no one likes playing soldier for real. you do it cuz you need a dps and hes the only one that can escape her garbage with any kind of consistency. even if you pick pharah and try to fly away here she comes every 6 seconds with her stupid pellet gun making this incessant noise and then you turn to shoot her and she eats your rockets and does it all over again until you fucking die
Why limit to DPS? She's kind of designed around being annoying towards them, but Reaper deals with her well, Mei harasses her too. But Zarya's my bae for dealing with them, especially when they reflexively attempt to DM her beam. Nerf this? No no, thanks for the charge~
Can somebody please explain to me why Overwatch doesn't provide replacement players or AI players in competitive play? Honest to god, quitters are ruining the game for me. I only have time to play maybe two matches a night. Both matches tonight were ruined by quitting teammates. Why even bother playing?
If I invest 8 minutes in a closely fought defense, only for a teammate to leave 2 minutes into our attack... what's the point? It's all just a waste of time. Why no replacement players? Why no AI players? Why fully credit me with a loss?
Maybe I'd be less upset if I understood Blizzard's reasoning. Right now it's just... why even keep trying? I have 30 minutes of leisure time a night and I could find other uses for it.
It's competitive for a reason so slotting people in mid-match doesn't really make it all that desirable for them either. AI is a tough one for a couple reasons, but namely if AI ends up being good, then you have people harassing players they perceive as bad into leaving to get an AI instead. Or, the AI ends up being bad and you just have free ult charge for the enemy team.
I get why people get hung up on leavers, but the bottom line is that you are bound to those teams once you enter them in comp. Getting a leaver sucks, but it's just a more direct way of simply having a bad teammate. Someone could be playing poorly, or throwing, or whatever else that ends up losing the game. Leavers are in the same boat with that the way I see it. I think it really depends on the amount you play, if you only get a handful of ranked games in then leavers make that much more impact, but once you start playing more heavily they become less of an issue. I just leave once the timer runs down, take my lump, and move on to the next game.