But is the mihawk event close?
Nothing confirmed yet, but somewhere between one and two months.
But is the mihawk event close?
Just got Helmeppo for his defense breaking ability but it looks like I will have to evolve him to get that? Getting rare drops right now sucks out more energy than triggering a wave of euphoria since leveling up is such a chore. Got smoker yesterday from loguetown and I haven't even touched him because I felt lethargic just thinking about how much I will have to farm to level and evolve him.
Question of course is, is Alvida worth the leveling & evolving?
Oh yeah...evolved Arlong, that took a while !!
It is.Damn powering up is so expenses
Damn powering up is so expenses
Damn powering up is so expenses
So I'm fighting Tashigi to try and farm her but I've fought her twice and SCRAPED past. I get thru' the rest of the level ok but her boss fight is weird. Everyone is guarded? I don't fully understand the guard in this game. What is the best way to deal with Tashigi boss Chapter 10 of Loguetown??
Is there an ez mode way to re-roll for Android?
Will the Zoro manuals from alvida's island work on Asura Zoro?
Thinking of holding onto them but then i realised the manual is for 36 pound
*eye twitch*Less than 10 tries for zeff
Man. I want to evolve my Alvida (level 49), but I was down to 400k belli so I've gotta dedicate my time to the weekend event. Alas.
I also feel like Alvida Elite has less teenage turtles than Buggy. I've probably gotten the babies three or four more times often. And when I do get the teenagers, they have not dropped anymore more often than I've gotten a drop. My luck is leaving me out to dry in that regard, hah.
BTW, don't waste Chopper's skill books on Brain Point, they don't work.
Also was planning on evolving Alvida but considering how bad the turtle drops have been so far i might just concentrate on leveling Arlong for now.
Aren't your main crews Fighter & QCK? Why did you hop on the Arlong train?
I already have 17 Arlong on my friend list, please don't be the 18th. xD
Well depending on how lucky i get with drops i work on multiple teams - i had a Slasher team ever since i got Arlong, but i had to level him.
I dont use the slasher team right now because the Fighter one is what i am accustomed to.
Enraged Arlong
Asura Zoro
Buggy the Clown
Mohji & Richie
Golden Pound Usopp
Friend Arlong
Thats it.
QCK team isnt getting much play right now because Ace is quite weak unevolved and it will take more time/effort to evolve him and i am missing subs like Tashigi, Kuro etc. to pull it off. Sanji was my only blue sub for the QCK team -.- Once we get Kuro Island and i evolve Ace i will be back...cant wait for it :-D
Well depending on how lucky i get with drops i work on multiple teams - i had a Slasher team ever since i got Arlong, but i had to level him.
I dont use the slasher team right now because the Fighter one is what i am accustomed to.
Enraged Arlong
Asura Zoro
Buggy the Clown
Mohji & Richie
Golden Pound Usopp
Friend Arlong
Thats it.
QCK team isnt getting much play right now because Ace is quite weak unevolved and it will take more time/effort to evolve him and i am missing subs like Tashigi, Kuro etc. to pull it off. Sanji was my only blue sub for the QCK team -.- Once we get Kuro Island and i evolve Ace i will be back...cant wait for it :-D
My Shanks is gathering dust too (Lv 37, I think), which is a shame because my PSY team is pretty awesome unit-wise. My Vivi still refuses to share the turtles with anyone.Meanwhile, my Shanks is gathering dust because of the lack of PSY Island event.
I see. I agree building multiple teams is a smart thing to do. I have 3 great teams myself (PSY, INT, Vivi) but most of the units are Lv 20-30. Turtle Island can't come soon enough.
My Shanks is gathering dust too (Lv 37, I think), which is a shame because my PSY team is pretty awesome unit-wise. My Vivi still refuses to share the turtles with anyone.
Feed that Vivi so I can use her for Mihawk hehehe![]()
The only advice is 'pray your God if you have one'Any good advice for getting arlong?? I replay the chapter about 50times but no luck until now -_-
But finish smoker fight yesterday and got him just one try
Wtf with drop rate in this game, is this pure luck to get certain drop ???
why can't i select sniperking? my only character in my current crew is usopp?...weird? (lol)[/QUOTE]
Even the game is trying to tell you that you made a mistake :(.
[SPOILER] I don't know. [/SPOILER]
finally got him!
why can't i select sniperking? my only character in my current crew is usopp?...weird? (lol)
I've been farming for a Helmeppo for days.
I ran his stage almost 60-80 times, finally got the drop a few minutes ago!
That was a hellish experience, hope his defense break is worthy.
Because it's the same character. Both are evolutions of the mighty usopp.
Day 3 of my Arlong farming. I can't believe he still didn't drop. I guess this is payback for getting Zeff on my second try.
Keep on farming. Took me a week for him to drop. He's worth it. But the moment Straw Hats v2 gatcha release date is confirmed I would stop farming for units like Zeff and simply play casually and then pull for gear 3 luffy with all the saved gems. Or reroll for gear 3 luffy if there aren't any good units in one's crew. Gear 3 luffy is outright game changer.
30-stamina Viv/Labooni should take 2 hours according to the blog, so about 4 hours for 40-stamina.
^ Quote the first post and you'll find a link to a Google Doc with all GAFfers' friend IDs.
@bjork: Your ID is invalid
Reroll at p-lvl 40+? Now the date hasn't been confirmed yet but, I will probably be P-LVL 50+ when they get released is it really a good idea to reroll then? Also just got a green pirate penguin when I was playing some story mode, not sure if the game is serious. I wanted a red one damnit.
Hmmm - thanks for the advice on Tashigi - I think overall my team is just 2 weak. I'm feeling a bit direction-less at the moment, or rather, I'm not sure what I should be going after...
Here's my current box - any advice on what teams I should be building. I've just been trying for QWK ever since I got Ace but IDK if I'm doing it right.
My merry is at level 7 and I've seen Usopp's damned face at 9 Cola Bottles like 6 times already.My Merry is at level 8 and thank god it never has failed yet.