Innotech said:I sorta feel bad for Square....then again...not really.
I dont see Ps3 outright failing/pulling the plug. sony has WAY too much money to let that happen. Thats the main problem this gen. two companies subsidized tech that the market isnt ready for, and the losses would normally put an end two these two premature consoles, but their parent companies have enough money to give the appearance that the consoles are succeeding.
Sony doesn't have loads of money, Stringer was brought in because Sony had tonnes of debt and he managed to turn Sony around, but that's all been sunk by Kuturagi and SCEI. They are still tight for cash and they can't endure a $2 Billion loss from SCEI every year.
ghostlyjoe said:What evidence? The Wii is getting new and unexpected announcement, true. But that hasn't come at the cost of existing PS3 projects, or so it seems.
It's true that they don't seem to be affecting the projects on the PS3, but if the PS3 keeps selling like it is now, you can be sure that it will. You can't deny though, that there has been virtually no announcements of new PS3 games, its been all 360 and Wii announcements since the beginning of the year.