Just finished chapter 4 there. All I can say is that was pure Kiseki, and I want moooooooooore.
Already final chapter??? That was fast!!Final chapter here, will proceed to the last few levels after clearing all the quests. I should be done today. Will post full impressions after clearing the game.
Vivid (who is lurking here) beat the game a few hours ago with 25 hours on the clock. I'm around 20 hours in myself, but from what we've heard from Viv and Ryouga, there's a huge amount of the post game (new game+) content.Already final chapter??? That was fast!!
Final chapter here, will proceed to the last few levels after clearing all the quests. I should be done today. Will post full impressions after clearing the game.
From HMV? Yikes. Probably won't use them for Xillia 2, then.On the bright side, my LE finally shipped.
Yeah, I just noticed that. Guess I'll finish it tomorrow.Don't believe anything until you can make a Clear Save.
I hope it's fun later on. Some of you aren't making Chapter 1 sound very good, including the first boss..
I definitely didn't think it wasn't fun, just wanted to nitpick on a few bits I felt could've been better, and from what I gather that seems to be how everyone else felt as well. It really does get more fun as you go on though, been having a blast for a good few chapters now.
Nayuta was certainly the best story-action RPG I've played in the last few years, no doubt about that. There is some new stuff in the new game+, but since you start from the beginning I think I'll do it later. inFamous, inFamous 2 and some other games that I've tried clearing twice in a row taught me, that if I do it right after I finish for the first time, it doesn't feel fun at all.
Nayuta and the "Trails" games are separate so it wouldn't really have any bearings here.Hm, is there not a big enough community to have a general Kiseki thread?
I thought I might ask about some language in Ao no Kiseki that I'm not sure I'm getting right ...
Unless I'm reading it incorrectly, it seems like it's hinting that the "society" is connected to the D>G sect in that they are antagonistic? The "society" destroyed a lodge, and D>G sect set out to annihilate all power wielding individuals under the support of the "society?"
I'm at the doll factory ...
Nayuta and the "Trails" games are separate so it wouldn't really have any bearings here.
No, there's definitely not a big enough community.Hm, is there not a big enough community to have a general Kiseki thread?
I thought I might ask about some language in Ao no Kiseki that I'm not sure I'm getting right ...
Unless I'm reading it incorrectly, it seems like it's hinting that the "society" is connected to the D>G sect in that they are antagonistic? The "society" destroyed a lodge, and D>G sect set out to annihilate all power wielding individuals under the support of the "society?"
I'm at the doll factory ...
Eh, well I inadvertently bumped the Trails in the Sky community thread while trying to migrate my "off-topic" discussion.
No, I haven't played them yet. The reason why it threw me off was because given the. Thank you very much.直接の繋がりがない language, I was expecting a more positive relationship ...
I've played XSEED's localization of FC. After FC I said "I don't want to wait!" and jumped into Zero from there ... I know this isn't the conventional way of doing things, but for the most part I think it's going okay. I was planning on waiting for XSEED to localize SC before jumping into the sequel to FC, but maybe I should just go ahead and play it after Ao anyways ...
Yeah, I'm with you. I love those Klonoa type platformers and Clockwork Knight for the Saturn or more recently, a bit like LittleBigPlanet.The areas certainly have become more interesting as time goes on. I'm doing Hynemel in winter and the levels are pretty neat. I also really like the kamaitachi sword move I just learned. The more I play, the more and more I am reminded of PSX-era platformers and action RPGs. It's a nice feeling.
I was just about to post about how much I liked the third boss. And the second boss was a big improvement over the first. The game is definitely hitting its stride now. I just wish you had some of the stuff that makes it so interesting (particularly sword moves) from the start.My LE shipped today. Won't be getting it for a few weeks, though, and I'm kinda happy since I'll have to play through Growlanser starting Wednesday.
Well, since everyone says it's getting better as you go through the game, the bosses must be improving, then.![]()
The seasonal approach to gameplay sounds good. The last game I played with that kind of stuff was probably Oracle of Seasons (*is probably forgetting a game or two in there, but that's the game it reminds me of*). And I'm glad that someone said that the quests aren't merely fetch quests or that the quests actually seem to matter. I've gotten pretty tired of fetch quests lately.
I was just about to post about how much I liked the third boss. And the second boss was a big improvement over the first. The game is definitely hitting its stride now. I just wish you had some of the stuff that makes it so interesting (particularly sword moves) from the start.
As far as quests go, there are only a couple per chapter and they're always something special. I really prefer this over the approach taken in other Kiseki games, which really overload you with quests - especially the Crossbell games.
Finallyyy. I surprisingly got the summer soundtrack, I didn't expect to get one of those at all.
It's just an info pamphlet. Has a couple of screenshots, some character info.Yay, nice Aeana!
What's that Ys Celceta thing up there?![]()
As far as I've played (end of chapter 5), the amount of dialog is considerably less than the other Kiseki games, but there's still a fair bit - especially the NPC dialog which changes often. I don't think they'll do it, though, simply because it's on PSP.Could this be doable for XSeed? I mean, in a way that it's wouldn't quite require the kind of effort that localizing SC, The Third, Zero and Ao. If it doesn't have any ties to past games, it shouldn't matter if those are out yet or not.
I just want more Kiseki. ;__;
As far as I've played (end of chapter 5), the amount of dialog is considerably less than the other Kiseki games, but there's still a fair bit - especially the NPC dialog which changes often. I don't think they'll do it, though, simply because it's on PSP.
Indeed, were I to attempt to describe Nayuta no Kiseki to someone, my first instinct would be to say something like "imagine if Klonoa and Ys had a baby." It also reminds me quite a fair bit of same-era action RPGs like Brave Fencer Musashi and Dew Prism.
This sounds very fun to me.Disgaeamad said:Fired up Infinity mode, and it turns out that enemies and bosses level up alongside with you, which basically lets you carry over everything from your previous save without being the least bit broken. Enemies in the first area were taking a good beating and dealing out a bunch of damage even with my best equipment on, so it might actually end up being a good challenge afterall to make up for the lack of it in other difficulties.
I'd say the events scenes are definitely more along the lines of what you'd hear in Kiseki (there's some stuff that really reminds me of 3rd in there), but the stage and boss fight themes are more along the lines of what you'd hear in an Ys game. Final fight's the only exception in that I've never really heard any other track quite like it (but I haven't played Zero/Ao yet so maybe it's like something in there), and I absolutely love it.I'll assume that the music is more along the lines of Kiseki than Ys or Zwei/Gurumin.
It really is, it's great just getting to run about from the get-go with all of your skills, gear crafts and arts knowing enemies aren't just gonna fall over in your wake. There's also a weird thrill in knowing that you're guaranteed to die in 3 or so hits once you hit chapter 3, especially on a no items run.This sounds very fun to me.
Then there's the title music, which is just absolutely gorgeous.