deviating from the general or common order or type; "advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe"
Highly unusual, unique, uncategorized
(anom·a·lous) (ə-nom´ə-ləs) [Gr. anōmalos] irregular; marked by deviation from the natural order. Applied particularly to congenital and hereditary defects.
Not encompassed by rules governing the majority of cases; distinguished from abnormal by implying a difference of kind rather than a difference merely of degree. This distinction between anomalous and abnormal is not strictly recognized in meteorology. ...
Value of a given element that is deemed to be above the background or normal value
Inconsistent with, or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected. While "anomalous" can suggest a qualitative difference, in this text it is primarily used to suggest a quantitative difference in statistical terms, two or more standard deviations removed from the mean and, under ...