Well if you don't have burning determination there's always the water spell that cures it or Dispel Magic in primordial.
Couple of questions:
I'm probably being dumb, but is there any way to look at the character skill sheets when not in the process of adding points to them? It's getting to the point where I'm leveling up different characters at different times and making a decision about unlocking a skill (especially magical schools) is one that would be a lot easier if I could look at what schools the other characters have unlocked. I know I should remember this, but there are too many.
Second question is should I be being selective/careful about stat upgrades? I'm just adding them to those stats that affect what I'm currently doing (e.g. predominantly adding to might, perception and vitality for the orc barbarian). Should I be thinking ahead at this point in time - not very far in, just piddling about outside of the first town trying to level up enough to take out the wanker on top of the lighthouse.
Ugh. I'm at the earth elemental in elemental forge and while I can kill him very easily, someone ALWAYS gets paralyzed
I guess I never bought burning determination either. I have one singular ring of prevent paralyzation. I need his attack to hit THAT person lol. I've retried the fight 3 times so far. I may have to just trek ALL the way back to town and buy that stupid spell. I can't bring myself to let one of my party miss the 300+ xp.
I can't bring myself to let one of my party miss the 300+ xp.
Either open the spell/skillbook and use the tab to navigate or press G directly.Couple of questions:
I'm probably being dumb, but is there any way to look at the character skill sheets when not in the process of adding points to them? It's getting to the point where I'm leveling up different characters at different times and making a decision about unlocking a skill (especially magical schools) is one that would be a lot easier if I could look at what schools the other characters have unlocked. I know I should remember this, but there are too many.
One error quite a few people seem to make (including me at first) is focusing too much on might and vitality on tanks, at the expense of perception. You are then in danger of hitting a point where you miss and/or are blocked all the time. Perception is also nice to have for some secondary crossbow/bow action so that tanks aren't totally useless at range.Second question is should I be being selective/careful about stat upgrades? I'm just adding them to those stats that affect what I'm currently doing (e.g. predominantly adding to might, perception and vitality for the orc barbarian). Should I be thinking ahead at this point in time - not very far in, just piddling about outside of the first town trying to level up enough to take out the wanker on top of the lighthouse.
I found leveling casters much simpler stat-wise. Pump Magic and put as much into Spirit as you need. Not much can go wrong there.
Pretty sure there is a Handplaced Burning Determination scroll just before that boss. It's in the room where you can see a chest right in the middle of it on a stone dais (i think?). It should be just to the left of where you met that elf.
My freaking crusader keep missing and hes got about the same perception as my Defender i seriously regret choosing a crusader .
As for my defender, shes lvl 19 and got 300ish hp and has 75 + % of block chance she never died once since i started the game and hit a lot compared to the crusader.
So, random aside, but I have become absolutely obsessed with M&M10, and was wondering if anyone could suggest any other vaguely contemporary games like it? I haven't played six, which I own, and hear it is incredible. Does its age come with any obtuse mechanics or issues?
I know Grimrock exists, but i'm not a fan of real-time in games like this, so I suppose I should clarify my question by asking for turn-based recommendations like Legacy.
So, random aside, but I have become absolutely obsessed with M&M10, and was wondering if anyone could suggest any other vaguely contemporary games like it? I haven't played six, which I own, and hear it is incredible. Does its age come with any obtuse mechanics or issues?
I know Grimrock exists, but i'm not a fan of real-time in games like this, so I suppose I should clarify my question by asking for turn-based recommendations like Legacy.
So, random aside, but I have become absolutely obsessed with M&M10, and was wondering if anyone could suggest any other vaguely contemporary games like it? I haven't played six, which I own, and hear it is incredible. Does its age come with any obtuse mechanics or issues?
I know Grimrock exists, but i'm not a fan of real-time in games like this, so I suppose I should clarify my question by asking for turn-based recommendations like Legacy.
I was half-asleep in bed this morning and thought about checking the clock but I didn't want to waste a turn.
Right at the last dungeon, level 31 Ranger, Freemage (Air and Dark), RunePriest (Fire and Light) and Druid (Earth and Water). They're all godly now but I did have to restart and focus on only two skills per character at first, make sure they're always great at something. I've died maybe twice this run. Of course, it could be all the relics.Disappointed in the Grandmaster spells. The Fire one is useful, the rest really are not.
Can any class Grandmaster crossbow? I want to have four crossbow grandmasters and just be an arrow machine.
The Scout can GM crossbow. They can GM axes as well, and master duel wielding. They get master fire and light as well which gets you celestial shield, burning determination, resurrect and a heal... looks pretty awesome actually!
My four scout party on warrior starts tonight after this run. I doubt I'll finish it again, but fun to see how far I get!
That should work pretty well actually, since they get a nice mix of range, melee and spells, all you are missing is the identify spell. let us know how you get on!My four scout party on warrior starts tonight after this run. I doubt I'll finish it again, but fun to see how far I get!
Also missing one book (the nine book quest) somehow.
Actually, I realized a while ago that most of the staff at RPS didn't play many of the less-known 90s PC greats. /hipster gamerRPS reviewer is new to the series? I thought that was the point of RPS, that they've got people there who're dyed in the wool PC people who remember playing stuff like M&M.
RPS reviewer is new to the series? I thought that was the point of RPS, that they've got people there who're dyed in the wool PC people who remember playing stuff like M&M.
Hey, this is my first M&M too and I'm a reviewer person. A lot of games have come out and time is finite.
So far....
*raises hand* Same here mate, this is my first playthrough of a "proper" M&M game.
I actually got acquianted with the series/franchise itself from playing the Heroes games lol. HOMM2 was my buzz back in the day.
32167 for life. Warlocks are the best class bar none. That is all.
WanderingWind, which publication are you reviewing the game for?
Full disclosure, I fucking hate HOMM. Hate hate hate hate hate hate HOMM.
Wow, You're the first person, i've seen that doesnt like HoMM.
Yeah, I realize it's beloved. I do love strategy games, but that flavor of them just bores the tears out of me and then those tears go sign up to be tax preparers in order to lead a more exciting life.
What about the King's Bounty games?
Wait.... Etrian Odyssey is similar to this game? Like the world to explore and everything? I bought that game on the e-shop blindly a month or so ago and haven't even tried it yet, really.
On topic, anyone know how many Obelisk are available in Act 1? Also, anyone know where you can pull up the riddle text in the log? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Wait.... Etrian Odyssey is similar to this game? Like the world to explore and everything? I bought that game on the e-shop blindly a month or so ago and haven't even tried it yet, really.
On topic, anyone know how many Obelisk are available in Act 1? Also, anyone know where you can pull up the riddle text in the log? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Wait.... Etrian Odyssey is similar to this game? Like the world to explore and everything? I bought that game on the e-shop blindly a month or so ago and haven't even tried it yet, really.
On topic, anyone know how many Obelisk are available in Act 1? Also, anyone know where you can pull up the riddle text in the log? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Book 8 of 9 (found right outside Sundgard) is bugged out, so that quest is unfinishable at the moment.
EDIT: I guess technically it's book 7 of 9 since it has the entry for M&M 7.