Yeah I've got strep and can't really do calloutsYeah I think I'm just not going to play overwatch until I stop coughing out my lungs.
Thank god for OGN apex tonight.
Still gonna run arcade for the boxes though lol
Yeah I've got strep and can't really do calloutsYeah I think I'm just not going to play overwatch until I stop coughing out my lungs.
Thank god for OGN apex tonight.
Wut how did the grav combo not work?
Commentators, if you don't have anything interesting to say just shut up.
maybe they're paid by the wordCommentators, if you don't have anything interesting to say just shut up.
Sabeyoube is fucking dirty on tracer goddamn.
so what happend to the tripple tank meta?
Some Pros apparently decided that it's not fun, so they don't play it.
Some Pros apparently decided that it's not fun, so they don't play it.
Oh look triple tank absolutely destroys the dive comp.
RIP Misfits.
am i the only one that is annnoyed we pretty much only gets to see through the DPS players during tournaments? I understand that thats where the action is, but i want to see how other characters play aswell.
no one likes playing soldier for real. you do it cuz you need a dps and hes the only one that can escape her garbage with any kind of consistency. even if you pick pharah and try to fly away here she comes every 6 seconds with her stupid pellet gun making this incessant noise and then you turn to shoot her and she eats your rockets and does it all over again until you fucking die
Watching him play Ana is as fun as watching pro genjisMost of the times i recall a camera being on a support is when Ryujehongs playing
I'm fine with a small Soldier 76 nerf that basically kicks him out of the competitive meta but leaves him a safe pick at lower ranks.
He's supposed to be the jack of all trades, master of none, safe-choice DPS, but instead he's the master of most trades, safe-choice DPS.
mccree - dead if you catch him without flashbangOh I wouldn't really say he's great at everything. Honestly, even now he still has the 3rd slowest TTK, being only faster than genji and sombra. Mccree, tracer, reaper & pharah can snowball kills a lot quicker. Also his spread is great against big hitboxes but his effective damage is lowered quite a bit when he has to deal with spread on smaller targets.
sleep -> shoot nade shootWhat's a good burst damage combination with Ana?
Say if I've slept someone and I need to finish him off with a big burst of damage as I wake him back up, and I can't really trust anyone else in the team to help chip in damage. What's the best way to try to try getting the kill on my own?
What's a good burst damage combination with Ana?
Say if I've slept someone and I need to finish him off with a big burst of damage as I wake him back up, and I can't really trust anyone else in the team to help chip in damage. What's the best way to try to try getting the kill on my own?
sleep -> shoot nade shoot
Thanks. Does melee have any place in there?Shoot, then press e to throw your grenade. This will animation cancel your shot, so it will do ~150 damage in less than a second.
You can practice on the target dummies, which I believe represent a 200 health hero. You can kill any character with that health in the game with shot - sleep - shot/nade combo.
sleep -> shoot nade shoot
you missed sprayThe real setup is:
Sleep Dart -> "Children, Behave" Voice Line -> Shoot -> Biotic Grenade -> Shoot Again -> Melee Attack -> Tea Time Emote
If they aren't a tank, the Biotic grenade will keep you alive long enough for the combo and should kill most everyone not a tank.
The emote and voice line will tilt them enough to not try it again.*
*If you're just now getting gud, or have little time for the combo, you can skip the voice line and emote.
it depends what you're trying to killThanks. Does melee have any place in there?