Been chipping away at this the past few nights, reached the conclusion tonight. As with most people, I was quite impressed with the gunplay. The weapons (shotguns aside, which were kind of useless in comparison to handguns / assault rifles) all packed punch, recoil felt right, and most notably, the impact was beautiful. Headshots especially, they never got old. Shot a guy in the foot earlier, he fell back against a wall, shot him in the left eyesocket and yes. Simultaneously gross and gratifying. The way Max handled his arsenal was great as well. Reloading, carrying a rifle with his left hand while firing a deagle with his right hand, etc. Very well done.
Wasn't too big a fan of a lot of other stuff though. The cutscenes were just rapidfire editing with rainbow blur plastered everywhere. It didn't bother me as much as the game went on, but it also never ceased to be excessive and plain silly. Dialogue didn't do a whole lot for me either. A couple juicy lines, but not enough, and there wasn't anything here that made me laugh. Worse though was the enemy encounters. MP3 easily has the least amount of variety in any shooter I've played in quite some time. There is no real variety in enemy types and the enemy encounters have the same exact structure far too often. Yes, blasting a guy in the dome is exciting and all, but these gunfights became a samey haze.
Then last stand. I'd rather just accept the 3 - 2 - 1 DEAD screen then watch Max contort over one way, unable to hit his shooter. Max can die surprisingly quickly, so while I'd usually pop pills if he was at 50% health, LS would still happen, and not being able to retaliate often would too. Lastly, the cover system was awkward. Moving around wasn't very fluid, and enemies only make half-assed attempts at prying you out, making it super strong for, like, everything. Every now and then there's a random meathead with a shotgun who will charge, and sometimes there's a guy who will run off to the side and kinda shoot you at an angle, but that's it. Hunker down at the first cover and grind it out. It's too powerful and they don't discourage it. I don't know, it's hardly the only cover-based shooter with this issue, but it doesn't feel like they even tried to balance that out.
Anyway, just my two centavos. Not bad, big fan of the gunplay and the Euphoria system was put to excellent use. I just wish they did as much for some of these other critical areas as they did the gunplay itself. Shooting is fantastic, but shootouts require more than just that to really excel.
e: Oh, I can't believe I forgot to mention it, but HEALTH knocked this shit out of the park. Definitely a highlight.