Finally unlocked my HR. Got together with a nice bunch of randoms and we all decided to just do our HR7 keys and urgent together. Had a whole bunch of fun, but when it came time to do the last guy's Narkarkos urgent, the other two bailed and so we decided to just do it together, just the two of us. We had already beaten Narkarkos twice so it shouldn't be a big deal. And it really wasn't.
But, right at the end, the guy disconnects right before I deal the final blow to Narkarkos. I feel terrible for him! He was so close to unlocking his HR and he helped 3 other people do their Nark urgents and right before his is finished he DCs. It's heartbreaking.
But I mined a Soul Orb off of Narkarkos so I'm not too broken up or anything.
When you DC you'll usually just keep fighting the mission solo, so if Nark had that little health left he should've been fine.
So I'm glancing at the Astral Armor because it looks cool and I have all the parts needed to make it if I want to, and it doesn't seem that bad for something like SnS or LS with a bunch of good hunter arts, but what does Trump Card do? It just says "Increases Hunter Art power against large monsters when the chance arises". I have no idea what that means. Clearly it ups the damage that hunter arts do, but not all the time. So is it only when the monster is enraged? Low on stamina? About to die? Is it when you're low on health?
Thanks. I wish the ability descriptions were a bit more clear about these things. I know everyone plays MH with a website open all the time for them to look stuff up, but it wouldn't kill Capcom to at least explain how some of the abilities work more clearly.
The biggest problem I see with Trump Card is that the easiest way to turn it on is to mount and topple a monster, but the easiest way to do that is with Aerial Style, and the best style for Trump Card is Striker or Guild. Damn shame. Still, a 20% boost to art damage and duration is pretty nice, I might end up making an Astral set if I ever go back to LS.
Never hurts to try out Striker Lance if you haven't already! I've been using the Astral set or the Ex Shaggy armor for Dreadking/Dreadqueen hunts for fun.
Sorry I didn't check GAF. Did you manage to join the room at all?
But wow. Getting all the Special Permit Quests to max level is going to be a pain.
Also, I fought 25 Crystalbeard tonight and didn't get a single gold crown.
Funk that award. Remove it from MH5!
yup I joined, my character is A-Ron
leveling them does take forever, I've only done Silver Narga so farlots to go
Do you get anything good out of completing all the Prowler quests. There are already a shit ton of village quests, so many that I feel like it's taking way too long to advance. I'm like 15 hours in and just now unlocked 4 star quests.
You unlock stuff like a larger stable of Palicos and more places to trade with for things like fish and insect related stuff (honey, bugs, kinsect stuff), but all of that can be unlocked by increasing your hunter rank by doing hub missions, so the Prowler quests aren't necessary.
So, since I just finished Trails of Cold Steel, I was thinking of picking this up. Still undecided between this and Atelier Sophie. Had a bit of a craving for hunting monsters, but how active is everyone? I kind of hate hoping that randoms join and are useful, so I only really hunted with people from here when I played 4U. It's been 2 months since launch though so I figured people may have been burning out on the game around now.
It's less active than 4U was but it's also much easier, so hunting with randoms is no problem.
How easy are we talking? I assume the styles and hunter arts broke the balance a bit?
nnnnHR8+ turns:
Pass is 1234
Pretty much. And Monster deal way less damage as well. It's still fun tho. Just not 4U kind of fun I'd say..
Lack of G Rank helps.Pretty much. And Monster deal way less damage as well. It's still fun tho. Just not 4U kind of fun I'd say..
👏Thanks for letting me hunt with you guys Beats, Sammy and Sassy! It's been a little while since I was able to sit down and do some quality hunts. That was loads of fun and I hope we can do it again some time.
Anyone about? Trying to get some hr6 keys done, but I guess most of gaf are asleep when I play.
Anyone about? Trying to get some hr6 keys done, but I guess most of gaf are asleep when I play.
Nothing new here.I don't get what happened to monster hunters when it comes to playing online. Why do random people join, dash straight to quest counter and choose quest when they join a room of 2 or more? It's so stupid haha.
I made a room, was waiting for a friend when some guy joined and immediately ran to quest counter. I just kicked him before he could do anything lol. I just kick everybody that does that now. Maybe they'll get hint someday. They worst thing is they don't even say anything!
I don't remember it being this bad in 3U or 4U lol.
Nothing new here.
Especially if we are talking <HR8 hunters. They are all thirst for key quests. They are monsters. Vicious monsters.
So many epic hunts with gaffer's today. Thanks again for taking me from 6 to unlocked, need hand transplants now.
So many epic hunts with gaffer's today. Thanks again for taking me from 6 to unlocked, need hand transplants now.
Good games, you two.
Dat lurker doe. He the real MVP.