If I stopped posting, you guys wouldn't have much to talk about
But alas, I'm trying to get all these numbers fixed up so this is my last post. Um lets think:
- The 300k standard, yea no such thing as it in the videogame world but on these message board forums there's gotta be some sort of standard in units. If precious Gears of War or FFXII made $100 million dollars but only sold 50,000 copies you ****in hypocrites would be all over it calling it a flop. Zelda TP probably has already made a profit, but ALOT of people (I'm not an exception) is saying it's doing bad because of it's sales, though they are increasing. OKAMI probably made a profit but once again you guys say it's a BOMB because it's only at 100k. Magical starsign, Mushikings,
PSP GAMES, it doesn't matter what title it is, if it doesn't sell to a certain standard in people's head, it's considerd a bomb or disappointing
WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING WHETHER IT MADE A PROFIT OR NOT. There is, was, and ALWAYS WILL BE a standard, the only thing is I have the balls
or lunacy to state mine out loud, much to the angst of a lot of posters.
Note: Or at least some of you, I hold a lot of the GAFers here with higher respect then that (especially mithos, ethel, donny, cvx, bunkem, ani... etc.)
- Clubhouse games I'm on the fence. I mean they are GAMES, and we've been had titles like chess and stuff on traditional consoles. But I don't know, it doesn't seem right. A touch screen game about playing regular card games online. Seems like a game that was created with non-gamers in mind; to cater more to non-gamers than traditional gaming...which is why I'm on the fence about it.
"I don't agree with you and hate what you say. Either you're not explaining it well enough or I just don't want to take the time to understand it so either:
a) Commit suicide
b) Die
c) Stop posting
d) I'll say you're speaking bs all day
e) Ask you if you have a clue about the subject
f) Ask someone why you haven't been banned yet"
-.- eesh, another week, another Media Create topic. Well, at least I got it to 500 posts ^_^