You can't, AFAIK. You can open up the world map with the N key which sometimes help.Am I missing a way to scroll the map?
You can't, AFAIK. You can open up the world map with the N key which sometimes help.Am I missing a way to scroll the map?
I just wish the world didn't have to be gradually unlocked, at least to some extent. M&M2 just threw you into the world, gave you some quest and told you do explore the world.
You can't, AFAIK. You can open up the world map with the N key which sometimes help.
Are the requirements for this game really high? I have a 4 year old gen 1 core i7 with 4 gigs of ram and a video card from that time as well. Can I run the game?
Anybody know what the "Enable Viewport" setting does?
Burning Determination is awesome for spectre fights, if you can just get it up early enough. And cheap, get it ASAP.I also almost could manage the place with the Spectres, but that paralyze is way too nasty for me handle just yet. Might have to go and nab Burning Determination or whatever the spell is that makes you immune to paralyze for a few turns.
Your CPU is easily fast enough. Your GPU is also most likely fast enough to play it, just not at highest detail. RAM could be a bit scarce.Are the requirements for this game really high? I have a 4 year old gen 1 core i7 with 4 gigs of ram and a video card from that time as well. Can I run the game?
Gah I hate switch puzzles. Can anyone help with the Air Shard one?
edit: Nvm. Youtube to the rescue
Stand in the middle of the four pressure plates. Step on the forward plate three times, then the right plate two times, then the left plate one time, then the back plate four times. This puts all the floating thingys in the proper places, just walk up them.
I tried the same exact answer.The only puzzle I had to look up so far is one of the chest puzzles. Something like "What is not enough for 1, just right for 2 and too much for 3?". I said(what can I say, I'm a romantic) but it isn't the answer the game wants to hearlove![]()
I had to look up the riddle where the answer was 'palimpsest'.
I then had to google what the fuck a palimpsest was.
Fun and educational!I had to look up the riddle where the answer was 'palimpsest'.
I then had to google what the fuck a palimpsest was.
Ran into a weird bug where the entrance to Castle Portmeyron disappeared. Tried reloading and stuff, but gone. Luckily I remembered the back entrance through a different dungeon and got lev #2 on level 3 to take me to the forge where I left a beacon. That was close! Level 29 and haven't gained a level in a long time, but haven't died in forever either. I actually haven't come across anything I couldn't beat since getting the water protective spell. I don't even use celestial armor anymore, don't need to.
Is there really no town portal spell? And Crushing Weight is a letdown. Otherwise, man. Love this game.
I had the same bug happen to me, once I beat the next story dungeon the entrance reappeared, but yea I had to go through the same back door to get in there.
As for town portal, there is the Spirit Beacon spell (why didn't they call it Lloyd's Beacon, argh!) which you can set in a town. I have my beacon in Karthal right next to the stables and dockmaster so I can easily get to whatever town I need.
You also get the answer via a gossip option in Karthal (slums iirc) and it even has part of the riddle word for word.I am pretty sure that riddle was in there for the patient people who make notes of chests they can't figure out and come back to later.
The game does actually give you the answerat one point, just not necessarily by the time you hit that chest.via book
Sorry if I missed this, searched the OT, but does this take place on a previously established world like Enroth or Erathia?
Yeah, the game bombards you with tons of background information about the world in the intro movie. What you actually need to know is "hey here's this peninsula at the verge of secession from a larger empire due to a recent crisis of faith".
Yeah, the astronomer you take as an NPC for the quest also talks about seeing worlds which are flat, and how no one believed him![]()
Jassad (bestiary guy) also talks about being from another world![]()
World of Xeen is fantastic, but its interface was hard to deal with even 10 years ago. I can't even imagine how it would be coming from something with a UI as good and (positively) streamlined as M&MX's.
So it's in the same greater M&M universe but there are no spaceships or blaster rifles in this.
So World of Xeen is supposed to be better than this? Because this game is amazing. I remember liking Mandate of Heaven quite a bit when I was a young'n. One of the first games I bought with my own money![]()
The sound is absolutely terrible. It's from the pre-sample days where everything was synthesized through AdLib.
That's only if you were living in Europe. The game was made in USA with US PC gamers in mind. It supports both MT-32 and SC-55 sound cards, I have the rips in Hoot. Sounds way better this way.
Do you have a working profile for the MT-32 emulation in DosBox? When I use MT-32 here it plays a sample of a bell ringing every time I hit a monster with a melee weapon. Which is even more annoying than the AdLib walking sound.
Heroes III Armageddon's blade was originally supposed to feature a futuristic Forge faction, to tie it with M&M VII ending's, but the idea was scrapped due to fan reaction. They never completely dropped the scifi stuff and in fact the original heroes III was released on the same year as Might & Magic VII, which still had prominent science fiction elements.I guess Heroes I-IV came after they droppeed the sci fi stuff, because it's set in Enroth/Erathia but never mentiones anything like it. Or it was to subtle for me to pick up on, not having played any of the classic M&M games.
MT-32 is generally hard(-ish) to setup in Dosbox, much easier to use BASSMIDI driver with some good soundfont and mpu401=intelligent, device=win32 settings.
I have no idea what that means. Can you point me to a tutorial, preferably one that deals with doing this for World of Xeen in particular?
I guess Heroes I-IV came after they droppeed the sci fi stuff, because it's set in Enroth/Erathia but never mentiones anything like it. Or it was to subtle for me to pick up on, not having played any of the classic M&M games.
The foundation of the charm is slowly pushing outwards, a brew of experience and experience points enabling you to gradually reach new areas, expanding the amount of world available to you and infusing you with the satisfaction that only comes from truly feeling like you’re a better adventurer rather than simply a graphical frontend stuck onto some incrementally increased statistics. Statistics play a big part, but they are very carefully chosen and nurtured as you devise specific roles and specific goals for each of your heroes. A new weapon or skill is a very big deal that can dramatically change your capability and your strategy, not simply a temporary fix before the craving for the next new toy sets in.
Melee characters are surprisingly immortal in late-game. I really should've put more points into Vitality for my casters.