Throwing my vote in for both? But I dont really get the competition here, to be honest. Neither dictate whether I find a person attractive, as they cant control what theyre bodies look like for the most part, and I cant control what particular random combination of physical traits I might find physically attractive in another person at any given point. Its like judging a someone for the shape of their butt, the size of their genitals, their height, vascularity, symmetry. This is such a weird, I guess behavioral study to quantify? Given the way sexuality and gender have been in flux, and the way we, as people, have been more and more conscious about the intricacies or sexuality, it feels weird to think theres an overall temperature to judge the poularity of a given body part on.
I mean personally, if anyone is familiar with my posting history youll know I have reasons for being partial to breasts. My partner is sensitive and loves having attention focused there, because of my intimacy with her I cant help having an appreciation. But here its a combination of aesthetic interest, physical and emotional attraction, and love for her overall in which breasts are just ONE factor. Sometimes it feels like people view women hinting entirely on either their boobs or their butt, and while I dont see anything wrong with having an appreciation for an isolated part of someone, it does feel weird to focus enough energy on it that this article and headline even exist. That rhetoric like this is potentially a driving factor in making people feel like its necessary to get parts of their bodies enhanced through surgery.
This feels just as pointless as the millennial are killing the _____ industry articles, only for some reason this one feels not only out of touch, but like out of time, like we should be past this as a society?