But how long until that comes out? Next year?
XSEED still hasn't announced it yet, much less given us a date, but we know it's coming for sure, the trophies are already localized on PSN.
But how long until that comes out? Next year?
XSEED still hasn't announced it yet, much less given us a date, but we know it's coming for sure, the trophies are already localized on PSN.
I think the trophies might just actually be in english, or are they Japanese on a Japanese account? Was still pretty surprised to see that. They're properly translated too, unlike the Engrish on the Overview page for the game.
Just know what you're getting into with Yggdra--tons of missables. Like every goddamn map. Impossible to find everything without a guide. Either play with a guide or just know that you'll miss stuff and make peace with it. Fun game, though the second(?) Gulcasa fight was pretty rough. I still need to beat it the game, I quit again after finally surmounting that fight. It does some cool stuff though.
Also ToS 2 is crap IMO, but it's barely any cheaper to get just ToS so go for it I guess. It's a bare-minimum remaster but a great game.
SV is still a very good way to get acquainted with the characters (and neither SK Burst or SK2 work for half the cast), though I guess you could read up on everyone beforehand.
Victory is where the battle system started getting good. For $7 why not IMO. Story of the prior games isn't all that relevant. Rebirth 3 should have assorted improvements, mostly more characters I think, but you could start with Victory and be totally fine.
Unless you're willing to import yeah it's going to be a while, after SK2 at the earliest I'd say. Add a few months at the least.
It's pretty import friendly, but you miss almost all of the story and a lot of the humor.
It tries to use your account's language whenever available.
My F 2nd trophies magically turned to English around two months prior to the NA/Europe release.
So what youre saying is get Shinovi. Got it.
So what youre saying is get Shinovi. Got it.
Just don't look at any of the glorious 1080p/60fps footage of EV PS4 on YouTube, or you'll regret not having waited for it.
I'll try and run the game with my JP account and see what it does. I just figured they did make them in english since it's common in Japan and they would have to localize eventually anyway.
Pretty much...if nothing else it will be very hard to go back and play it after Estival but Shinovi is quite fun on it's own. Plays great on PS TV too (I think you might need a USB/bluetooth mic to actually get the plat on PS TV though?).
Just don't look at any of the glorious 1080p/60fps footage of EV PS4 on YouTube, or you'll regret not having waited for it.
- Blazblue Chronophantasma (US)Updating my list:
Japanese games with retail releases (english subtitles):
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z (Europe, Asia);
- Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines (Asia);
- Soul Sacrifice Delta (Asia);
- Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment (Asia);
- New Little King's Story (Europe, Asia);
- Dokuro (Asia, Japan);
- Moe Chronicle (Asia);
- Sword Art Online: Lost Song (Asia);
- Steins;Gate (Europe);
- Final Fantasy X-2 HD (Asia);
- Orgarhythm (Asia, Japan);
- J-Stars Victory+ (Europe, Asia);
- One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 (Europe).
- Blazblue Chronophantasma (US)
- Conception II (US)
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 (US)
- Mind Zero (US)
- Muramasa Rebirth (US)
- Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (US)
- Valhalla Knights 3 (US)
Now that we know how glorious Estival Versus PS4 is, I wouldn't bother getting Shinovi Versus. Unless you REALLY want to experience the full story.
Already got so I've got a few things in my cart but there's a few more I'm not sure of.
In cart
Demon Gaze $12
Gurumin $2.50 (if I don't get it now toto ghost will haunt me forever)
suikoden 2 $4
Tempted to get
Demons Souls $5 - I'm currently playing and enjoying bloodborne but don't know how f I can go back to ps3
Catherine $5 - interested because i like persona but don't know much about this
metal gear ground zero ps4 - $8
Any opinions?
If Demon Gaze really is $12, you're all getting Demon Gaze tonight.
Catherine is a great game, the story and the gameplay are both top-notch. For $5, it's a steal.
Would any of you recommend Senran Kagura? There's been so much controversy and back-and-forth about it, but the curiosity is strong. ;_;
Definitely agree. Owned it physically, and it's one of my favorite puzzle games ever.![]()
Who's feeling lucky?
You can enter for both, but can only win one
edit; forgot to mention it's for the US
So.. Atelier Escha & Logy. Should I get it on sale right now or wait for the plus version on the Vita? (What does the Vita version even add?)
It adds costumes, the DLC from PS3 already included, some new events and monsters i think?
The base game is already good and for $15 its a great price imo. Though up to you whether you want to wait for the vita version to be localized.
anyone here played class of heroes 2? would you recommend it if I am already getting Demon Gaze?
While I would never pick it up (I would honestly feel a bit ashamed to play it :'(; the games.....assets really make feel odd playing it, the same reason I would never play the Dead or Alive series), the core game looks to be a really fun beat-em-up. Lots of characters to play as, what looks to be a great combat system, and some great visuals that pop out of the screen (the game is so colorful and the levels look to be really detailed
If you can get past/enjoy the games.....themes, then you will have a good time with it.
Two DRPGs at the same time is a rough path. I don't think we're getting Class of Heroes 2 for that price again anytime soon, but I don't think it'd be a wise choice to play those games back to back.
I got Gurumin! Used to have it for the PSP but never finished it. Now I can rectify that on my VITA.
Ive actually already seen footage from JPN streamers way back before it was banned. It looked awesome, its what got my interested in versus actually.
Gurumin is great! Super cute, fun combat, lots to do. I almost double-dipped for digital but remembered I have it on PC now anyway. IT's a steal for $2.50. Parin is the cutest
If I do get Class of Heroes, should I play it a bit while I'm waiting for Demon Gaze and see if I like it as a DRPG?
Would any of you recommend Senran Kagura? There's been so much controversy and back-and-forth about it, but the curiosity is strong. ;_;
anyone here played class of heroes 2? would you recommend it if I am already getting Demon Gaze?
It still hurts.![]()
Because 1 never got fixed so you probably shouldn't buy it anyway?
Why demon gaze is now16 dollars ? Showed 12 before. I don't get it
Well that explains all , should I buy this game? I have 30 bucks. And even when I have a ps3 and I'm new with it( its been a few months since the purchase) I still prefer to buy vita titles first.It's $12 for PS+, $16 for non-PS+.
If I do get Class of Heroes, should I play it a bit while I'm waiting for Demon Gaze and see if I like it as a DRPG?