Maybe younger folk use different search words because every/most porn already has boobs in it? Plus there's more variety of it than there used to be.
Sidenote: whoever did this study clearly has not been watching enough modern anime.
I eat ass. I eat a lot of ass. I eat way too much ass. It affects my nutrition.
Move over Grandpa we eat ass now.
Yeah no one liked ass before Kim. Not like Sir Mix A Lot got popular off of one song two decades agoKim Kardashian.
I feel that this Ass-revolution was initiated by her several years ago.
Right? I think people think that's the age of a millennial, but are just misusing it as a generic term. Millennials are probably 24-34 years old today.Why does this say Millenials when the data is about young adults ages 18 to 24? Most researchers wouldn't even qualify 18 to 20-year-olds as Millenials. Even if you go with the 2000/2001 date, it's a tiny slice of the generation.
Well it would be the death of thread essentially wouldn't itLack of pics is astonishing.
"Tits are life, ass is hometown."