I just had my first competitive match where my teammates did nothing but yell at each other about who "really" sucks on the team.![]()
Welcome to the club. All we have is salt and broken dreams.
I just had my first competitive match where my teammates did nothing but yell at each other about who "really" sucks on the team.![]()
shoulda picked hanzo to make it 4Me: " We have 3 offense heroes"
Teammate: "That's pretty good"
And with that I knew the L was coming.
Rolled comp at 1st point, one guy DQs, no points for me......
Welcome to the club. All we have is salt and broken dreams.
shoulda picked hanzo to make it 4
remember that level =/= smart. it's usually the super high level player that does the stupid ass shit you think is glaringly obvious.
No, they specifically said this:tl;dr: Blizz dgaf rip Dorito Viola
I understand that people feel like she may be too weak overall after these changes, and if that turns out to be the case we'll look at helping her out.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E83CtWFkQW0&feature=youtu.beIs the "gay money" phrase something people were actually saying about Tracer? I'm assuming that has to be the joke but this is the first time I've seen it mentioned in connection with Overwatch.
No, they specifically said this:
Lmao why is it that when a Pharah is destroying that people think it's a good idea to jump on Pharah also?
Thankfully for once the Pharah destroying was on my team, we are at 2-2 on Nepal and the Soldier on the enemy team decides to go Pharah the last round and proceeds to get wrecked by the Soldier on our team lmao. I can only guess our Pharah was giving him enough trouble that he just wanted to duel it out or some stupid shit.
On the topic of balance changes, I'm gonna be sad if DVA gets hit hard. I was starting to really get into her since my main (Soldier) is often boring as fuck to play and my Reinhardt and Hog (who is also about to get nerfed) skills have atrophied a lot since Season 2. Oh well. I guess the game will go back to revolving around if your DPS doesn't suck.
I like this Bastion individual. Spraying Pharah, staring at Genji, chewing through tanks. Might be my choice for first Legendary purchase.
Genji's kinda neat, too, I guess. I guess I need to jump more.
are you serious?
I'm being facetious honestly, because yeah reaper should beat winston 8 times out of 10. I still don't think that should be a reason for buffing winston because that's exactly what we want. Didn't we complain about reaper not being the tank buster anymore?
Also it just shows that there are ways for winston to play around his counters still. I feel like once dive comps are a thing again and there are more squishies on the field you'll see a lot more winston.
I was being facetious.No, they specifically said this:
D.va protecting Junk's tyre isn't even something I had thought of...oh well. By the time OT9 comes around maybe I'll be good as Junkrat.
Jellie beat me by 1 post on the wall of shame
Also, people need to stop asking for Winston buffs. He's one of the most balanced heroes in the game. If the meta wasn't full of Roadhogs and Dva, Winston would actually get a look in.
I just can't wait for these nerfs to hit live, this meta has been cancerous for diversity.
BTW, for the D.Va changes on the PTR and concerns, Blizz finally responded:
Edit:as expected, people are not liking that response
Edit 2:
In what world is someone playing JR in comp that is also coordinated enough to go "I'm using my tire, D.va, follow it and it's going to go in this patter oh and healers keep the D.Va alive as she goes into enemy territory"
There was a time where every line up was literally zen + lucio +bwinston/rein + zarya + genji + other dps(mostly mccree iirc)
There was also a time where literally every koth is 2 lucios + 2 winstons + 2 tracers.
Pharah meta was probably the most diverse but i cant remember much about it. Beyblade probably the 2nd most diverse?
The only reason you Winston back is so you can farm him with reaper. I know your plans, I'm keeping my eyes on you.
If D.Va's old HP was weak enough that they felt they needed to buff it, then I don't understand how they think what she has now is good enough for the damage she puts out, which they nerfed.
They actually made her worse than she was before the buff meanwhile Ana is still gonna remain the best healer in the game by far plus Soldier is somehow untouched.Yeah it's total bullshit now. Even worse than back then where she was immediately down. Even the damage got nerfed now where you have to hunt people down to even get the damage down. Now she gets rekt when she dives and also cant kill fast enough.