Vilix said:Exclusive or not, if GTA couldn't make a significant boost I highly doubt MGS4 will.
I'm waiting until May numbers to conclude on that, for both 360 and PS3 as silly as it seems :/
Vilix said:Exclusive or not, if GTA couldn't make a significant boost I highly doubt MGS4 will.
artredis1980 said:The best games are on 360 and PS3 nomatter how good of a console Wii is. Wii's best games are only from Nintendo and those are just trickling in. 3rd party games on PS3 and 360 are much better than Wii. Developers have a controller and they dont know how to innovate on it.
The best gameplay and best graphics overall are on 360 and PS3. People who are intrigued by the controller ONLY and nothing else are buying Wii in hordes moreso than any console in history. Wii sales are driven mostly by Casual gamers
...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it
Evlar said:Are you saying all of PC gaming sucks? Because if you're not, if you admit that great PC games can and still are made and released, then what's the fucking problem?
MisterHero said:And the Wii can accept 1GB and 2GB SD cards.
Though I understand if people still don't see them as solutions.![]()
Kagari said:I can believe this. I've had many a customer come in, wanting a PS3... and since we only had the 40GB in until June and they wanted backwards compatibility, they said they'll just wait for that to come out. Sony should have been smart and packed in something like Hot Shots Golf until the MGS4 bundle game out to at least keep the units with BC available for customers.
IF this proves anything, it's that GTA is now officially an institution. This is a double edged sword. It means that it is always guaranteed excellent sales... but it also means the ridiculous sales of GTAIII and GTA:SA are probably over with. You only have to look at other institutions for similar examples:jgwhiteus said:The month of May will be interesting. I agree that any "hardware bump" for GTAIV won't necessarily be limited to the first week of release,
... Ports of what? If your death of gaming scenario comes true what would be available to be ported?artredis1980 said:PC games have going down, now people mostly play those web based and flash games (aside from WoW ofcourse) than real games which are on consoles. That and Piracy led devs to make more console games, but if poor ports and odd games come to console, what then?!
Probably because the Wii can't read off of SD cards so you have to do that retarded data swapping.MisterHero said:And the Wii can accept 1GB and 2GB SD cards.
Though I understand if people still don't see them as solutions.![]()
artredis1980 said:The best games are on 360 and PS3 nomatter how good of a console Wii is. Wii's best games are only from Nintendo and those are just trickling in. 3rd party games on PS3 and 360 are much better than Wii. Developers have a controller and they dont know how to innovate on it.
The best gameplay and best graphics overall are on 360 and PS3. People who are intrigued by the controller ONLY and nothing else are buying Wii in hordes moreso than any console in history. Wii sales are driven mostly by Casual gamers
...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it
Bastion said:EDIT - I want you to repeat that to yourself several times.
But when the system is old tech with a control system I do not like, I would rather Nintendo would have just kept the Gamecube going. The Wii is a system I do not like for two major reasons:
1. Waggle control and the whole remote control design
2. lack of HD
Speevy said:I like the Wii, but I really wish there was a single player game for it that I could become completely addicted to, and play for months.
I beat TP and RE4 for the Gamecube, and while Galaxy was amazing, I had 120 stars in no time at all.
I want a rich, thoughtful Wii experience. Something that uses the Wii remote in intuitive, accessible ways but has a long, involving quest and story.
I don't much care if it looks like a PS2 or Xbox game, but I want a single player game I can really sink my teeth into.
Monster Hunter perhaps. Time will tell.Speevy said:I like the Wii, but I really wish there was a single player game for it that I could become completely addicted to, and play for months.
I beat TP and RE4 for the Gamecube, and while Galaxy was amazing, I had 120 stars in no time at all.
I want a rich, thoughtful Wii experience. Something that uses the Wii remote in intuitive, accessible ways but has a long, involving quest and story.
I don't much care if it looks like a PS2 or Xbox game, but I want a single player game I can really sink my teeth into.
Speevy said:I like the Wii, but I really wish there was a single player game for it that I could become completely addicted to, and play for months.
I beat TP and RE4 for the Gamecube, and while Galaxy was amazing, I had 120 stars in no time at all.
I want a rich, thoughtful Wii experience. Something that uses the Wii remote in intuitive, accessible ways but has a long, involving quest and story.
I don't much care if it looks like a PS2 or Xbox game, but I want a single player game I can really sink my teeth into.
Sounds very logical...That's one of the major reasons I haven't picked up a PS3 yet. I want my BC.sonycowboy said:I've heard from retailers that while the price points are still limiting HW sales, the fact that Sony only has the 40GB model out there, with no backwards compatibility and a smallish HDD is hurting the PS3. The 80GB was selling more than the 40GB for 2007 and then Sony stops sending them to retailers with no replacement until MGS in June?
It's been strange.
Ditto. My girlfriend really wants me to play it too (was a Christmas gift from her) but I'm afraid I'll get locked into it and not want to do anything else for the next couple of months.Narag said:Would Fire Emblem fit the bill? Still haven't opened mine but only out of fear of the time I'd invest into it.
Opiate said:I ask this question honestly: what, in your opinion, is "the big picture?"
Depends on the game though..Brawl can.Acid08 said:Probably because the Wii can't read off of SD cards so you have to do that retarded data swapping.
Narag said:Would Fire Emblem fit the bill? Still haven't opened mine but only out of fear of the time I'd invest into it.
Understandable.Speevy said:That's a no-brainer. I love Fire Emblem, but it's far too expensive right now (for me).
Hopefully the humor/sarcasm in that post wasn't too lost on you.Brashnir said:what does that have to do with anything? I was simply pointing out the error in your post. You don't really want to get into a spec-war defending the Wii do you?
Sho_Nuff82 said:And they certainly can't wait until August again, not at this pace.
Speevy said:I like the Wii, but I really wish there was a single player game for it that I could become completely addicted to, and play for months.
I beat TP and RE4 for the Gamecube, and while Galaxy was amazing, I had 120 stars in no time at all.
I want a rich, thoughtful Wii experience. Something that uses the Wii remote in intuitive, accessible ways but has a long, involving quest and story.
I don't much care if it looks like a PS2 or Xbox game, but I want a single player game I can really sink my teeth into.
Look around a few stores though..Speevy said:That's a no-brainer. I love Fire Emblem, but it's far too expensive right now (for me).
artredis1980 said:...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it.
I was originally going to wait til MGS4 to get my PS3, but then they discontinued the 60GB. I still waited, thinking I could pick one up at a later date. Well, then they were gone. I have way too large a PS2 collection to take chances with software emulation, so early this year, I scoured ebay until I found one that met my very anal standards and was the right price. Of course, that cost Sony a sale, and I can guarantee I wasn't the only one.Jive Turkey said:Sounds very logical...That's one of the major reasons I haven't picked up a PS3 yet. I want my BC.
fernoca said:Look around a few stores though..
A few Sam's/Wal-Mart around here had Radiant Dawn for $9..last month.. I bought one for me to they have Metroid Prime 3 for $19 (which they only had 1..which I picked up..since I never finished it..back when I was multi-ownerand an additional one for the Mario Kart for $9.99 deal at Gamestop..ended techincally paying under $30 for Mario Kart....since I traded 2 games that costed $9 each and $9.99 + tax
Nintendo's VC could use more sales.AdventureRacing said:I said it on the last page and i'll say it again. The only consoles with 'traditional' or pure games are DS/wii. In fact you could even go so far as to say that outside of the DS traditional gaming is totally dead.
artredis1980 said:...This is the end of pure gaming as we know it, we cannot deny it. This is the start when Console games become like flash based PC games for casual gamers. I hope someone realises it
Sho_Nuff82 said:And they certainly can't wait until August again, not at this pace.
fernoca said:Look around a few stores though..
A few Sam's/Wal-Mart around here had Radiant Dawn for $9..last month.. I bought one for me to they have Metroid Prime 3 for $19 (which they only had 1..which I picked up..since I never finished it..back when I was multi-ownerand an additional one for the Mario Kart for $9.99 deal at Gamestop..ended techincally paying under $30 for Mario Kart....since I traded 2 games that costed $9 each and $9.99 + tax
That's like saying a restaurant needs a kids meal to compete with McDonald's. They need to build their own casual friendly franchises and market them aggressively. They need to create a new kind of gaming experience and eliminate all the barriers to entry to it. They need to explore untapped markets. Wii's success is from more than just waggle.MirageDwarf said:People are saying price drop would help HD consoles. Yeah, sure it will but it won't last long.
Main reason Wii is attracting these many casual gamers is novelty of how you play games on Wii. I've seen real life examples where people who have absolutely zero gaming history are buying Wii because they thought it would be fun after watching ads.
PS3 and 360 need waggle more than price drop.
legend166 said:You're a dead set retard. You know that?
I'd love for Okami to sell a million copies on the Wii. I think that it would be great. But the fact is that it will not do that, and for very good reasons. You might not like those reasons, but they are facts.
I don't care if you sad that Okami Wii didn't sell great. Fair enough. There are games I want to sell more. But to use the sales of Okami as a reason for why 3rd parties should not make games for the Wii is retarded.
Let me put it in a list so you can understand why the game didn't sell, and why they're stupid reasons to stop someone making an original game on the Wii:
1. It's a port. It doesn't matter how many people played it on the previous consoles. Ports come with a lot of baggage. Why buy it on the Wii when most likely it can be found much cheaper on the PS2?
2. This is the biggest point: COMPLETE AND UTTER LACK OF MARKETING. 95% of Wii owners would have never heard of Okami before. You'll probably say that's their fault. But the fact is, the onus is on the publisher to make people aware of the game. If a publisher chooses not to market a game, they must live with the consequences. Very few new IPs achieve success without marketing.
I couldn't be bothered typing anymore, I need to do my daily Wii Fit.
Those are the people that bought the game on the PS2 two years ago. Television ads would have been a smarter move.Zerachiel said:I don't know about you, but I saw tons of advertisements for Okami Wii on all of the major gaming websites. Granted, there wasn't any marketing blitz on TV or anything, but I think they did a good job of targeting the ads to their market, the hardcore community.
There haven't been any numbers reported. Which is what makes this whole argument a complete waste of time.Also, I missed the reports of Okami Wii's sales, and I can't seem to find it skimming the thread. Anyone care to repost?
Jag22 said:So a mediocre Mario Kart outsold an amazing GTA game on the PS3?
Sad times these are.
seanoff said:didn't MS say that GTA gave them a 54% bump @ launch.
God forbid what the numbers would have been without that.
Agreed.Sho_Nuff82 said:When the Wii was outselling the 360 2:1 or by a mere hundred thousand or so last year, it wasn't really a concern.
Getting outsold 4:1 or by >500k units per month in your strongest territory, even by a 'non-competitor", is concerning. Selling less than 200k in your 3rd year on the market with one of the biggest sellers of the year on the shelves is concerning. Reaching market saturation 6 months after your most recent (well, only) price drop is concerning.
The big picture isn't that 360 sales are poor compared to the Wii, 360 sales are just flat out terrible, period.
This is a completely different level from the Wii domination of 07; the holiday victory that Nintendo eeked out over the 360 is a distant memory.
There will be consequences if this continues. MS is content to hemorrhage marketshare to Nintendo as long as they're making money and beating Sony. It will inevitably cost them an exclusive, or a franchise entirely.
Of course, we all said the same thing last year, as 360 sales slowed to a crawl at $399, and MS sat around patting themselves on the back for doubling the god-awful PS3 sales at $599. Now that Nintendo has gotten their shit together, MS can't afford to bask in moral victories.
And they certainly can't wait until August again, not at this pace.
sp0rsk said:Doomsday prophets in this thread make me LOL.