Sammy Samusu
I'll join for HR8 in a few.2-5357-7588-6599
pass: 2580
HR7/8 some elder dragons
Save room for me!
I'll join for HR8 in a few.2-5357-7588-6599
pass: 2580
HR7/8 some elder dragons
It's missing one number.![]()
I'm on another room right now but I might join you later.Whoops! 22-5357-7588-6599
Nice!I finally unlocked my HR...
It jumped from 7 to 70!
I'm only at HR53 and I already feel like I'm at endgame. I just finished crafting a sweet striker lance set and now I guess I'm going to focus on Deviants. Maybe I should pick up a new weapon?
What are some of the most fun new weapon/style pairings in Generations? Besides aerial switch axe.
Can we all agree that Blagonga is just the worst monster to fight in the entire game?
Bulldrome is worse on the simple fact that is pretty much literally just a bigger Bullfango.
Why even bring it back.
The dromes need to go the hell away
Hey guys, just made it to HR4 the other night, been slacking a bit with X due to other games and just been plain busy.
Any specific sets I should be shooting for now that I've made it to High Rank hunts?
Blagonga/Hyper is pretty basic with the striker lance. He stays in place long enough to get off charge attacks if he's far and triple pokes if he's close.Can we all agree that Blagonga is just the worst monster to fight in the entire game?
Find a group farming HR Rathalos and get that if you want a general offensive set. HR Yian Garuga is a nice utility set with Mind's Eye and Earplugs, and the Nargacuga set works if you like to stay right in the monsters' faces with fast weapons.
Just my general recommendations.
Adept Longsword has definitely interested me.I like Long Sword/Strike/Adept, give it a try.
Adept Longsword has definitely interested me.
Can anyone vouch for Aerial Great Sword? I sort of want to build an aerial set since some fights are a pain if no one is mounting. I did nearly 300 hours of SA in 4U so I specifically want to avoid aerial SA this time around. Great Sword would also be nice for Rajang.
Cool, I think I'll give it a shot.I main aerial GS, it's not my favourite weapon but i think it makes the battles faster
Once i hit HR7+ i will change to Lance/DS
VelocidromeDrome family aside what are the other gen 1/2 monsters in this game? They made village HR2 a serious drag but everything else hasn't been too unbearable for me yet.
I like Tigrex though. And I feel like Khezu and Gypceros could be good monsters to fight if they were reworked (especially Khezu would require a lot of changes but I like the core concept of it)
I've clocked around 115 hours so far.Nice!
I'm sort of curious to hear what your progression was like to unlock at such a high number. I have over 100 hours into Generations and I'm only at 53.
Blagonga is trash!Can we all agree that Blagonga is just the worst monster to fight in the entire game?
You forgot to bold Teostra right there. The living sun monster is pretty fun to fight in MH4U, but the absence of G Rank in MHGen makea me realized how awful that elder dragon is.No wait 80%, because Gravios and Basarios aren't in this game but are among the stupidest designs and worst fights in the mainline series.
Hm, out of the bolded I actually like the Yian Garuga, khezu, and Tigrex, though I dread fighting the latter half the time since it's so damn aggressive. Cephadrome is probably my least favorite monster since all it does is flail around in the dirt and run away.snip.
Can anyone tell me what Ancient Fish look like? I need a bunch to level up my Kinsects now and I've never seen one before so I don't know what to look for when fishing. I don't want to sit in one spot and wait for them to spawn, but I can't properly enter/exit the zone a check for Ancient Fish if I don't know what they look like.
God, why can't fishing just be like every other gatherable resource? I already had enough problems trying to farm enough Glutton Tuna to upgrade Kinsects, and now this.
iirc, they're big, long and sort of grey-ish.
So i did the ushio and tora event quest, which gves you an insect glaive with a bug fully leveled up. But i don't know what the skill it gives you even mean.
Kinsect skill: power up (L), wight up, movement down.
Extract skill: R extract up, R sustain (L).
How can 'tribaby' even be considered an insult anymore after two games of shitty old monsters?"Anyone feel like [monster introduced before third gen] is a terribly designed monster and annoying fight?"
Yes. Nearly all of them. They could cut like 80% of the first and second gen monsters from the roster and I would not shed a tear. Bring back their third gen equivalents to replace them. They are actually interesting monsters and good fights. Bring back Jaggis to replace Dromes. Bring back Peco to replace those garbage bird wyverns. Fatalis is shit, Dire Miralis and Alatreon are far cooler. What the fuck is Cephadrome doing in this game now that Nibelsnarf is back? What, we need an early monster that paralyzes so people can make early paralysis weapons? Then bring back Gobul. who cares if he fights on land, he can still go underground in wet, marshy areas, that's good enough. Nobody's complaining about Plesioth fighting on land, and he's a shit monster.
Blangonga is Rajang's less deadly but equally annoying little brother. They both have that stupid movement pattern of hopping around randomly 6 times in a row, except Rajang's hops significantly hurt you.
Guys should i do s gammoth s set or a duramboros set?
How can 'tribaby' even be considered an insult anymore after two games of shitty old monsters?
Wow, you've been a lot more productive in your 115 hours then I have been in my 100.I've clocked around 115 hours so far.
-Completed all non-advanced, non-powler village quests.
-Made a few full high rank armor sets.
-Farmed LR elder dragons and HR Nakarkos to make the Black S set.
-Fought a bunch of HR6 and HR7 hyper monsters.
-Got enough heavy armor spheres to max out the defense on my Rathalos S set before unlocking my HR.
-Quite a few hours worth of Sakura charm farming. (I got a expert +10 OOO charm this weekend! YAASS!)
I'm looking forward to finally be able to max out some weapons now that I've unlocked my HR!
So i did the ushio and tora event quest, which gves you an insect glaive with a bug fully leveled up. But i don't know what the skill it gives you even mean.
Kinsect skill: power up (L), weight up, movement down.
Extract skill: R extract up, R sustain (L).
After lots of bowgunning, I've decided to branch out a little and give the bows a try. I had enough parts on hand that I could put together the maxed-out Teostra bow with a little effort and built an armor set that looked promising (Normal Up, Load Up, Focus, Peak Performance). And after practicing on some promising Village targets like Zinogre, Brachy and Shagaru, my hunt times were surprisingly good! It seems most of my bowgun instincts are still applicable to the bow and even the R trigger to aim is the same.
Seeing a good bow user in action is inspiring.
I use the Akantor Fangs R hat which offers 8(!) points of Loading and one slot, and doesn't need any Arena work at all. It does need a few Akantor Spikes, but you can get those quickly solo just by breaking his face and subquesting out.Nice, I need to work on arena stuff so I can add load up to stuff. Tried soloing Malfestio over lunch one day and completed it in 10:56 and haven't gone back lol.
I use the Akantor Fangs R hat which offers 8(!) points of Loading and one slot, and doesn't need any Arena work at all. It does need a few Akantor Spikes, but you can get those quickly solo just by breaking his face and subquesting out.
I'm never going to be good enough at the Arena to get the Barrage Earrings because there's too many weapons I'm terrible at.
I did not know that! It used to be so that you needed a completion with every weapon and an A rank in one of them, or something like that. I'm glad it's a lot easier now.Getting the earrings is really easy this time around! The Arena quests are not difficult and most if not all of them let you go at least LBG. Me and my random Arena Buddy S-ranked most Arena quests without trying so no worries. It's also not necessary to do all weapons, A-Rank once is enough.
Going from memory, my set's made up of:Yea I think the earrings are pretty easy, just haven't really had free time to play much online, soloing them is probably even doable, I'm just not that good.
Although 8 and a slot is pretty solid, what other pieces did you use? I think the Teo set I saw that was the most popular in Japan was a Normal Up, Loading, Focus, True Shot and Ammo Saver, but dropping true shot and ammo saver for peak performance may be worth it if it's more accessible.
EDIT: Yea, found what I originally saw, was a Rising Fun Gaming video:
I don't have the sort of godly Normal Up +5 OOO charm to make that Teo bow set work, but Peak Performance isn't that hard to maintain fighting ranged so long as the little monsters leave me alone.