Glad to hear, congrats !!Mihawk maxed. Only took me til the fourth appearance to do it.
Bring on Dofy! Actually, no, wait til Duck Squad comes by so I can max GP first.
Glad to hear, congrats !!
Do you have his ship unlocked as well?
Not yet, I keep dying at Luffy. I think my team could clear it if everything went my way, but I'll probably grab a few more levels on everyone first. Running the Mihawk/Mihawk, Arlong, Sgt.Helmeppo, Halloween Zoro, GP Usopp team.
Farmed 80 Mihawks. Failed a few times because of carelessly forgetting to use Golden Pound Usopp's special... The 80 should be enough when the skill rate up comes back.
Thanks to all the friend captains who remained active for me to use during those 80+ runs throughout the 24 hours.
Oh man, 80 Mihawk? You should be golden, unless RNG really hates you.Farmed 80 Mihawks. Failed a few times because of carelessly forgetting to use Golden Pound Usopp's special... The 80 should be enough when the skill rate up comes back.
Thanks to all the friend captains who remained active for me to use during those 80+ runs throughout the 24 hours.
The sakura event includes G3 in the rate ups, but it also overlaps with an INT up
Do I dare try
anyone tried the cobymeppo fortnight'how good are the drops?
since marco's books are on the fortnight after brook's (the valentine one is a holiday one),i was thinking starting farming cobymeppo's instead of the halloween the momen i have 30 marco skillbooks for a lv 2 i need 9 skillups
I'm sure it differs per person but for me:
good rate on Helmeppo books.
Decent enough rate on Robin books.
Abyssal rate on Coby books.
I've seen a lot of people say they've barely had any robin drops at all though.
Farmed 80 Mihawks. Failed a few times because of carelessly forgetting to use Golden Pound Usopp's special... The 80 should be enough when the skill rate up comes back.
Thanks to all the friend captains who remained active for me to use during those 80+ runs throughout the 24 hours.
For the new OP it would be nice if we had a section with the recommended Story mode runs during 1/2 stamina or 2x drop in the week. LIke Orange Town 8 for baby turtles. Or whatever people use for Baby Seahorses...just a couple of spots to burn stamina during boring Fortnights.
And yeah i was surprised to see how many friend had G3 up - i dont think the GAF community will have too many issues with farming DoFla.
If you don't have maxed meppo/coby, might as well run that instead since you're not gtting them anywhere else.
I'll take a note. This week I didn't have much computer time and when I could use it there were other priorities. But I think next week I should advance it quite a bit!
During Mihawk more than half my friend list were G3s. Everybody has one besides me T.T
Coby max level CD is 10, but I think it should be enough if you have it at 13, since it's Garp max CD.
My time machine says that the extra turtle times will be 1-hour long and we will have 2 per day. Time to max every character who can be useful! Starting with red turtles.
And we get Lucci next week instead of Smoker? O.O
Is there a schedule of which colors on which days? Last time I remember running out of money and having to play around that based on which characters I wanted to boost.
Well, you could "time travel" for yourself to see which colors are on which days (if we already have an update for all turtle times and not just for the red ones) Or wait till someone other does that.
And we get Lucci next week instead of Smoker? O.O
Really? That's weird. They'd be skipping Smoker, Tsuru, and Kalifa. Maybe they want to get a specific type of ranking match in?
Either way, that means the Marco book farming will continue, I'll hop right off of Halloween 2 onto Lucci. Duck Squad should only be 2-4 weeks after that. I might have 50+ Marco books ready for the next skill up event.
Eh, I play G3 to steamroll stages/fortnights so 10 was immensely helpful; would have put him in my Halloween clearing team if Sanji didn't boost orbs already.Coby max level CD is 10, but I think it should be enough if you have it at 13, since it's Garp max CD.
I finally managed to do the Cobymeppo challenge!
I've been checking the Replay Adventures tab in the game to check if we're really getting Lucci next. So far there is nothing announced there, sadly.
Lucci coming back is kind of a bummer. No notable skill books aside from Marco but I already have 32 books from the Halloween fortnight to get the last 4 skill ups I need on my Marco, not to mention the fact that his book should return for Duck Squad. My Kaku has a cooldown of 15 right now so I don't know if I really need to bother to try to level that. It might be worth getting LS Zoro books to max him out but I don't see much more of a reason to revisit the fortnight aside from that.
Brook's fortnight isn't all that impressive either. I'll probably take advantage of the half stamina event to farm a Wapol to make use of the skill books since I know somewhere down the line he combos with someone for full STR orbs. Hawkins skill is pretty meh, and Brooks skill is nice but pretty nonessential. And I already have a maxed Shanks so Ryuma isn't going to be that big a deal for me. Looks like the game could get a little boring for me for the next two weeks.
Do you know which unit he combines with ?
I still need to farm Wapol otherwise the Brook Fortnight will be quite lackluster skillbook wise for me.
Skilling up Lucci/Kaku + Marco books might be more interesting.
i believe the combo is young arlong, or the sun pirates arlong, he changes empty slots to strength orbs and boosts orbs by 1.25, and wapol empties all slots.
You still need to get a copy of Ryuma at least, and he has a super low encounter rate, i think gamewith lists it as 5% or so.
I don't like 1 month of blue exp dudes with no blue people to use them on.
With our blue guys getting leveled up right now I feel I should farm a couple MC copies when he is up the next time. Only for one copy when he premiered on Global since we didn't have Kaku back then. Actually it's kinda cool that we get to spend more exp on support characters like Hina and Kaku now.I'm finally able to level up properly my QCK characters, so I'm not complaining. So far I've maxed Killer and my Kaku is at level 91. Once my Halloween Zoro is at level 80 I'll try to max Ace. Seeing MAX characters in your box is super satisfying
I don't like 1 month of blue exp dudes with no blue people to use them on.
I've got Ace, Capone & killer all around level 60-70. Nice time to max 3 different possible QUICK captains.
And I guess I could get mr.prince up to a decent level in case I ever need a worse gear 3rd that isn't killer. any situation that'd apply to?
Maybe there's a mission or a ranking that might, in the future? Poor guy.![]()
Just thinking about Sanji in OPTC makes me sad mope he gets a Top Tier unit sometime in the future xD
Knowing Sanji he'd get the first 6 star unit that people universally consider useless.
Black Leg Sanji ******
Captain Ability: 1.75x Damage for Fighter units
Special: 10x damage to one enemy (38 cooldown)
A better play would be releasing a good Sanji and then immediately release a farmable Duval that does everything better
Damn that's cold.... /deadI think it'd be a more suited to release a 6-star Zoro that literally fills every niche sanji would fill, but does it better.
With our blue guys getting leveled up right now I feel I should farm a couple MC copies when he is up the next time. Only for one copy when he premiered on Global since we didn't have Kaku back then. Actually it's kinda cool that we get to spend more exp on support characters like Hina and Kaku now.
Def. no priority and more of a longterm project... But MCs special can hit dex enemies quite hard.
I'm trying to farm Shura today because I'm an idiot
but once I get him I'll never have to do the test of string againD
I usually get really disappointed when I get a Stamina refill from the snail transponder when I first jump into the game but I had no idea it would double my stamina! Thank you overflow!!
I figure my use for him will be slotting him into the striker team I am using to farm Skypia since he wont be effected by the stat downI loved his animation when I fought against him. I'd love to use him but, sadly, he is not a good character![]()