Just attempted out of the frying pan and got mopped. Fighting the tigrex and narg together is infuriating. Bringing smoke bombs next go.
Generations is automatically superior to 4 since it got rid of Congas. Fuck those.
They don't look as stupid, they don't constantly fart and because of those two points the devs didn't find it funny that you have to fight the big ones a million times until you could get to hunt an actually good monster.But it has Blangos, and those are worse.
What's proper etiquette when playing with randoms online? Having a hard time linking up with friends and I'm getting tired of playing solo. Really want to start farming Deviants and such. Don't want to break any unwritten rules, I haven't played MH with random folks since PS2 days.
You'll probably want something with Load Up, Status Atk +2, and Recoil Down +1. Plug your charms into Athena's Armor Set Search and it should be able to recommend some armor options for you. Recoil Down +1 along with attaching a silencer should be enough to fire the level 2 status shots without recoil. So use the Full House hunter art to load all shots, cycle through the level 2 and level 1 status shots until the status takes effect, cycle through status effects (poison -> paralysis -> sleep, etc.) to keep the monster pinned down, and combine more status shot ammo as needed by bringing materials with you.I thought I was a badass with my lvl 10 dreadking armor and sns. While farming hellblade Glavenus with 2 other similar leveled players we were joined by another player (HR 522) that used a Cursed Lamp lbg. Holy Crap the glavenus had no chance with this player. He absolutely wrecked the glavenus. The glavenus could barely make a move before it was stunned and just died. I was in awe. This player actually "carried" us and we were all HR100 and above. So I've built the cursed lamp to learn the light bow gun. Could someone recommend an armor set to go with the cursed lamp. I've googled but can't find an answer.
Qurupeco is a better Yian Garuga
lol the thing is, I hate the shit out of Yian Garuga but love Deadeye. so I'm gonna use any reason I can to replace vanilla Garuga. and uhhh I forgot about Kut-ku ;_; but I guess the reason I forgot is because I don't mind it as much.A better Kut Ku I can agree, but Yian Garuga, no. See, Gen 4 Yian Garuga is the perfect small flying wyvern.
Hmm Hero's Bow is pretty decent then? I've never really got into using a bow, but if any thing can convince me it would be a full Link outfit. I feel like in 4U the weapons and armor were fairly weak. I don't mind giving up a little damage for something fun, but I also don't want 30 minute hunts.
anyone up for the DLC?
omg so laggy
lol the thing is, I hate the shit out of Yian Garuga but love Deadeye. so I'm gonna use any reason I can to replace vanilla Garuga. and uhhh I forgot about Kut-ku ;_; but I guess the reason I forgot is because I don't mind it as much.
anyone up for the DLC?
lol the thing is, I hate the shit out of Yian Garuga but love Deadeye. so I'm gonna use any reason I can to replace vanilla Garuga. and uhhh I forgot about Kut-ku ;_; but I guess the reason I forgot is because I don't mind it as much.
Afraid so. I figured there was some sort of network difficulties so revenge on Rajang would have to wait.Sassy not sure what happened last night. Did we all get disconnected?
Huahuahua. I'll save that quest for the next time we play together.Afraid so. I figured there was some sort of network difficulties so revenge on Rajang would have to wait.
That sounds good! I've got a few ideas for armor sets that might make that quest go easier in the meantime.Huahuahua. I'll save that quest for the next time we play together.
(later today?)
Do you mean the one with the stick on the left side of the grip?How many of you guys have the Hori grip for the XL? I'm seeing that Amazon has it for about $42...
Queropecco is one of my favorite monsters and I'd very much like it back. Kut-ku is just Garuga with training wheels on. I'm fine with keeping Garuga but drop Kut-ku in favor of the far more distinct Queropecco. Also second the sentiment on Gigginox over Khezu. They are the same asshole, but at least Gigginox does't feel like a knock-off of every other bipedal wyvern. Plus, no frigging tail spin attack. And do I even need to say anything about Jaggis over Dromes?
How many of you guys have the Hori grip for the XL? I'm seeing that Amazon has it for about $42...
When I was doing some solo farming, I would grab my best pierce shot gun and start off on Narky's heads sticking out of the ground. Once they're both destroyed, he'll flop out of the ground and his weak spot will be available for shooting. I'd just repeat that process a few times until the automatic repel. So I'm not entirely sure when the best time to use the sonic bombs are.Helping a friend with Narky online for the 3* Urgent.
I feel like I actually have no idea what I'm supposed to do for this battle. I've already done it at least 4 times with a full party and I never really paid attention to what my teammates were doing...I was just shooting the big spot on his front with my lbg and using the ammo to shoot him too.
I know you can also hit him with a sonic to stun him, but what's the exact time to use it? Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't.
Queropecco is one of my favorite monsters and I'd very much like it back. Kut-ku is just Garuga with training wheels on. I'm fine with keeping Garuga but drop Kut-ku in favor of the far more distinct Queropecco. Also second the sentiment on Gigginox over Khezu. They are the same asshole, but at least Gigginox does't feel like a knock-off of every other bipedal wyvern. Plus, no frigging tail spin attack. And do I even need to say anything about Jaggis over Dromes?
Made it to HR7, what now: keep upgrading my Shogun Ceanataur S set or try farming the Glavenus S one?Aerial style Longsword here.