NISA was the only one that could save AX, everything was leaked and/or the worst kept secret.
Bamco's big news at Japan Expo were Naruto and ToZ CE, along with Synphonia PC. I fear they are done on announcements for this occasionI'm just going to guess that we got no news on God Eater from its anime showing :l. So, I hope the Bamco panel at the Japan Expo announces something......
Bamco's big news at Japan Expo were Naruto and ToZ CE, along with Synphonia PC. I fear they are done on announcements for this occasion
I think that too. Let's cross our fingersGuess we can hope for GamesCom, Paris Games Show, and the PSX for future announcements I suppose :l.
NISA will announce their stuff at some point, it's not like nothing happening at AX made any games more unlikely than before
I think that too. Let's cross our fingers
I guess they are holding off on the announcement of GE2:RB due to Digimon being a 'big' localization? What I mean, is that they have a GE2:RB announcement ready but they want to save it for another event (GamesCom seems to be a good spot, considering the trademark for God Eater was registered in Europe). If that is the case, I can sorta understand why they didn't say anything in these two events, but still :l, you are showing the anime, why not announce the game to sturr up more hype?
Oh well, its hard to be too mad at Bamco when they are such strong Vita supporters. Just hope that it does come over at some point; there is too many things hinting at it coming.
If that were the case, it'd be one stupid decision. It would make more sense to announce GE now and Digimon later than the other way around. GE anime is going to air soon, the Digimon anime is months away I believe.
Alright, pre-ordered Makai Shin Trillion FamitsuDX pack, witness it get announced for localization now.
I'll thank you personallyAlright, pre-ordered Makai Shin Trillion FamitsuDX pack, witness it get announced for localization now.
A MST localization is pretty much a no-brainer.Alright, pre-ordered Makai Shin Trillion FamitsuDX pack, witness it get announced for localization now.
Aksys really messed up with ze3... a too long tease for what? A conference where nothing worked that ended with the announcement of ze3 with just the ze logo, not even a teaser movie, a screen, an artwork or anything... not even the platforms were announced, only later in a pr we knew it's for 3ds and vita.
Think of the impact of the announcement if aksys managed everything better... well at least ze3 is coming![]()
I don't think there is anyone in this thread that wants to play this more than I do, and I have already said to keep your expectations in check. If it had to happen, it would have been at the RPG panel. The GE panel is by ACJ, so this is just for the anime, not the game. To those saying it could happen at that Japan Expo, I say the same that Parakeet said, why split announcements when your audience is in LA to watch the prescreening for the anime of the same franchise? Just let it go, they wasted a golden opportunity, and now it's gone.
After looking up that it is being made by Complete Hearts (the Hyper Dimension developers), it will be announced by NISA or Idea Factory as a major localization for them. I guess we will hear more about it latter, as Idea Factory as another localization coming (they have to be localizing Hyper Dimension Victory 2 for the fall/2016) or that NISA will be having that as part of there wave of upcoming announcements for next year.
I'll thank you personally
IFI has no upcoming games except for PC ports I think so there should be news relatively soon
A MST localization is pretty much a no-brainer.
Well if all else fails, the fan translation for GE2 is still on-going apparently.
Though I'd much rather play the Vita/PS4 versions since not having a second analog stick is annoying.
I can attest to this, having an import copy of vanilla GE2, got it on the low as loot from Fan Expo last year. I only played the first couple of minutes, in hopes of a localization, but what I saw was great and it felt just as solid and more refined than Burst did on the PSP. I'm sure GE2:RB is even better than Vanilla.TBH I've played God Eater 2 demo on the Vita and it looks so amazing that even playing it on a PSP emulator wouldn't be as great.
I don't think God Eater is going to get announced any time soon to be honest, and the fact that we got Digimon which is a 2016 title announced at AX only shows that it is the sad truth. I've said it countless times, but if they were to announce it, it would have to have happened this week. Gamescom won't have any announcements from them, they are just going to show more of the current line up. PSX is more of a Song thing and the Vita won't get any major announcements there. Sure GE has a PS4 counterpart, but I haven't heard great stuff about it, after all this is a Vita game first and foremost. So yeah, maybe next year we will hear something, but one would think they would have something lined up. If the Anime is feasible enough to bring over, then what about the game we have been waiting for since Vanilla, which came out over 2 years ago?
It is just a matter of 'when' and 'how' instead of 'if'.
SCEA repents and announces a secondary event, PSV to support PSX. One huge conference, completely dedicated to vita.
We get xcom. Boom. We get civrev2. Boom. God Eater, Dragon Quest, an SMT game, every drpg gets localized, indies left and right, a vita revision that allows ps2 classics and dual triggers... boom! A gta game! A red dead game! Killzone Mercs 2! Gravity Rush 2! Pokemon Verses Monster Hunter Elite Edition! Boooom.
Seems like we may not get Sen no Kiseki this year. Gamespot has a placeholder release date for Nov 17, but Tom said there were higher chances of the game releasing later.
At least October got a little less crowded.
It may come at Christmas,which is after 17th November lol
A man can dream, XSEED and NIS (I'm European), please be my Santa Claus
Your just making fun of me now. I still think GE2 is coming but I will drop that until something substantial happens in the next few months :l.
Wasn't making fun of you at all! Just suggested a possible how and when!
At the DanganRonpa panel at AX, a prototype of the first game was shown with original audio. DanganRonpa 3 is promised to be very different.
Kodaka also promises details on DanganRonpa 3, saying that we should hear about it very soon.
Well, technically, they announced it 2 TGS' ago.
That long ago? Guess the localization of the games in the west took priority first, then they will start shifting focus on the third game (after the spin-off game this fall launches).
They made AE because they were still planning 3
They announced AE at that TGS and then showed thisThat long ago? Guess the localization of the games in the west took priority first, then they will start shifting focus on the third game (after the spin-off game this fall launches).
Nice one.I mean heck we could see DR3 localization announcement during PSX @o@
I'm sorry guys but I'd like to re-itirate that it is 20-frikkin'-15 and US accounts still can't play Crash or Spyro PSX games on their Vitas.
Speaking of Vita and in this case Sony; PSX 2015 is gonna have some interesting announcements, I mean heck we could see DR3 localization announcement during PSX @o@
They announced AE at that TGS and then showed this
so they worked on that until it came out Sept 2014 and then shifted to 3.
Looks like they need 2 years per game.
DR1: 2010
DR2: 2012
DRAE: 2014
DR3: 2016?
Nice one.
I'm going to give it til PSX event before I completely lose faith in being able to ever play those games using a US PSN account. If it doesn't happen then I'll just make a European account and buy them to play.I'm sorry guys but I'd like to re-itirate that it is 20-frikkin'-15 and US accounts still can't play Crash or Spyro PSX games on their Vitas.
Speaking of Vita and in this case Sony; PSX 2015 is gonna have some interesting announcements, I mean heck we could see DR3 localization announcement during PSX @o@
No god eater announcement? Boo. Guess I'll just have to buy the psp game and complain about not having the sequel.
I'm going to give it til PSX event before I completely lose faith in being able to ever play those games using a US PSN account. If it doesn't happen then I'll just make a European account and buy them to play.
Alrighty, I feel this way every now and again. But the Vita library, although the potentially diminutive and lacking in AAA games designed for it... Absolutely amazing.
I'm playing through Metal Gear Solid 2 HD right now (and I'm actually getting pretty good!) after having just beat Suikoden and Shovel Knight (I'm also playing Castelvania Symphony of the Night). This library is FANTASTIC. There are countless classics as well as modern games to play. I think the Vita is easily one of my all time favorite consoles. Amazing device.
Just thought I'd share my love of this device with everybody.
Eh AAA games are a hoax anyways :V
The Vita has an excellent library of games and if you have a JP account you're treated to one hell of a selection of games and classics.
That'd require knowledge of the japanese language to enjoy 95% of the games, y'know?
I haven't had plus in a while so I don't have the psp version. Besides I like actually buying the games so in case plus lapses I'll still be able to play them. Hoping it goes on sale soon though. Would really like to be able to play it in the near future.If you had PS+ since 2013, you might already own God Eater Burst already, as they gave that out as a PS+ game for I think....June/July of 2013. I still have hope that GE2:RB will come over to the west, but I will wait till something substantial comes through the next few months before talking about the game again.
If you own a PS3, you can remote play the first three Crash and the Spryo trilogy, though they will have so-so visual quality and you will be dealing with lag :l. Crash Team Racing doesn't even work on remote play; once it hits the Naughty Dog logo, the game just crashes X(.