Having owned both parts one and two, this game has become a chore to finish. I don't know if my taste has changed sine part two but this feels so hollow, and the finish a mission go back and drink/pass out cutsceens are just cliche. Ill finish this but it will literally be out of principal.
Also happened to me on PC. Seems like I got every single bug in the game, lol...oh max, why so brokenon the PS3
The only bug I really ran into was during the Panama stage - I seemingly got ahead of the action and all of the enemies hadn't triggered yet, so they were all in Jesus Christ poses with their arms extended. When the story caught up to where I was, they sprung to life... so weird.
Eh, its a basic story nothing special.Even with all the criticism of this story, which is subjectively valid. I reckon it's better than most stories that are told in video games.
One part of the game that I felt got Max's character completely wrong was (Chapter 4: Anyone Can Buy Me a Drink spoilers)him point blank shooting and killing Tony. Yes, he hit a woman, and was waving around a gun. Yes, he was a Jersey Shore piece of shit. But it was so...uh. Such typical fucking Rockstar writing of making Max do something just to put him in a situation that will drive a chapter of the story. Look at Max Payne 2, when Max shoots Winterson. Point blank shooting first against a character that you're not sure deserves to truly die was a character defining moment. It was a pivotal narrative point that arguably defined Max Payne 2, particularly Max's relationship with Mona. The kind of decision that you're not sure is right or wrong but once it's done there's no going back.
Max shooting Tony seemed reckless and stupid. And not interesting or redeemable stupid, with interesting growth or development for Max's character. Just plain old fashioned stupid.
But the game's whole plot is about Max being plain stupid. Also let's not forget he was drunk at the time he pulled the trigger. And also as someone who have been carrying a gun for the last few years, i can definetely tell that having such power and plus being drunk can make you do stupid things. But IRL such occasions would be surprising so if i was him i would have done the same thing (no matter if i was drunk or not), at the same moment. Tony (was that his name?) did bring those thugs armed for some reason. So while i agree that scene felt a bit forced or rushed (which i can't decide) his decision to pull the trigger first was a very right decision.
Yeah Rockstar, stop making good/detailed games
Could've shot him in the foot or leg. Would've taught him a lesson
I actually thought that part was pretty character defining myself personally.Maybe Max wouldn't of shot the dude or just wounded him if he was a normal stable human being. But this is a man who's had his wife killed in front of him. He sees a woman being hurt, it sets him off. He didn't mean to do it, it was just his reaction in the split second scenario.
He sees a woman in trouble he feels like he has to be the one to safe them. It's him trying make up for the past where he wasn't able to be the savior.
Haha that shot is amazing. Really shows how much work went into the environments. (and Max himself obviously)
really hating the difficulty spikes.Also it has the 2 of the same problem as Uncharted 3 animation some time gets in the way of gameplay. 2ndly bullet sponges enemy.the part where max blows off the building the fight on the roof top how tried 7 to 8 time but couldn't kill the last guy in armor
Also Max sometime acts completely out of character.
But there are two painkillers next to the stairs lol
This. Makes that section way more manageable.
The airport is my favorite level. The first couple kill rooms are insanely fun. Space bar will save your life. I beat it on hard btw.I have to say I loved this game until the end, I had no problems with it until Rockstar decided to up the difficulty up a ridiculous amount at the end. WTF I have died 6 times now at the airport and its only the first killing room. Shit is pissing me off.
I'm all for little details, not saying they're bad or anything. It's just that Rockstar relies on them way too much, their games have detailed graphics, but sub-par gameplay, good writing, but shitty story and narrative. It's like all the effort on making a cake goes on picking the perfect cherry to put on top while making the rest bad.
I actually thought that part was pretty character defining myself personally.Maybe Max wouldn't of shot the dude or just wounded him if he was a normal stable human being. But this is a man who's had his wife killed in front of him. He sees a woman being hurt, it sets him off. He didn't mean to do it, it was just his reaction in the split second scenario.
He sees a woman in trouble he feels like he has to be the one to safe them. It's him trying make up for the past where he wasn't able to be the savior.
I have to say I loved this game until the end, I had no problems with it until Rockstar decided to up the difficulty up a ridiculous amount at the end. WTF I have died 6 times now at the airport and its only the first killing room. Shit is pissing me off.
I'm all for little details, not saying they're bad or anything. It's just that Rockstar relies on them way too much, their games have detailed graphics, but sub-par gameplay, good writing, but shitty story and narrative. It's like all the effort on making a cake goes on picking the perfect cherry to put on top while making the rest bad.
The stylized flashing and blurring is really starting to piss me off.
I find it amusing that I can then go and murder that same woman(And the bartender) with no repercussions. I don't think Max will even comment on it.
Gameplay is great in this in my opinion.
Gameplay is great in this in my opinion.
I agree with pretty much everything. I think Gang Wars can be pretty fun but overall the multiplayer doesn't have a change from taking me away from Tribes...The base of the gameplay is good because it's pretty much good old MP 1-2 gunplay with Euphoria movement. The rest they added sucks horribly, cover system sucks and shouldn't be there.
Last Man Standing is bad because you're vulnerable after using it, worse thing is they made it one of the core features which makes Oldschool playthrough horrible.
Bullet Time is weird, shorter than always, and you don't fill up the meter while shootdodging, and shootdodge, even if it doesn't require any Bullet Time, it takes full meter, making Bullet Time absolutely pointless.
Also Euphoria isn't perfectly implemented, why after a shootdodge can't Max roll near a cover? It isn't something that would be impossible to do, but no, he has to stand up (veeeeery slooowly), and then get behind cover or do another shootdodge.
The cutscenes, ooooooohohohohoh do they suck, and I don't mean they're poorly written, or acted, or whatever, it's just they're so fucking long, and unskippable, and gameplay sequences between them are way too short, I can guarantee that cutting all of them would shorten a playthrough by 2-3 hours.
Multiplayer sucks, it's tacked on, and you can feel it, the reward gap between 20 and 40 lvl is excruciating. Only like 4 modes (variants don't count), bursts that are a fucking joke, one-shot rifles, RPGs. Really dissapointing.
I actually thought that part was pretty character defining myself personally.Maybe Max wouldn't of shot the dude or just wounded him if he was a normal stable human being. But this is a man who's had his wife killed in front of him. He sees a woman being hurt, it sets him off. He didn't mean to do it, it was just his reaction in the split second scenario.
He sees a woman in trouble he feels like he has to be the one to safe them. It's him trying make up for the past where he wasn't able to be the savior.
Also Euphoria isn't perfectly implemented, why after a shootdodge can't Max roll near a cover? It isn't something that would be impossible to do, but no, he has to stand up (veeeeery slooowly), and then get behind cover or do another shootdodge.
Also, is that Ron Perlman in your avatar?
I think that's the most frustrating part of the game, especially combined with Last Man Standing. I'll be behind cover, pop out to shoot at somebody and the AI with perfect AIM will hit me and take away 2/3 health and I'll go into Last Man Standing. I win, but now I'm laying on the ground behind cover and can't shoot anymore, so I have to stand up slowly. And as I'm standing up I get shot at least twice and am lucky if I can duck back behind cover before I go into Last Man Standing again.
The shootdodge + bullet time + last man standing + cover isn't cohesive enough to make gameplay fun. I think with a little work they could tie it all together and make it really fun but not this version.
Did you know you can press the cover button while on the ground and if you are close enough, Max will automatically go behind it and won't take damage?
The guy really does look like Ron Perlman though.It's from Cyberpunk concept art, you know, the new CD Projekt IP.
The guy really does look like Ron Perlman though.
Recently beat this on pc and loved every second of it, despite some flaws.
One question about late story stuff:
so why did Passos fly Away with Gianna before max could make it to the roof? He's vindicated from being involved with victor yet still leaves max to die, is this ever explained?
Did you know you can press the cover button while on the ground and if you are close enough, Max will automatically go behind it and won't take damage?