You think the shimmery techno effect coupled with Houser great writing flashing up on the screens every two seconds is a great aesthetic? You think the last shot bullet cam is really great huh?
Yeah Rockstar has fallen behind man. Red Dead was amazing, this must be some B team or something. The cut-scenes are terrible.
Also the whole hey didn't I load a full clip into that guy thats getting back up with his gun at my back is bs too.
You're only 3 chapters in, and you're complaining like you've beaten the game twice already. At least finish half the fucking game then get back to us.
Well I only posted so early because sometimes games will take a long time to set-up before they get into overdrive and if that was the case I was expecting lots of:
The gameplay is great, at least I think so, and isn't that most of what matters? And, me personally, I enjoyed the story. The cutscenes are long, yes. Unskippable for a while, yes. Does shit flash at you, yes. The gameplay is good, yes. So I have no real issue. And the game promotes replayability so that's a plus for me.
This game has some of the most frustrating online around. Pretty much every high level player runs around with body armour and dual wield pistols that can hit you from a ridiculous distance. This of course requires such little skill that is laughable it even made it past play testing. Add to that the one shot sniper and the RPG bullshit and it fast becomes a tedious game to play.
Feel sorry for the people who have bought the season pass because this game online is going to be dead very very quickly. Such an unrewarding experience that had the potential to be a very good online game.
Hahaha, ah thats great. You know what I really suck at in games, hitting the red gas can or electrical box that kills everyone. I will always finish a really difficult section and then see a whole bunch of insta kills stuff after.
This game has some of the most frustrating online around. Pretty much every high level player runs around with body armour and dual wield pistols that can hit you from a ridiculous distance. This of course requires such little skill that is laughable it even made it past play testing. Add to that the one shot sniper and the RPG bullshit and it fast becomes a tedious game to play.
Feel sorry for the people who have bought the season pass because this game online is going to be dead very very quickly. Such an unrewarding experience that had the potential to be a very good online game.
Yeah, the online had so much potential, but I'm not really feeling it. It's a shame.
Also, this was one of those "don't know what you've got 'till it's gone" things with Red Dead and GTA IV's online free roam. I didn't play a ton of it, but now I really miss it (I know, different type of game, but still). It's probable return with GTA V will definitely be welcome.
I've been replaying this again and while I don't mind watching the cutscenes a second time it really becomes apparent that there are just TOO MANY scenes in this game.
I mean, they often use short cutscenes between each and every room preventing the player from every moving forward at their own pace.
It's basically "clear a room -> watch cutscene -> clear the next room"
They do a great job cutting between gameplay and cinema but there are definitely too many.
It's a cool idea and they transition between cutscene and gameplay really well, which is great...except they changed the function of their cutscenes from a story technique to a technical requirement. Any time they had to load something, there's a cutscene that takes control away from you. Every Single. Time. And for whatever reason because of how they built this game, there's sort of a lot of loading. So it gets to the point where it isn't even about too much story or too much dialogue or whatever, it's about having to hide all these loading screens. You'll shoot a few guys, and then get a cutsccene of someone climbing a ladder, or Passos opening a door. Small insignificant things that happen naturally and without loading in most games.
Yeah, the online had so much potential, but I'm not really feeling it. It's a shame.
Also, this was one of those "don't know what you've got 'till it's gone" things with Red Dead and GTA IV's online free roam. I didn't play a ton of it, but now I really miss it (I know, different type of game, but still). It's probable return with GTA V will definitely be welcome.
Yes. Glad I reserved judgment before buying into the hype and getting the Season Pass. Online is NOT clicking for me. I guess I'm slowly figuring out that I don't really like Rockstar multiplayer. Free Roam is alright, but I just find the aiming to be clunky.
It's a cool idea and they transition between cutscene and gameplay really well, which is great...except they changed the function of their cutscenes from a story technique to a technical requirement. Any time they had to load something, there's a cutscene that takes control away from you. Every Single. Time. And for whatever reason because of how they built this game, there's sort of a lot of loading. So it gets to the point where it isn't even about too much story or too much dialogue or whatever, it's about having to hide all these loading screens. You'll shoot a few guys, and then get a cutsccene of someone climbing a ladder, or Passos opening a door. Small insignificant things that happen naturally and without loading in most games.
You guys were right it gets a lot better than the first chapters suggest which are so drab and dull. Also the overall game is really quite beautiful. Several chapters were really impressive(Jersey 0_o) and I was on crack about the aesthetics of the game. Later on it almost looks like they somehow merged Rockstars's clean cell shaded promotion art for their games with a extremely powerful engine. It looks great.
Story is really underwhelming. There are a couple parts that made me think it was going to go somewhere interesting but it never did. When the one para-military guy says
We came for you! When Max asked him why they were after the Blanco's, I thought coupled with all the sporadic flashbacks that something of much more substance was coming in the story. They play with the idea that Max washes his reality with alcohol and isn't seeing things clearly. As we played part of the past scenes in Jersey I thought it was going to culminate in him ultimately being the bad guy(Memento) and having to create situations where he is the hero. Alas the story is completely boring normal affair. He even says at the end "He was right I wouldn't know the difference between a guy helping the poor or a guy banging my sister" Yeah except you obviously do because your killing bad guys.
Anyway story wasn't anything special.
Gameplay is a mixed bag between really satisfying and so infuriating I actually had to calm down after this one session I wanted to break the controller. I think in many ways its a stepback from Max Payne 2:
-Cover: This really could have been done great. You could be jumping slow-mo from one place of cover to another, dive rolling and jumping around to get tactical advantage on the enemy. Unfortunately its the most clunky ass backward cover in a game ever. You can't go from one cover spot to another in any easy manner. You actually have to detach and reattach over and over. Plus you move slow as a damn tank anyway so your bound to take bullets no matter what if you attempt a more tactical location than where the game starts you. Just dreadful.
- Last Stand Bullet Shot = WTF!!!! This stupid crap got me killed so many times. In theory its supposed to let me save my ass if I have painkillers from a potentially fatal shot. This works fine in the early areas of the game but in some of the more populated locations where your fighting lots of people this breaks down over and over because a) Some guy will be behind a damn pillar or something and you can't get to him b) your facing in the opposite direction and can't spin your slow ass around in time to shoot him c) there are tons of guys and you can't tell which dude is the one that shot! Another thing I hate is being in cover and going into final stand mode and having to stand my ass back up to get riddled with bullets before it lets me get back into cover.
- Slow Mo Bullet Time Jump: There is no reason to use this mechanic whatsoever unless your jumping off a structure since it will make your BT last longer. That said all it does is expose you to shots and get your ass riddled with bullets. No matter which direction you jump Max won't be behind cover and won't easily get into cover so you better hope you have enough bullets to drop the guns running up on you.
The aforementioned problems make most combat situations boil down to the same thing:
Get in cover(One spot). Shoot guy in head(build up BT). Go into BT shoot multiple guys in head. Wait till one or two guys left then attempt cool cinematic takedown to make all the other boring bullshit you just went through feel worth it.
Despite how negative I am on the gameplay there a couple times when it all came together and just felt great. Unfortunately they were few and far between for me.
The whole game doesn't feel anything like a Max Payne game at all either. I wish they would have just called it something else especially since they didn't use any of the history of the character to establish a good story arc. The dialogue gets really quite great later on in the game with Max but it never sounds like Max Payne.
Overall I give it a 7/10. Great for a rental. I honestly can't wrap my head around the fact that his game was in development for 8 years(allegedly). How in the world is this the final product after 8 years of work?
I just finished the single player (haven't touched the multiplayer yet) and have to say I really enjoyed it.
To be honest, my only real gripe with it was those bloody golden gun collectibles. Perhaps I missed something early on, but I have no idea why they're there or what they're for. Is there a point?
There's also shit-loads of them. Especially in the latter half of the game, there's one in nearly every room!
well, I didn't finish it, my friend finished it. I watched him playing it as I did with Max Payne 1,2. So being a viewer I enjoyed this game a lot. It's the first game which I watched as a movie because it was seamless experience - smooth animation transitions, fantastic graphics (PC maxed out), alright plot, acting and writing. I enjoyed watching the game as I enjoyed watching Die Hard 1-3. My friend enjoyed it too. He completed MP 1-2 when they came out and played it like a mix of classic Max Payne and a modern cover shooter.
The game lacked playable setpieces like Uncharted 2, it's the only drawback I can think of.
Why would you shoot dodge and put yourself in a situation where you will likely get riddled with bullets or at best kill several dudes land on the ground and get riddled with bullets. Going into slow mo from cover is mucho mas segura
Why would you shoot dodge and put yourself in a situation where you will likely get riddled with bullets or at best kill several dudes land on the ground and get riddled with bullets. Going into slow mo from cover is mucho mas segura
Pretty much. You have to think where you want to land, and if it's ultimately worth it to shoot dodge. Once you get used to that fact, shoot dodging becomes indispensable.
I'm a totally with you on that but(and I don't know if it's different on easier difficulty levels) the AI is good enough to rush you and no matter what your going to suffer. Though it looks bad ass shoot-dodge stops being the most efficient way to kill and survive especially in the later levels and that's lame. It should increase your BT gauge or something. I kept doing shoot dodge even though it led to my demise because I just felt dumb not utilizing this system that is the whole point of the game
I wish I had played it on PC. I never played the others on consoles and though they did a good job adapting it you can't repace the overall control you have with M/K
Found shootdodge more useful in MP3 than it was in 1 and 2 simply with all the extra stuff, especially since it no longer has the lame ass moment of vulnerability you had in the original games as you stand back up. In 3 you land and can continue shooting without having to get up, and if you dodge right you can often aim it so that you can quickly get up into cover. Playing on console and not having that extra aiming edge might be hurting you
Giant Bomb brings too much of their own expectations and baggage into their reviews rather than trying to appreciate a game for what its designed to do. So do a lot of players mind you, but I see it happen with them more often than most.
I mean hell, they played Shift 2 in cockpit view for like 5 seconds.
Just started playing and I guess their problem was the difficulty? I got to the part where some of them quit and this game is not very hard (on "hard"), though you die fast (I end up getting myself killed because I go for style).
When people say free aim what do they mean? Blindfire? Not aiming down sights?
Finished it tonight. Pretty fun, not as good as Max Payne 2 though. The feel, the story and the combat. I felt you could die WAY too fast and head shots were essential because the rest of the body was a bullet sponge. Also having no indicator of when you are almost dead pissed me off. I don't need jam over my screen but give me a heart beat, a red tinge, something! Max was still an awesome character though and I'm happy we got to see him again.
Finished it tonight. Pretty fun, not as good as Max Payne 2 though. The feel, the story and the combat. I felt you could die WAY too fast and head shots were essential because the rest of the body was a bullet sponge. Also having no indicator of when you are almost dead pissed me off. I don't need jam over my screen but give me a heart beat, a red tinge, something! Max was still an awesome character though and I'm happy we got to see him again.
Finished it tonight. Pretty fun, not as good as Max Payne 2 though. The feel, the story and the combat. I felt you could die WAY too fast and head shots were essential because the rest of the body was a bullet sponge. Also having no indicator of when you are almost dead pissed me off. I don't need jam over my screen but give me a heart beat, a red tinge, something! Max was still an awesome character though and I'm happy we got to see him again.
Just shoot guys in their unarmored areas. Head, thighs, crotch, arms, feet. And make sure you see the "X" or screen flash to confirm the kill. I continue to be confused on how people let anyone get back up.
Just shoot guys in their unarmored areas. Head, thighs, crotch, arms, feet. And make sure you see the "X" or screen flash to confirm the kill. I continue to be confused on how people let anyone get back up.
Well you don't really have time to load them up with bullets in the later areas because your typically surrounded by a lot of guys. If you aren't getting headshots with the majority of your time spent in BT your going to get messed up.
Fuck this game. Seriously.
I never get mad at games, ever! But I am fucking enraged at the shitty checkpoints in this game. I'm at the very end of chapter 12 and this
armoured asshole with the machine gun
is driving me insane, I've literally replayed the same section nonstop for the past hour.
Singleplayer wise I'm actually really enjoying the story and the gameplay but man, sometimes this game really pisses me off. Looks great though.
Perhaps I shouldn't have done my first playthrough on hard...
Fuck this game. Seriously.
I never get mad at games, ever! But I am fucking enraged at the shitty checkpoints in this game. I'm at the very end of chapter 12 and this
armoured asshole with the machine gun
is driving me insane, I've literally replayed the same section nonstop for the past hour.
Singleplayer wise I'm actually really enjoying the story and the gameplay but man, sometimes this game really pisses me off. Looks great though.
Perhaps I shouldn't have done my first playthrough on hard...
Fuck this game. Seriously.
I never get mad at games, ever! But I am fucking enraged at the shitty checkpoints in this game. I'm at the very end of chapter 12 and this
armoured asshole with the machine gun
is driving me insane, I've literally replayed the same section nonstop for the past hour.
Singleplayer wise I'm actually really enjoying the story and the gameplay but man, sometimes this game really pisses me off. Looks great though.
Perhaps I shouldn't have done my first playthrough on hard...
Man I hate reading these kinds of posts for two reasons. First, because it gets grating reading people's negative comments. But second, it's also because I used to bitch way worse than you about the game's difficulty even when I played on medium.
The game just has a really big difficulty curve. You're going to get owned even on medium (and you're playing on hard) as a newcomer. But the more you learn the game's little details, the better you get. After a couple of playthroughs you become an expert because you know about the following:
1) You can shootdodge for a slow-mo sequence even when you have no bullet time
2) Taking fire while in cover lets you accumulate bullet time
3) Strafing while in bullet time lets you dodge bullets while casually walking left/right and lining up headshots
4) You should pop painkillers manually to avoid last stand mode
5) Shootdodging off an incline gives you very long slow-mo sequences where you can pop off 6+ headshots
and so on.
Remember there's a mode in this game that makes you play each chapter without checkpoints. Worse still, there's a mode that makes you play the ENTIRE GAME without checkpoints. Once you learn the game though, it all becomes incredibly manageable.