Johan Liebert
Lol that POTG
maybe if the 3 tank players cut off their hands.Tracer and Genji against 3 tanks only works on King of the Hill maps, right?
Did onefact even death blossom once? Jesus christ.
I mean, why would he? He would jist get focused instantly.
Mickie <3
Mickie <3
They put the best aimer on Winston SMH.
Mickie <3
Anyone notice how Mickie flings his D.Va ult downwards before he lets it go? Does it do anything?
I wonder if they put mickie next to taimou on purpose.
Propels it along the grpund if you do that, less telegraphed.
Why limit to DPS? She's kind of designed around being annoying towards them, but Reaper deals with her well, Mei harasses her too. But Zarya's my bae for dealing with them, especially when they reflexively attempt to DM her beam. Nerf this? No no, thanks for the charge~
no one likes playing soldier for real. you do it cuz you need a dps and hes the only one that can escape her garbage with any kind of consistency. even if you pick pharah and try to fly away here she comes every 6 seconds with her stupid pellet gun making this incessant noise and then you turn to shoot her and she eats your rockets and does it all over again until you fucking die