I'm screwed, yes
BB is worth the trouble - at least for a single copy and the quest clear.
I'm screwed, yes
I think this is the first time that I've been truly exasperated by the game. I've been farming Brook ever since I posted the Mihawk team last Thursday. Since then, I have gotten a grand total of....two skill ups.
I am currently on a streak of around ~21 Brooks without a single skill up. I would just give up, but I've already invested so much time and resources into the team at this point. But Blackbeard is released tomorrow night and....ugh. I don't know. I just needed to rant.
If somone puts up Jozu or Ace later i will give my BB team a run...feel like i still have to get the timing right on some hits.
Same here. It wouldn't be as bad if the game didn't love to troll me. Brook is at level 3 after >25 dupes. Miss Valentine is at skill level 7 after the same amount of books.
It always feels like crap characters have increased chance of skilling up...
damn, smoker got me unprepared the first time.. didn't remember that stage was so unforgiving if you use a g3 team... very little strength captains on friend list.. everybody still farming brook?
got hurt by 2 goons with 1 turn countdown missing one perfect, and when he did pre-emptive damage it was game overhow did you mess up? :3c
I'm using mihawk for smoker, that way i can use meppo and morgan. I have no trouble getting him down in one or two turnsdamn, smoker got me unprepared the first time.. didn't remember that stage was so unforgiving if you use a g3 team... very little strength captains on friend list.. everybody still farming brook?
Thanks will try it out later.I'll put up Ace in a few min when I finish my last Brook run for the night.
Edit: Up.
wow, all Lv 99?you might be OK for 40 stamina, but not 100% sureWell if you miss your perfects you will have issues on every stage with G3...otherwise he steamrolls that stage and with Alvida+Golden Pound you have more than 10 rounds to take Smoker out.
PS. I will use this Jozu team for my BB Quest Clear. Hope that HZoro get locked.
Thanks will try it out later.
wow, all Lv 99?you might be OK for 40 stamina, but not 100% sure
Same here. It wouldn't be as bad if the game didn't love to troll me. Brook is at level 3 after >25 dupes. Miss Valentine is at skill level 7 after the same amount of books.
It always feels like crap characters have increased chance of skilling up...
Also, as per good ol' Korial: his reddit post/research indicated Blackbeard's special will clear out any buffs you have on your team once he's sub 50% health. So time any orb boosts accordingly and leave those damage reducers at home!
Guys?!?!!! We have a problem! Looks like BB cancels all buffs before he attacks <50%. Which means he also cancels Mr.1 damge reduction?!
I guess you can still use Mr.1 before BB hits <50% and get the same amount of turns to defeat him.
Wait does this also apply to damage reduction buffs? If so, this could be a bit of trouble for me since I'm relying on killing him in 3 turns instead of 2.Good luck to any farmers and anyone running Blackbeard tonight in general.
I'll be running a Whitebeard team myself, so for any of you I have on my FL running a similar setup, hopefully it'll be of help (although I think it may just be Heng here). I'll try to put up a more accommodating captain up once I'm done with the raid, with anyone running Jozu, Ace, etc.
Also, as per good ol' Korial: his reddit post/research indicated Blackbeard's special will clear out any buffs you have on your team once he's sub 50% health. So time any orb boosts accordingly and leave those damage reducers at home!
The damage calculator says I can deal 493,000 damage without any negative or boosting orb and with Kaku locked. With Capone's special, I'll be able to deal 835,000 assuming WB gets negative orb and everyone gets positive orbs. Hopefully it'll work out for me.
Wait does this also apply to damage reduction buffs? If so, this could be a bit of trouble for me since I'm relying on killing him in 3 turns instead of 2.
Hmm actually I think I can still use Alvida in my build. I think for the first 2 turns I attack without activating WB special. So turn 1 and 2 you fish for good orbs and make sure he's above 50% and pop Alvida on the second turn. After that pop both WB and finish him off.Yes, as per the link Tidd posted to the reddit topic. You have two turns to burst down Blackbeard with a Whitebeard team, otherwise it's game over.
I'm running (including team placement):
My alternate is subbing Ivankov in for Kaku for a guaranteed orb for himself with his special. Otherwise, the goal leading up to Stage 4 is farming orbs for my QCK units. Then immediately using WB/Mihawk specials to eliminate 66% of Blackbeard's health, a Kaku special to orb boost any farmed orbs and finish off Blackbeard by turn 2 (if necessary).
Yes, as per the link Tidd posted to the reddit topic. You have two turns to burst down Blackbeard with a Whitebeard team, otherwise it's game over.
I'm running (including team placement):
My alternate is subbing Ivankov in for Kaku for a guaranteed orb for himself with his special. Otherwise, the goal leading up to Stage 4 is farming orbs for my QCK units. Then immediately using WB/Mihawk specials to eliminate 66% of Blackbeard's health, a Kaku special to orb boost any farmed orbs and finish off Blackbeard by turn 2 (if necessary).
Hmm actually I think I can still use Alvida in my build. I think for the first 2 turns I attack without activating WB special. So turn 1 and 2 you fish for good orbs and make sure he's above 50% and pop Alvida on the second turn. After that pop both WB and finish him off.
that exact team is what i plan to use when i run out of jozu friends or feel like a faster run. hope we're friends. always need more max special wb
Yes, as per the link Tidd posted to the reddit topic. You have two turns to burst down Blackbeard with a Whitebeard team, otherwise it's game over.
I'm running (including team placement):
My alternate is subbing Ivankov in for Kaku for a guaranteed orb for himself with his special. Otherwise, the goal leading up to Stage 4 is farming orbs for my QCK units. Then immediately using WB/Mihawk specials to eliminate 66% of Blackbeard's health, a Kaku special to orb boost any farmed orbs and finish off Blackbeard by turn 2 (if necessary).
Mind if I add you? I also want to run a WB team, but mine's only 21 turn cd just so you know. I've been looking at other WB runs and it still seems doable. It'll just require some extra attention.
I added you via the list. Try to accept it soon though, I can't remember how many requests I sent out earlier as I only have 2 friend spots left.
I got Brook to Sp. Lvl. 4. Need one more to feel confident of unleashing him in time.
I followed this and got super lucky with him dropping on my first 30 STA run. I don't have a good enough QCK team to farm his 40 STA version (couldn't skill up Brook), so I will do that the next time he comes around.Alright, so I think I've got a team figured out. This is based off of a post on the Facebook group, so I can't take much credit for it, but I did tweak it a little and run it through my calculator to verify that it works. Before it required some luck with orbs, but this is a little more consistent.
Here Is The Team
Cooldown Requirements:
Mihawk (both): 18 Turns
Brook: 19 Turns
Stage 1: Stall 2 Turns - No damage
Stage 2: Stall 6-7 Turns - Take 1 hit from the Lobster (2,652 damage). The Lobster only has 18 HP (5 Turns with 4 combo), so make sure you spread some of the hits to the Turtles.
Stage 3: Stall 2 Turns - No damage
Stage 4: Stall 2 Turns - No damage. Go Mihawk > Brook (1st Elder Dead) > Mihawk (2nd Elder Dead) > Lucci (Red Minion Dead) > Mr. 1 (Green Minion Dead) > Zoro (Blue Minion Dead). Although the Elder seahorses have 8HP, we can still kill the second one, as long as we hit all three perfects, because we'll have the damage to overcome its Defense.
Total Turns: 12-13 (we will assume 12)
Turn 1: 201,778
Turn 2: 201,778
Turn 6: 201,778 - Note, this is an important Turn. If you did 201,778 every turn, then Blackbeard will be sitting at 53% HP after this attack, which means we won't get silenced. If you have gotten matching orbs at any point during the past few turns, then you may want to intentionally get a Great hit at some point here, just so you don't go past the 50% mark.
Turn 7: 201,778 + Both Mihawk Specials
Turn 8: 252,222 = Mr. 1 AND Brook specials
Turn 9: 32,272
Turn 10: 201,778 - Feel free to use any burst specials you have at this point (Zoro/Lucci).
And there you have it. The big downsides to this team are the level requirements, and the precision in hitting Perfects that is required. This last part can easily be remedied by a few key matching orbs, but it could also go the other way with some non-matching orbs. Thankfully, I've assumed that Lucci gets locked instead of Zoro. If Zoro gets locked, then we will do more damage each turn and will do about 45k more damage at the end with Lucci's special, which relaxes the requirements a bit.
I know it's not perfect, but I feel like it's one of the first teams where we have pretty solid proof that it actually works. Feel free to prove me wrong (no really, please), but I feel pretty good about it.
Now to farm a crap ton of QCK turtles tonight...