Ghost is Bad
then a wild genji appears or reaper randomly comes stage left and DIE DIE DIE
BTW, for the D.Va changes on the PTR and concerns, Blizz finally responded:
Edit:as expected, people are not liking that response
Edit 2:
In what world is someone playing JR in comp that is also coordinated enough to go "I'm using my tire,, follow it and it's going to go in this patter oh and healers keep the D.Va alive as she goes into enemy territory"
Saying Winston needs a buff is basically admitting you have no idea what you're talking about.
No it isn't, but don't get discouraged. A lot of people chase kills instead of the objective, and need a reminder to get on the point. Do you have mic? Some comms might help with that issue.Had an enjoyable 1.5 hrs of quick play last night. My usual stack team haven't been online for a few days and I though to myself "ok, these randos seem sensible, let me try one comp game". Sound logic right? Nope, went into a game solo, turned out to be Volskaya.
On defence, team played ok but eventually lost both points.
On attack, we couldn't even get the first point. I was doing my job as Rein trying to rally the team, we eventually got 2 picks and I said to group up and I charged in, seeing as it was 6 v4. I eventually got taken out trying to cap and where was the rest of my team? Still under the arch trying to get more kills, if we just rushed in I'm sure we would have capped seeing as we had the advantage. I just don't understand the mentality of comp players sometimes, this team weren't even bad but they just didn't capitalise on the number advantages.
I don't know how people can solo queue, maybe because I'm just under platinum, is platinum/diamond any better?
Some defense heros are good on attack, Mei has a ult that can potentially team wipe. So there's that.Why would anyone ever pick Mei for Attack, on the hero selection screen shes listed under Defend?
Can anyone explain me the thread title?![]()
Why would anyone ever pick Mei for Attack, on the hero selection screen shes listed under Defend?
Why would anyone ever pick Mei for Attack, on the hero selection screen shes listed under Defend?
Why would anyone ever pick Mei for Attack, on the hero selection screen shes listed under Defend?
So is OW ever coming to Mac?
Good grief. This pretty much proved that Blizzard completly ignored all of our criticisms.
And how the hell do I protect a Phara? You can't exactly hover unless you want everyone thinking you're having a seizure.
Why would anyone ever pick Mei for Attack, on the hero selection screen shes listed under Defend?
Obviously talking about when Pharah is using her ult on the ground. It's so crazy the enemy will never expect it.
As someone mentioned earlier, these are the same folks that said "People don't know how to play Symmetra" before completely reworking her.
With Caeser and we go Ana and Reinhardt. With a 4 stack who go widow, hanzo, dva and roadhog both rounds. We somehow managed to push it in overtime to the end while they never made the first point.
Such a weird game.
Man, why is every thumbnail on overwatch youtube videos terrible?
The widow kept dying on the killfeed to various enemies. Saw Tracer, Winston and Soldier repeatibly kill them. We were struggling till one went Winston. Then next round they went widow hanzo.I was going to say that should of never worked but... I actually think that is viable.
The three tanks with Ana can prolong a fight and distract the enemy team long enough so that the Hanzo and Widow could sit untouched picking off anyone that was dumb enough to get exposed.
Your front line would be completely fine because Roadhog and D.Va have enough punch to make the enemy cautious. With the added risk of getting sniped for being exposed, going all in is super risky against your comp.
I am not gonna lie, unless the the Widow and Hanzo were complete idiots I don't think there was an easy way for their team to break through the defense.
Man, why is every thumbnail on youtube videos terrible?
Oh no, my spending cash.
The widow kept dying on the killfeed to various enemies. Saw Tracer, Winston and Soldier repeatibly kill them. We were struggling till one went Winston.
I do not think they should nerf Dva if they do not touch Soldier at the same time. That is my biggest complain from these changes.I still think 76 can take Dva rather easily, I mean yeah her screen can ruin his ult but within one reload and his rocket her mech is practically done for - even quicker if your teammates are helping out.
The post I enjoy most on that forum is the Winston one. So many people complaining about Dva when Winston constantly gets shit on and ignored.
I've played above average hours on competitive PS4 since S1 and I think I can count on 1 hand how many times I've seen anyone play him. Sad.
Sounds like the ground team was pulling all the weight. Good job on keeping your team afloat.
Current meta is focused on tanks and gay money comes from the reveal Tracer is lesbian/bi
Or the other team was just bad.
Ah, this explains it. I watched the video but didn't catch that shot since it flickered so fast.
C'mon man! I am trying to make you look good here. What is the point of a hypeman if you undercut him?
^Honestly, I think people who have switch-itis bother me more at this point than people who pick poorly and stick with it. In the latter case, you'll at least get ults to use and can reliably strategize around the character.
It bugs the hell out of me when I'm on a team and it's basically like playing Mystery Heroes where the entire rest of my team is switching characters every time they die so the enemy team can just build ult and wipe the floor with us over and over by spacing them out properly.
If you have a recent Nvidia GPU just use shadowplay inside Geforce experience.Also, do any of you record your sessions? I'm currently just doing a bit of quick play but mostly "Ana aim training"; That is, playing a koth map against ana bots as mccree with headshots only on. What software are you using if recording? I need something light so i can go back and watch my sessions and get a sense of what i'm doing right/wrong. I recall sitting at ~30% accuracy before but i'm down to ~20% now.
Granted, i played more before.
Is there any ETA when the season ends? Or any speculations at least?
I've had other stuff coming up during this season so i haven't been able to do the placements yet and my aim has turn to shit, so i'm currently spending time practicing.
Also, do any of you record your sessions? I'm currently just doing a bit of quick play but mostly "Ana aim training"; That is, playing a koth map against ana bots as mccree with headshots only on. What software are you using if recording? I need something light so i can go back and watch my sessions and get a sense of what i'm doing right/wrong. I recall sitting at ~30% accuracy before but i'm down to ~20% now.
Granted, i played more before.
Why would anyone ever pick Mei for Attack, on the hero selection screen shes listed under Defend?
Season started the week after Thanksgiving so probably around Feb 21st.
If you have a recent Nvidia GPU just use shadowplay inside Geforce experience.
Season started the week after Thanksgiving so probably around Feb 21st.
I don't encounter switch-itiis often, and on the whole I'd prefer people switching than sticking with a character pointlessly. If the pick's not synergistic with the rest of the team, whether or not he has ult is often a losing gamble in my experience..
Those people bug the shit out of me way more than instalock Hanzo/Genji mains at this point because ult economy is way more important now that the ult rates have been reduced.