a nice dream, but there's absolutely zero chance of it happening
a nice dream, but there's absolutely zero chance of it happening
Can you imagine if Spike Chunsoft decided to unveil both ZE3 and DR3 on this Anime Expo?
lol apparently they're not announcing any new titles
This is the year the Last Guardian, FFVII Remake, Nier 2 and Shenmue 3 are all a reality, alongside the fact that dream localization's like Digimon CS happened and a game that we wanted but didn't know would happen (Zero Escape 3) was announced.
Anything can happen.
the press release thing is pure speculation, they never said anything about any press release
RPGSite on Twitter said:They're doing a Q&A session at the NISA panel. Softball questions. Someone needs to yell, "Can I have a picture of Monokuma sitting on me?"
Just guessing with what the RPG Site stated. And it seems like that NISA will be having a anime event in the next 80 minutes or so.
With that news, I guess they have games using anime licensing and they held off on showing off those trailers for that event to pair up with the anime being shown off. Makes sense considering how powerful cross-promotion can be for a product (the reason I still think we will be seeing a GE2:RB announcement of some kind within the next day or so).
There's also a Disgaea panel at 8 PDT / 11 EDT
Was hoping for:
Grand Kingdom
Yoru no Nai Kuni (A Land Without Night)
Net High
Tokyo xanadu
World End eclipse
Makai shin trillion
Disgaea panel is delayed until tomorrow at 4:30.
Well then lol. Something must have happened.Disgaea panel is delayed until tomorrow at 4:30.
So no news from NISA. That's disappointing. It was stuff for 2016 but still, way to trick/lie to the audience.
RPG Site on Twitter said:NISA has a Disgaea 5 flash game on the official site you can play. http://disgaea.us/d5/
Anyone who's seen all 4 gaming related panels? What's you least favourite and most favourite so far?
I think you just saw what everyone's least favorite panel was.![]()
Yep. Nothing to say on Bamco's event since I didn't see it. Did anything other than Digimon come out of that?
Anyone who's seen all 4 gaming related panels so far? What's you least favourite and most favourite so far?
From NISA? YnNK would be KT, Tokyo Xanadu Xseed and Makai Shin Trillion IFI.
Still salty af over here.Just the SAO / Tales stuff was the other major things.
But they have published a lot of Vita games?
But they have published a lot of Vita games?
RPG Site on Twitter said:NISA wants people to chime in if they want Asagi to be in her own game.
RPG Site on Twitter said:They took a poll of the audience who their favorite Neptunia CPU was. Most said Noire. They are right.
RPG Site on Twitter said:NISA also wants people to let them, specifically NIS, know if they want a new Soul Nomad.
I'd say it went like this for me NISA>JAST>Aksys. No opinions on Bamco, since I didn't pay attention to that.
Are you using a reverse order or do you not know the difference between > and <?
Whoops. Screwed that up. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll go fix it.
thought you lost your mind there for a second lol.
Whoops. Screwed that up. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll go fix it.
RPG Site on Twitter said:NISA staff's favorite Disgaea characters are Gordon, Asagi, and Zeroken.
seems like thats it for the NISA panel.
what a huge fucking waste of time that was.