This part of the PR wasn't posted:
1.25 M for 3DS seems good
This part of the PR wasn't posted:
So we're looking at:
Wii U: 460k
Wii + 3DS + NDS: 2.19m
So is the DS beasting or the 3DS?
This part of the PR wasn't posted:
Dat consumer confusionWii outsold Wiiu lol
Sony level spin for Sony level numbers. Not good. :/Brilliant spin. Sony level stuff... just, perfection.
This part of the PR wasn't posted:
From NOA: Wii U Hardware Sales Surpass Wii Sales by More Than $30 Million through First Six Weeks
Wow... what led the sharp drop for PS3? No big hitter games in Nov/Dec?
So we're looking at:
Wii U: 460k
Wii + 3DS + NDS: 2.19m
So is the DS beasting or the 3DS?
1.25 million 3DS systems sold? VERY impressive.
Despite all the "pressure" from tablets and phones, 3DS is still going on very strong. Good to see.
It did? Ow.Wii U did worse than PS3 first December?
Is that guesswork or the pattern of things? If the latter, that's not good. Nintendo will have to start handing out GCN stickers for our Wii Us460K in December means sub 200k numbers per month from now until the next holiday. How long until Durango outsells this? December 2013?
Well it's be hard to compete on price if you're wanting a basic console that's for sure. However Wii U should be doing better with solid marketting and games.The main problem for the Wii U is still the Wii, I bet the Wii sales are above the Wii U.
Haha460k is pretty good. If your competition is PS3 circa 2006
The joy some people get from something underperforming always puzzles me.
The joy some people get from something underperforming always puzzles me.
No, I don't think that. Never said I did. I am expressing my disappointment in this. That is all. I am fully aware of what garners more media attention and what doesn't.
So what? It doesn't change the fact that they're sequels. And are rarely if ever hugely different than prior titles. Hell, the top 10 for Japan probably has 2 Pokemon games in the top 10. That's right, two games that are 99.9 percent exactly the same in the top 10. Lament the US list all you want, it's similar the world over.
The main problem for the Wii U is still the Wii, I bet the Wii sales are above the Wii U.
December 2006 NPD for comparison:
Nintendo DS - 1600K
Wii - 604,200
360 - 1100K
PS2 - 1500K
PS3 - 490,700
PSP - 953,200
Just out of curiosity, how much did the PS2 sell during PS3's first December?
Um, read above.
This. I wonder if Nintendo avoided giving out additional numbers because they didn't want to divulge how badly the Wii outsold the Wii U last month.460K is fucking awful for a non supply constrained console in December.
Just out of curiosity, how much did the PS2 sell during PS3's first December?