Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Dammit! All I want is 12 gems. Stupid game. I want Ace!
Edit: well, seems like it's caused by App store crash.
Edit: well, seems like it's caused by App store crash.
Rixa i would working on evolving and leveling the units you have first before thinking about pulling. Luffy, Sanji and Nami are quite useful at this point especially when leveled. I have Gear 2 Luffy and 5* Sanji - they both hit very hard in a Zeff team.
Yeah i will also wait - im running a QCK team but i just evolved Sanji and Kuros Island will be next. Weill get a couple solid QCK units in time, no need to rush things with the current content.
I've been playing chapter 11 on Baratie and blue turtles have been dropping like wildfire!
Are they small turtles?I've been playing chapter 11 on Baratie and blue turtles have been dropping like wildfire!
AAAAnd he dropped, 3rd try. Lucky day i guess.
Sadly i can't do Jack Shit with him now. I only got 48 Crew Points and Ace alone costs 20!
So for now until I lvl up and get some Points i can't use both, or at least in a decent Team.
I've been playing chapter 11 on Baratie and blue turtles have been dropping like wildfire!
Hmm interesting - might give it a ...oh well no i have to farm that stupid Rainbow Pirate lol.
Are they small turtles?
Baratie 11 / Repaying the Old man:
On my 1st try there was one blue crab but didnt get it, no turtles at all.
On my 2nd try there was blue turtle and seahorse, got the turtle (golden paper = ultra super rare) "Blue Daimyo Turtle"
-> Later, going to farm this chapter more
EDIT: 3rd time seahorse & blue turtle, got the turtle again. Farm this chapter!
30-Day login bonus - got 5 Rainbow Gems.
You get another 5 once you hit Day 60 - so it will be a while from that point on. After 60 i guess its 100 days.
Would it not be possible to stop playing for one day and reset the login bonuses? Considering u get alot more from day 1-30 than 30-60 or does the login streak work only once?
I am far from 30, currently sitting at day 17.Try it. Let's see what happens.
Would it not be possible to stop playing for one day and reset the login bonuses? Considering u get alot more from day 1-30 than 30-60 or does the login streak work only once?
Alright, so since I'm going to be upgrading to an iPhone sooner than I had originally planned, I decided to just go ahead and go all out for an Ace today. 50 gems, so it's a pretty good chance, right? Here are the pulls:
Mr. 5 - Shooter Version
Chopper - Horn Point
Kuro (3*)
Gin the Demon
Alvida - Fat
Coby - Marine Recruit
Smoker (3*)
Mr. 5 - Shooter Version
Buggy (3*)
Enraged Arlong
So yeah, pretty much a huge bust for me. Out of 10 pulls, only 3 were even Quick units. I don't know if my luck just sucks huge donkey balls, or if the pull percentage increase just isn't that much better. Oh well, I was going to lose the gems anyway.
Heh got Zeff on my second run through of 2X drop
Unfortunatly spent 10 fruit and got 2 lots of Smoker :/ What happens if you merge two of the same for rare and up cards?
Merging same characters gives bonus exp and a chance at levelling the characters special
I should grab a Don Krieg!! Which stage should I farm for him?
Ok, will farm that : )He only shows up in Baratie 15, as far as I know.
This is perfect!@Zero, check this spreadsheet for drops list
Don Krieg on 5 and 15
Gin on 12
I got Ace on my first pull, is he good? Don't really feel like rerolling for ussop :v
Alright, I'll keep him then.You get Usopp in the story missions, Ace is a good pull.
Am i the only one who didin't got zeff today ? Just spent all my 47 stamina on baratie 3 and the only time he flashed was a moneybag.
I'm close to spending all my gems on rare recruit and anything less than Ace and shanks I'm quitting this game.
Tomorrow is day 30 for me, 5 more fruits... getting tempted
Didn't get Arlong yesterday or Zeff today in my iPad.... It happens. No need to worry though, bonus is here to stay anyway.Am i the only one who didin't got zeff today ? Just spent all my 47 stamina on baratie 3 and the only time he flashed was a moneybag.
I'm close to spending all my gems on rare recruit and anything less than Ace and shanks I'm quitting this game.
Tomorrow is day 30 for me, 5 more fruits... getting tempted
Hehe... xDNice. More Zeff friends and more people requesting mine. One day my list will be freed of Bazooka Luffy.
Didn't get Arlong yesterday or Zeff today in my iPad.... It happens. No need to worry though, bonus is here to stay anyway.
Hehe... xD
The first couple days were extremely bad with everyone having Luffy up.
You could have expanded your box by 250 for this. Bummer.
im with you brother!
Is there a mugiwara island event ? for us to get the others forms of zoro/sanji/nami/choper
There is one but not for V2, just some special Kimono versions. Starting after Laboon, there will be 3 types of units:
- Rare Recruit exclusives: Strawhats V2, Whitebeard crew, Warlords ...
- Event bosses: either 24-h events like Mihawk or fortnight ones like Sergeant Coby. These will NOT be added to Rare Summon and will be event exclusive.
- Story bosses: these too will NOT be added to the RR pool and won't have fortnight islands like Buggy/Alvida either, you'll have to farm them in story mode (just like ... Zeff).
So from here on, Rare Recruit will only get better as the number of exclusives will skyrocket compared to farmable units. That's why it's a good idea to just keep your gems (and money) in your pocket and wait a little for more units to be added.
JP is getting skypeia this week, so the most important story bosses right now are Sir Crocodile and Enel/Eneru. Events in the other hand will have many good units like Garp, Doflamingo, Monster Chopper, Rob Lucci, Blackbeard, Franky, Brook .. etc.what is an example of story boss? I got alvida, arlong, kuro and krieg from rare recruit. And I know that smoker is obtainable as well
the biggest problem is the rare recruit exclusives... You spend your gems (or money, wich I didn't done, yet) and in the end you get 2 dancing jangos in a row like me. If there was a way to roll for characters you don't have, it would be better (and I would spend money on that, maybe)
Nice. I want to pick up some gems, but the App Store crash thing is really putting a hold on it. Sigh.![]()
about damn time!
now just need to get ace once that weird rainbow gem purchase issue gets fixed