on the fence for this want to spoil the first 25 minutes?
I should not do it but the wait 29%
I saw a trailer that showed off being able to play as Rex Fury as an unlockable skin/costume for the "Robber" persona.
Maybe we can play as Frank Honey under the "cop" persona?
Are you uninterested because it doesn't match some preconceived expectations you had, or because it isn't a good game, in your opinion?
Thanks for this! thumbs and subbed, looks good but i've decided to not get a console yet. Gonna take a new Mario or Zelda for me. :/
talking to nintendo support they said I agreed to the price so there is nothing he can do so I am filing a complaint to a higher up![]()
talking to nintendo support they said I agreed to the price so there is nothing he can do so I am filing a complaint to a higher up![]()
there is some truth to that, but you really have to get them to admit that the game should have never been priced at $60 when the retail price was $50 - and then for them to correct the eShop price. they have to be able to answer why the DD price is more expensive... of course, i guess, they can always say, "that's the price." ~_~
Yeh...they never once said it will be $49.99 on the eShop.
Wait a minute, are all retail copies being delayed or something? Amazon has a warning and now BB says 3/20. I was thinking about canceling my Amazon if I could pick it up today at BB, but I guess not..
Yeh...they never once said it will be $49.99 on the eShop.
This is what I wanted to ask, was there mentioned that it will be 49,99 ? Because is not the first game to be found cheaper in retail than in the e-shop. Sonic All Star Racing Transformed is an example of that.
This is what I wanted to ask, was there mentioned that it will be 49,99 ? Because is not the first game to be found cheaper in retail than in the e-shop. Sonic All Star Racing Transformed is an example of that.