50 people on ps3 free aim deathmatch.. fuck you very much r*
Haven't played in a week or so as I've been busy yeah, WTF is this shit!?
50 people on ps3 free aim deathmatch.. fuck you very much r*
Is it just me or does bullet-time run out faster on hard?
It does; it also recharges slower when you're behind cover.
50 people on ps3 free aim deathmatch.. fuck you very much r*
I don't understand why they don't get rid of softlock and make all modes available straight up. The 5000 kill requirement for Hardcore modes are a joke.
You mean I have to kill 5K people to play without soft-lock?
If so, are you fucking kidding me, Rockstar?!
Beat Hardcore.
That's as far as I'm going until R* makes the cutscenes skippable in the PC version.
Oh? Care to point the way?There is a fix for that from the PC gaf crew.
There is a fix for that from the PC gaf crew.
I've been replaying this again and while I don't mind watching the cutscenes a second time it really becomes apparent that there are just TOO MANY scenes in this game.
I mean, they often use short cutscenes between each and every room preventing the player from every moving forward at their own pace.
It's basically "clear a room -> watch cutscene -> clear the next room"
They do a great job cutting between gameplay and cinema but there are definitely too many.
I've been replaying this again and while I don't mind watching the cutscenes a second time it really becomes apparent that there are just TOO MANY scenes in this game.
I didn't notice any long load times on the PC version... playing from a regular 7200rpm HDD too.
Well I wanted to hook up with GAF on this and sent my invite to the Crew, with msg to leader.
A week later no response. Pretty poor shouldn't lead a forum group unless actively managing it.
Well I wanted to hook up with GAF on this and sent my invite to the Crew, with msg to leader.
A week later no response. Pretty poor shouldn't lead a forum group unless actively managing it.
Posted by : Acquiescence
Could someone here who's playing the game right now on the PS3 help me out with getting the Dearest Of All My Friends trophy please? All you have to do is let me kill you in a deathmatch game. It's the last trophy I need to get the platinum, so just send me a friend request and I'll get back to you. PSN ID is Acquiescence.
I was about to get the game ;_;
That's why. People with the game should have priority, no?
Nope. There are some cutscenes you can't skip. The game will keep telling you it's still loading no matter how hard you mash on your keyboard.Is the PC version better in this regard? IE: SSD quick ass loading and being able to legitimately skip cutscenes?
Man, theairport shootout when the song Tears kicks in was such a perfect moment.
Man, theairport shootout when the song Tears kicks in was such a perfect moment.
Giant Bomb brings too much of their own expectations and baggage into their reviews rather than trying to appreciate a game for what its designed to do. So do a lot of players mind you, but I see it happen with them more often than most.Really though I started failing on purpose just because the music kicking in as you walk into the area was just so badass. Really disapointed Giantbomb shits on the game as much as they do without bringing up what the game does right. Or the awesome moments multiplayer has.
Really though I started failing on purpose just because the music kicking in as you walk into the area was just so badass. Really disapointed Giantbomb shits on the game as much as they do without bringing up what the game does right. Or the awesome moments multiplayer has.
Can't remember the last time GB didn't moan about a game they were playing.
I did 10/10/10 with no assists, but it was still a slight bit off. But I'd start there and work your way down. Default sensitivities was impossible for me.Just picked this up on 360, anyone got some good recommendations for where they set the aiming sensitivity? I am finding the default almost impossible to get comfy with by default(free aim)
So the next week is the last week of June. New maps will be added and the community to be more fractured?
What the fuck am I reading?
the character models and animation is really really bad.
Giant Bomb brings too much of their own expectations and baggage into their reviews rather than trying to appreciate a game for what its designed to do...
What the fuck am I reading?
Being that the presentation and aesthetics of the first two games was top notch I expected something close to that but Rockstar has really fallen behind the competition. The story is completely uninteresting, the character models and animation is really really bad. Every scene is like a bunch of marionettes coming to life. Houser is out of his league as well, the dialogue is so bad. Max sounds like he is written to sound like a crusty old dude but it all falls flat.
Gameplay is alright. Bullet-time really isn't as compelling as it used to be and I don't get a any type of satisfaction from pulling of a series of well timed moves. Impacts are realistic but not exciting and the last kill bullet cam is ridiculous.
You think the shimmery techno effect coupled with Houser great writing flashing up on the screens every two seconds is a great aesthetic? You think the last shot bullet cam is really great huh?
Yeah Rockstar has fallen behind man. Red Dead was amazing, this must be some B team or something. The cut-scenes are terrible.
Wow replying with questions. Great trick to look cool without actually saying anything.
Hard definitely makes you shoot-dodge a lot more often, that's for sure.