Fuck this game. Seriously.
I never get mad at games, ever! But I am fucking enraged at the shitty checkpoints in this game. I'm at the very end of chapter 12 and this
armoured asshole with the machine gun
is driving me insane, I've literally replayed the same section nonstop for the past hour.
Singleplayer wise I'm actually really enjoying the story and the gameplay but man, sometimes this game really pisses me off. Looks great though.
Perhaps I shouldn't have done my first playthrough on hard...
Well you don't really have time to load them up with bullets in the later areas because your typically surrounded by a lot of guys. If you aren't getting headshots with the majority of your time spent in BT your going to get messed up.
Fuck this game. Seriously.
I never get mad at games, ever! But I am fucking enraged at the shitty checkpoints in this game. I'm at the very end of chapter 12 and this
armoured asshole with the machine gun
is driving me insane, I've literally replayed the same section nonstop for the past hour.
Singleplayer wise I'm actually really enjoying the story and the gameplay but man, sometimes this game really pisses me off. Looks great though.
Perhaps I shouldn't have done my first playthrough on hard...
Pick up the bull pistol from the first guy on the stairs..then there are two pills in a room just to the right after the stairs. Kill the dude with the machinegun with the bull in one shootdodge. Easy!
Man I hate reading these kinds of posts for two reasons. First, because it gets grating reading people's negative comments. But second, it's also because I used to bitch way worse than you about the game's difficulty even when I played on medium.
The game just has a really big difficulty curve. You're going to get owned even on medium (and you're playing on hard) as a newcomer. But the more you learn the game's little details, the better you get. After a couple of playthroughs you become an expert because you know about the following:
1) You can shootdodge for a slow-mo sequence even when you have no bullet time
2) Taking fire while in cover lets you accumulate bullet time
3) Strafing while in bullet time lets you dodge bullets while casually walking left/right and lining up headshots
4) You should pop painkillers manually to avoid last stand mode
5) Shootdodging off an incline gives you very long slow-mo sequences where you can pop off 6+ headshots
and so on.
Remember there's a mode in this game that makes you play each chapter without checkpoints. Worse still, there's a mode that makes you play the ENTIRE GAME without checkpoints. Once you learn the game though, it all becomes incredibly manageable.
Yeah I knew about the things you listed but in the end I couldn't beat him. After trying for another hour after my initial post I finally just switched the difficulty to medium...and killed him first try :/
I then proceeded to beat the game, and I really enjoyed how it was wrapped up and I'm glad I kept going but man, not getting the trophy for beating the game on hard irks me.
Cleared the game, hard difficulty. Really overstays its welcome and I was itching it to be over by the end, but other than that it's alright. Didn't really find a good use for dodge, though I would still try to use it for fun. Shooting through cover is the strongest tactic in the game.
The environments are really something else.
Oh and the whole "epic music moment" fell flat for me. I don't see what was so cool about it.
The thugs are so random on harder difficulties. One time I emptied an entire assault rifle clip into his head and it did nothing. The next try, one bullet to the head killed him. WTF
The thugs are so random on harder difficulties. One time I emptied an entire assault rifle clip into his head and it did nothing. The next try, one bullet to the head killed him. WTF
It's visual and physics based. Is he wearing a helmet? Don't shoot him in the head. Is he wearing a vest? Aim for the arms or legs. That's what I like about the game, is that it's very upfront with its damage model.
The thugs are so random on harder difficulties. One time I emptied an entire assault rifle clip into his head and it did nothing. The next try, one bullet to the head killed him. WTF
It's visual and physics based. Is he wearing a helmet? Don't shoot him in the head. Is he wearing a vest? Aim for the arms or legs. That's what I like about the game, is that it's very upfront with its damage model.
Sooooooo what the hell were people talking about saying you couldn't go from prone to cover? I'm playing on hard shootdodging everywhere and doing exactly that when I land near something.
And these shootouts are still as amazing as the first 2 times. The cutscenes are a real pain though, both the frequency and the "unskippability."
And really, I'd say people have gotten accustomed to having their hand held and beating levels in one go this gen. The general difficulty tends to be the subject of most criticism (well, maybe apart from the presentation style and unskippable cutscenes), which kinda annoys me. Along comes a game that's actually challenging, requiring you to mix up running and gunning and using chest-high walls, with no regenerating health, and a lot of gamers just shit on it for not being easier.
Fuck this game. Seriously.
I never get mad at games, ever! But I am fucking enraged at the shitty checkpoints in this game. I'm at the very end of chapter 12 and this
armoured asshole with the machine gun
is driving me insane, I've literally replayed the same section nonstop for the past hour.
Singleplayer wise I'm actually really enjoying the story and the gameplay but man, sometimes this game really pisses me off. Looks great though.
Perhaps I shouldn't have done my first playthrough on hard...
There is a room to the right of the stairs you go up before facing him. There are two pill bottles in there. Should help you out. Take cover, wait till he starts reloading and unleash some slowmo headshots. Doesn't hurt having a pretty powerful machine gun as well.
-Security fixes
-Various bug/stability fixes
-MSAA white outline fix
-Various multi-head improvements
-Text chat added to lobbies by default
-Mouse acceleration setting added to controls menu
-Aspect ratio setting added to the graphics menu
Aight cool Ill check it out tonight if there is anyone still playing free aim on Ps3. Last time I checked there were less than 100 users combined in all Free aim playlists ( LOL...read fml )
There is a room to the right of the stairs you go up before facing him. There are two pill bottles in there. Should help you out. Take cover, wait till he starts reloading and unleash some slowmo headshots. Doesn't hurt having a pretty powerful machine gun as well.
Fuck this game. Seriously.
I never get mad at games, ever! But I am fucking enraged at the shitty checkpoints in this game. I'm at the very end of chapter 12 and this
armoured asshole with the machine gun
is driving me insane, I've literally replayed the same section nonstop for the past hour.
Singleplayer wise I'm actually really enjoying the story and the gameplay but man, sometimes this game really pisses me off. Looks great though.
Perhaps I shouldn't have done my first playthrough on hard...
Yup, it's a real difficulty spike. That dude needs to be shot in the head and nothing but the head. Bullet time and head shots. If he doesn't go down the take cover. You have no wiggle room on this. You will not tough this guy out by taking a few rounds just to get another headshot or two in. Shoot him when he's not shooting in your direction and once he is on to you then get back down. He's doable. When you beat him you might realize that you did so without getting hit once. It needs that kind of precision.
Yup, it's a real difficulty spike. That dude needs to be shot in the head and nothing but the head. Bullet time and head shots. If he doesn't go down the take cover. You have no wiggle room on this. You will not tough this guy out by taking a few rounds just to get another headshot or two in. Shoot him when he's not shooting in your direction and once he is on to you then get back down. He's doable. When you beat him you might realize that you did so without getting hit once. It needs that kind of precision.
Sooooooo what the hell were people talking about saying you couldn't go from prone to cover? I'm playing on hard shootdodging everywhere and doing exactly that when I land near something.
And these shootouts are still as amazing as the first 2 times. The cutscenes are a real pain though, both the frequency and the "unskippability."
Show me a clip right now that shows you landing prone and going right into cover and not standing up like a dumb ass before ducking your tank body down again.
Man I hate reading these kinds of posts for two reasons. First, because it gets grating reading people's negative comments. But second, it's also because I used to bitch way worse than you about the game's difficulty even when I played on medium.
The game just has a really big difficulty curve. You're going to get owned even on medium (and you're playing on hard) as a newcomer. But the more you learn the game's little details, the better you get. After a couple of playthroughs you become an expert because you know about the following:
1) You can shootdodge for a slow-mo sequence even when you have no bullet time
2) Taking fire while in cover lets you accumulate bullet time
3) Strafing while in bullet time lets you dodge bullets while casually walking left/right and lining up headshots
4) You should pop painkillers manually to avoid last stand mode
5) Shootdodging off an incline gives you very long slow-mo sequences where you can pop off 6+ headshots
and so on.
Remember there's a mode in this game that makes you play each chapter without checkpoints. Worse still, there's a mode that makes you play the ENTIRE GAME without checkpoints. Once you learn the game though, it all becomes incredibly manageable.
I know about all these but it still doesn't change the fact that Max moves like a damn tank from Tron at times. Also point 4 is really fricken important for harder difficulties because nothing is going to get you killed faster than reeling on last stand.
If you shootdoge and fall near a wall or cover, if you press the cover button he goes immediatly into cover. He gets up a tiny bit but doesn't actually stand up. You won't get shot while doing this, if you do, it's quite rare.
Overall the writing wasn't nearly as good as Max Payne 1 & 2, though I have to say the dialogue did have some memorable moments. Man I really disliked the story though. Such a waste.
If you shootdoge and fall near a wall or cover, if you press the cover button he goes immediatly into cover. He gets up a tiny bit but doesn't actually stand up. You won't get shot while doing this, if you do, it's quite rare.
I would mash that button down because I figured no way the devs would overlook this but it never worked he always stood back up and got a couple bullets before getting into cover.
Ill try it again right now.
Show me a clip right now that shows you landing prone and going right into cover and not standing up like a dumb ass before ducking your tank body down again.
I'm telling you I was doing it yesterday. It's not a super smooth Ghost Recon transition, but Max can go right into cover from prone only standing up a teensy bit. And I'm doing it on Hard shootdodging like a maniac. It worked on pillars, desks, boxes, and even the cars in Jersey. You'll know when it works because Max zips into cover faster than normal.
If you shootdoge and fall near a wall or cover, if you press the cover button he goes immediatly into cover. He gets up a tiny bit but doesn't actually stand up. You won't get shot while doing this, if you do, it's quite rare.
I'm telling you I was doing it yesterday. It's not a super smooth Ghost Recon transition, but Max can go right into cover from prone only standing up a teensy bit. And I'm doing it on Hard shootdodging like a maniac. It worked on pillars, desks, boxes, and even the cars in Jersey. You'll know when it works because Max zips into cover faster than normal.
What's the best way to get kills with a shotgun? (since there's gonna be an achievement for getting 400 kills with the M4 Super).
I've got myself the following loadout:
Gun: M4 Super
Medium Body Armour (instead of heavy armour, to keep myself just under a heavy weight)
Sneaky Thief Burst (to get up close to people)
Gear Items: Quiet Sneakers, Fast Reload, ID Cards
I just point at whatever's closest and "tap tap tap" while moving the left stick. I really didn't even attempt going to cover from prone until yesterday and was expecting much worse the way people were complaining about it. You can still be hit obviously if enemies are at an angle, but it works well enough with guys in front of you.