Thunder Monkey
wow, very surprised about the 3ds. finally getting the sales it deserves.
Nintendo has sold 3+ million handhelds in that same month.
wow, very surprised about the 3ds. finally getting the sales it deserves.
People are saying the 3DS is beasting? Nintendo has not sold less handhelds in December, in the U.S, since 2001 or earlier (no data for those years). This is at best an 11-year low.
so if the 360 was more than double the ps3, it sounds like the ps3 is really dying off. i don't know what it did in 2011, but under 700k doesn't sound very good. they're going to be in a weak position going into next gen.
It's Nintendo. It'll be NES or SNES games.
lol what did PS3 have that people wanted at launch outside of being a blu-ray player?
So is 3DS still on track to be overtaken by DS in the next few months?
wait so you guys expected wiiu to be the same hit as wii?
Xbox 720 will use Bluray, so the Xbox 360 cant read those discs. I think the only way this is possible is if Microsoft has some new disc technology or have a own Xbox 360 version on the other side of the disc. Not going to happen.How crazy would it be if launch Xbox720 games played on 360 at 480p(or lower) with less fx\aa via some kind of directX step down?
The Wii U bombed. End of story.
My impressions:
*Xbox 360, I bow to thee. This is brilliant performance at retail seven friggin years after initial release. Absolutely stunning. I can't wait to see how its successor performs. I mean, we're talking Nintendo in Japan level of domination here.
*3DS is beasting. I cannot believe how well it recovered from the initial stumble. With a great lineup for this year, I want to see how the 3DS does. It also has one of the only two exclusives in the chart, so clearly, it has a healthy software ecosystem as well.
*Wii U is a bomb. I mean, holy shit. We're looking at a Gamecube level flop right here unless Nintendo pulls a 3DS/PS3 and course corrects. Let's see what they have planned at E3 this year. It will need a miracle to recover, and I'm not sure Nintendo has the kind of persistence Sony exhibited with the PS3 and PSP to bring this thing back on track.
*Speaking of Sony: Lol at the lack of Sony numbers on that chart.
I know. Dual release and the Pokémon announcement make the move to Wii U less enticing!Let's just say the 3DS version of MH3U is getting more and more appealing by the day.
Not moving Skyward Sword to Wii U was a colossal mistake.
Pretty disappointing Wii U numbers. Well, at least we won't have to endure any bar diagrams during Nintendo's next E3 confernce.
Out of curiosity, does this make people who were interested in buying the Wii U, that just hasn't yet, LESS interested in buying one?
People need to stop blaming this on the economy. Face Nintendo had a disastrous launch in terms of marketing, future lineup to inspire confidence in the platform, and pricing.
the ds sold absolutely terrible after it launched, and nintendo turned it into the best-selling handheld ever. i mean, the only thing that really comes close to how poor the ds did after launch is the vita. the 3ds doesn't compare to what they did with that machine.
how they handled their handhelds makes me think they do have some sort of contingency plan. they've been pretty willing to bundle things and price drop things within the first year if sales are going badly.
Really surprised at all the comments saying those 3DS sales are great.
A) Nintendo Handhelds always post big holiday numbers
B) 3DS is down 300k+ units from last year, which was its December. What console sells less units in their second (or third if they had a November launch) holiday when compared to the previous year?
Those 3DS numbers aren't great just because all the home consoles are doing poorly except the 360, and the Vita is basically stillborn.
Enough to outsell the Wii U even though it was twice as expensive......
Not moving Skyward Sword to Wii U was a colossal mistake.
I think he was referring to the U.S., but certainly.PS3's doing well for beating 360 WW with a 1 year late start.
lol I saw a lot of auctions this past week for just the Gamepad or just the console. People really have no idea what the Wii U is.NO ONE asked about Wii U outside of it's launch. I actually had a handful of them returned, one guy said he couldn't find any buyers on eBay.
I own a Vita.Out of curiosity, does this make people who were interested in buying the Wii U, that just hasn't yet, LESS interested in buying one?
so if the 360 was more than double the ps3, it sounds like the ps3 is really dying off. i don't know what it did in 2011, but under 700k doesn't sound very good. they're going to be in a weak position going into next gen.
Really surprised at all the comments saying those 3DS sales are great.
A) Nintendo Handhelds always post big holiday numbers
B) 3DS is down 300k+ units from last year, which was its December. What console sells less units in their second (or third if they had a November launch) holiday when compared to the previous year?
Those 3DS numbers aren't great just because all the (ancient) home consoles are doing poorly except the 360, the Wii U is floundering, and the Vita is basically stillborn.
How do you know how much consoles nintendo put out though?what if 460k was all they put out?
Not moving Skyward Sword to Wii U was a colossal mistake.
Nintendo has sold 3+ million handhelds in that same month.
Skyward Sword would not have saved Wii U launch, I'd wager.
Software helps any launch.Skyward Sword would not have saved Wii U launch, I'd wager.
Really surprised at all the comments saying those 3DS sales are great.
A) Nintendo Handhelds always post big holiday numbers
B) 3DS is down 300k+ units from last year, which was its December. What console sells less units in their second (or third if they had a November launch) holiday when compared to the previous year?
Those 3DS numbers aren't great just because all the home consoles are doing poorly except the 360, and the Vita is basically stillborn.
It's a very "distant" #2.Its far from terrible. It is no. 2 after 3ds.
If New Super Mario Bros U couldn't, nothing else could have.
Well, that all seems good to hear. It always makes me feel a bit weird inside when people want something, hear its not selling,a nd suddenly decide they don't want it anymore. Total front running doesn't make sense.
I remember a time when people used to buy consoles for content alone. No any other agenda. Sigh.
360 had halo 4, ps3 had wonderbook and sony smash bros last year was terrible for ps3 exclucivesso if the 360 was more than double the ps3, it sounds like the ps3 is really dying off. i don't know what it did in 2011, but under 700k doesn't sound very good. they're going to be in a weak position going into next gen.
I wouldn't call these numbers mediocre
But this is really true now.Almost no new games for it in a market that is completely saturated with iOS, smartphones, and tablets.
Those sales are great. People need to stop comparing it to previous generations of handhelds because it's a totally different marketplace now.
B) 3DS is down 300k+ units from last year, which was its December. What console sells less units in their second (or third if they had a November launch) holiday when compared to the previous year?
Skyward Sword would not have saved Wii U launch, I'd wager.
New Super Mario Bros U is an AAA game. If not in production value, at least it is in sales potential.i agree, terrible launch. not a single aaa game, just bunch old ports
Don't confuse gaf with the real world![]()
so if the 360 was more than double the ps3, it sounds like the ps3 is really dying off. i don't know what it did in 2011, but under 700k doesn't sound very good. they're going to be in a weak position going into next gen.
Almost no new games for it in a market that is completely saturated with iOS, smartphones, and tablets.
Those sales are great. People need to stop comparing it to previous generations of handhelds because it's a totally different marketplace now.
uhh....yes, a lot of things could have.
I could care less about the "new" super mario brothers series
Almost no new games for it in a market that is completely saturated with iOS, smartphones, and tablets.
Those sales are great. People need to stop comparing it to previous generations of handhelds because it's a totally different marketplace now.