Hyper Dimension Neptunia PP is not the best deal, as it isn't a rythem game, but an idol simulator :l..... If you want some more funny dialog and to go back into the charming world of that series, then it is a okay deal

. Otherwise...skip it.
Demon Gaze is a great game to walk yourself into the world of DRPG's; a very clear and smartly done introduction really helps set up the core mechanics for the player, so if you are new to the genre (like myself), you can jump in fully knowing what you are getting yourself into

. The visuals look great on the Vita's screen, the controls are great and the music is really good; great package overall

Natural Doctrine is famous for its high difficulty, so if you hate difficult games...you will not like this one

. Never played it, but it looks to be a strategy JRPG and it looks nice on Vita

. The only issues that might be in the game are, like I stated, the high difficulty. Other then that, just do some research on the game via YouTube videos and reviews to fully know what you are getting into if you get the game.
Conception II is another game I don't own, but it got really mixed reception on Gaf, so be mindful of what you are getting into if you get this. The combat system looks to be interesting but heavily underused and the story seems to be really generic. The presentation is colorful and the game does have a cool class system in place. Overall this looks to be an okay game but nothing amazing though.
Hope this helps you in getting games man
