Good night, sweet prince
First month sales:
[WII] Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo) {November 12, 2007} - 1,120,000
[WIU] Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo) {November 22, 2013} - 215,000
9 million
Nice try , Iwata.
They lost launch. Too early to say they lost the gen..
There's tons of evidence of XBO winning early December.
Hopefully not enough to drop this system immediately.The news on Wii U numbers is actually great news for Nintendo fans and Nintendo as a whole, as it's possible that this may be the wake up call that they needed to drastically reevaluate their approach to this industry.
Give me confidence you're going to keep this system afloat for another few years Nintendo.
Yep Nintendo needs to pull out the price drop, secure more third parties, and stop sitting on the warchest. It's time to use the money.
if only wii u was made of tacos
hey guys so if wiiu is doing worse than dreamcast, does the dream of nintendo 3rd party will become reality? T_T im crying tears of joy
YES! Seeing the Wii U fail makes me happy! And seeing the PS4 at the top is even better! I hope Nintendo doesn't stick with their current hardware philosophy. I want more hardware muscle!
220k with Mario in November actually pretty great. That will initiate the Nintendo Moneyhatting Process. Dark Souls 3 exclusive for Wii U, anyone?
Killing the WiiU to start over would be billions in sunk cost on the WiiU and billions more on a new system while killing any brand loyalty you have (even if it is low) to release a new console that may or may not do well.I think they can try again.
Killing the wiiu will hurt and lead to massive changes, but I think sticking with a turd product for 5 years is gong to hurt them more as they slide further into irrelevance.
Thats dreamcast level right?
245K (Dreamcast, November 1999)
192K (Dreamcast, November 2000)
259K (Dreamcast, November 2001)
3DS + 2DS = 645.000
3DS Zelda Bundle = 125.000
calculated from the PR.
Pretty much. What people forgot was that the Wii was the outlier in the Nintendo family of home consoles.
Every single Nintendo home console since the NES has seen significant decline in sales compared to its predecessor.
The Wii was the single exception to that. The Wii U is the return to form. Nintendo has become irrelevant in the home console business. They need to pull out, and now because they are embarrassing themselves and running their business into the ground.
Sony releasing the PS4 games weeks before the actual console launch is just pure genius marketing strategy. I mean literally the beginning of the month and they already have PS4 games out there just to increase awareness of the inevitable PS4 console release. Sony stepped their game up for sure this gen that's for damn sure.
They still make profit on 3DS, they won't be losing money on Wii U, and a system more powerful than PS4 will give them at least 3 years on the market alone as the most powerful console.
If it's a visible difference and the right games are there at launch, it will have been far enough away from the PS4/XB1 launch that the core will be starving for a new system to buy.
Well, second november for the Gamecube didn't compete with 2 millions HW sales competitors. The Wii U sales have been bad since the beginning of 2013, the perception among gamers and masses is negative, so there really no point for GAF to expect NPD after NPD some miracle that will never come. Even IF things turns good in the long run, the momentum will come slowly.425K.
If Wii U really did sell somewhere around 220,000, that's utterly abysmal. Horrid, horrid numbers. GameCube managed twice that.
The Nintendo brand is finally over. Maybe next decade!
The age of Nintendo is done.
3DS + 2DS confirmed for 770k.
3DS+2DS doing < 770K with a new Zelda bundle on the market and $99 Black Friday sales is downright shocking
There are no other words for it.
Thank goodness for Japan.
Yep Nintendo needs to pull out the price drop, secure more third parties, and stop sitting on the warchest. It's time to use the money.
The Nintendo brand is finally over. Maybe next decade!
It's over, period. Nintendo lost the casuals, and that's the end of their Wii U hopes and dreams.
It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for Wii U. Nintendo has nothing left, nothing they have can fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for anyone, hardcore or casual, to substantially invest in a Wii U. Except if they want to play Bayonetta 2. Which will also come to PS4 at some point.
Microsoft and Sony took the last reason away that anyone would NEED to own a WiiU over a PS4 or Xbox one(except Miiverse LOL GAMING), and the cavalcade of tiny titles that will be nice but won't stir up any sales is not going to salvage the underpowered non-entity that was Wii U.
There may be some hardcore gamers that stick around. Some did it for PS3 too. But the last bell tolled. Maybe next decade.
The age of Nintendo is done.
MS should consider it a win to be basically going even with Sony after the PR disaster earlier this year and the more expensive price tag.
YES! Seeing the Wii U fail makes me happy! And seeing the PS4 at the top is even better! I hope Nintendo doesn't stick with their current hardware philosophy. I want more hardware muscle!