Guys, you are both totally wrong, here's the timeline of events:
12:24) Pctx starts a thread titled "Pctx presents: Libya. The official thread of who knew what, when and why it happened". At the same time I'm slacking off at work and RDdreamer has already begun his response.
12:25) dave is ok replies with what seems like a snarky post, but this is unconfirmed. I think it's obvious at this point that the backfire has already begun, nobody is ready to call it yet though.
12:25 and 30 seconds) RDdreamer has finished his response, but is waiting patiently for the right time.
12:31) I send a PM to Pctx with a picture of a Aguirre and BFFs caption and also tell him that there are signs of thread backfire and we need help.
12:32) Pctx denies my request for help.
12:51) There have been many eyewitness reports that show many snarky replies at this point, there is still no response to requests for backup.
1:56) RDdreamer finally lets loose his shelling on the thread, Pctx posts to let us know he's okay.
2:09) Mercury Ford FINALLY calls the thread backfire.
So as you can see, there's definitely something fishy going on here.
This thread became amazing.