Yeah, this is really what's both amusing and frustrating about the issue. Is it possible the administration did something wrong? It's possible, although plenty of knowledgeable people with good reason to say that they did (like Condi) have said that they probably didn't. But the Republican party, and Romney in specific, have poisoned the well so aggressively with obvious and clearly inaccurate attacks on the President from all conceivable angles that reasonable people simply don't believe them. You don't have to take my word for it -- just look at the complete lack of traction this is getting as an election issue, or Romney's unwillingness to even approach the topic last Monday. It doesn't play, and it doesn't play for the simple and straightforward reason that the people pushing it have cried "terrorist" a few times too often. Frankly, this should be a cautionary tale for you -- because if there was something really wrong here, it would be bad for national security, and if the GOP hadn't frittered away all its credibility, maybe they could actually serve as an effective critic of the Adminstration's decisions and help America. But that die is cast.