I feel like torb still needs another buff.
Me and a friend were joking about making his turret a type of vehicle he can start riding.
Had a good first defense round on Volskaya, lost the first point but held out on the 2nd for a really long time.
2nd round our only healer decides to switch to Sombra as soon as the door opens :/
It took less than a page for somebody to say Winston is bad lmao
D.Va seems like the "new Symmetra" in that the devs seem to know better than the playerbase and everyone is playing her wrong. I had no idea I was supposed to run around chasing rip-tires and ulting Genji's w/ DM. Wow.
solo healing is ok as ana since she's sort of busted.
BTW, for the D.Va changes on the PTR and concerns, Blizz finally responded:
Edit:as expected, people are not liking that response
Edit 2:
In what world is someone playing JR in comp that is also coordinated enough to go "I'm using my tire, D.va, follow it and it's going to go in this patter oh and healers keep the D.Va alive as she goes into enemy territory"
DM does nothing to genji's ult? You're better off shooting him.
Not when the enemy team realise that you're the only healer and focus the shit out of you.
Tbf sometimes if i get super tilted from being a solo healer when it's obviously not working I'll go hanzo or something.
Don't let people solo heal if you can help it.
I fail to see the problem, if anything it's the enemy teams problem.yeah but then you're stuck playing winston :^)
DM does nothing to genji's ult? You're better off shooting him.
Not when the enemy team realise that you're the only healer and focus the shit out of you.
I fail to see the problem, if anything it's the enemy teams problem.
Who said anything about mainstay? He's perfect for dive comp/tilting.i don't think you'd wanna play winston into roadhog or soldier, who seem like they'll remain mainstays in most compositions. they annihilate him super hard, even with harmony orb healing.
at least I'm not whippy holy shit
D.Va getting nerfed? Maybe Winston can finally become viable now.
D.Va getting nerfed? Maybe Winston can finally become viable now.
OT7 Wall o' Shame:
give him his hp back, his shield hp back and more armor and maybe he'll see play and not get shit on by roadhog/reaper/soldier.
How did anyone get to platinum doing SQ? I feel like it's impossible for me to get to platinum dude, I've been playing for weeks and for every good team I get, I get 4 bad ones.
give him his hp back, his shield hp back and more armor and maybe he'll see play and not get shit on by roadhog/reaper/soldier.
err yeah. one twitch clip of this one guy getting totally outplayed doesn't change that winston has a huge ass headshot hitbox, less HP than most other tanks and much weaker shields compared to D.Va, Reinhardt and Zarya.
i don't think you'd wanna play winston into roadhog or soldier, who seem like they'll remain mainstays in most compositions. they annihilate him super hard, even with harmony orb healing.
maybe, but if he dives into a team full of things that just counter him, he's just gonna be free ult charge and end up being a liability like he kind of is right now. I think reaper's actually a good tank buster when D.Va's not there to just cockblock everything he does since his main problem is getting rekt by defense matrix + sleep dart. reducing the probability of at least one of those things is good for his overall pattern of trying to get in behind the tanks and then blast them with his huge up-close DPS. who knows, if Reaper's meta, we might see Winston too since he can actually go in hard with Reaper if necessary.I'm being facetious honestly, because yeah reaper should beat winston 8 times out of 10. I still don't think that should be a reason for buffing winston because that's exactly what we want. Didn't we complain about reaper not being the tank buster anymore?
Also it just shows that there are ways for winston to play around his counters still. I feel like once dive comps are a thing again and there are more squishies on the field you'll see a lot more winston.
It's refreshing to see you so honest about that hook.Please, play winston, hes totally viable, I think he totally counters hog. if you die it's only cause that of that broken hook
It's refreshing to see you so honest about that hook.
For example, running matrix on top of a friendly ulting Genji, Junkrat tire, or Pharah is very strong and something that tanks with more static defenses (like Reinhardt or Winston) aren't as good at.
I can't process that. I'm reading it, trying to imagine how that would go in my head, and I just can't do it.
https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20752617515Sponsored by gay money
I laughed out loud. Gay money
I had the quickest cap that I've ever seen on Volskaya the other night.