so, i had my first VR experience ever with the PSVR last night.
oh. my. sweet. baby. bajesus. it was
nothing could have prepared me for how mind blowing that was going to be.
so, i will try to put into words what my experience was like, although it's utterly impossible for someone to "explain" vr to you (i
totally get why people say that now lol), i will just run through my thoughts and feelings as they happened last night... im pretty care free with spelling, grammar and punctuation if you havent noticed, sorry

not easy on the eyes but its easier to type like this on desktop...
TL;DR at bottom...
so, i had set everything up and i planned to just take a quick spin after dinner with the fam last night. so I came home, did the last bit of setup, and finally got to the point where they want you to put the head set on and adjust it and all that. so, immediately, you see the screen floating in front of you. and i was like, ok thats pretty cool, nothing too crazy impressive, but hey there it is i'm in vr

.... uhhhh no no no sir, i was not in vr yet, lol, not even close.
so after i got everything adjusted on my head, which took time and patience, and i have a big head so the head set was tight, but i did everything exactly like the setup told me to and got to a semi-comfortable position. then i put some head phones on and started to really feel comfortable. i have a decent pair of audio tech's fully over the ear, not ear buds. the combination of the vr headset and the phones being snug over my head like that made me feel like i was wearing a vr helmet. not sure how to explain it, but it sort of primed me for the experience and i felt like i was "finally" ready to experience vr. i dunno how to explain it, maybe its cause i was high? lol i dunno, but it was like i was in the cockpit of the space ship and something really cool was about to happen.
so i press x, it says congrats you're ready to go, and this huge theatre size flat screen appears before me and i am blown the fuck away. it was huge, it looked great (little bit blurry but not
nearly as bad as i heard some people complain), and i could fucking look around at it and... mind blown is all i can say. i let out a genuine, authentic "oh my god" for the first time since i don't even know, since i was a little kid? it was fucking magical.... and that was only the home screen
so already, before i even touched an actual game, i was having one of the best video game experiences of my life, and i knew it... no fuck that, just one of the best entertainment experiences of my life. period. and it was only the home screen lmao.
so, i do some more messing around in the menus, calibrating vr setting, took the head set off and put it back on a couple more times. i really tried to remember all the advice those ITT gave me (thanks y'all) and what i saw on youtube videos and read on the internet. and i got the thing pretty dialed in, i think i could get it even better, but i got it to a point where i was comfortably sit near the end of my bed, pillows at my back, and i giant theatre sized screen in front of my face. now, i was ready to head into a game.
there was a vr worlds demo game or something that came with my bundle (or maybe it comes with all vr, i dunno, but i was eager to jump in so i clciked it), loaded it up (which was surprisingly fast, kudos to sony and friends), and started the game...
what came next... i legit am having trouble finding the words, but it was like that moment when you're a little kid and you experience something so new and so amazing that you're kind of just stunned, mouth agape, just like taken aback and you don't even know what to do with yourself. it was utterly overwhelming and i mean that in
the best way possible.
whatever that opening screen is for vr worlds, the way it just opened up and transported me into a whole fucking virtual space (not just flat home screen!) was sheer insanity. i couldnt believe it. the level of "oh my god" i experienced just from seeing the flat home screen was nothing compared to this. there was a little robot flying all around me, i could look anywhere, i felt like i was really in that space, it was just, ugh, it was marvelous. simply incredible.
and i wasnt even at the games menu screen yet lol, this was just the first few seconds as things started to appear and unfold. i cant even remember how everything happened because i was so shocked. so i wont try to explain that initial feeling of being in a vr space bc you just have to experience it for yourself to really get it. just... overwhelming is the best word, but not overwhelming in a bad way, like overwhelming in the most positive way you can imagine. it was fuckin beautiful.
so i get to the menu screen, my mind is blowing fucking doors lol, im still just looking around at everything, literally saying out loud "oh my fucking god" over an over, my mouth was going back and forth from jaw on the floor to giant, open-mouth, retard smile every few seconds and i was honestly just still in shock, i couldn't shake that feeling and it was awesome!
at this point, i almost don't know what to do with myself. i'm like ricky bobby in talladega nights when he doenst know what to do with his hands lmao. but i move on and finally get to the screen where all of the world are floating in front of you, which looks insane of course. and i randomly pick one.
it was some kind of crane game machine that wasn't particularly fun, and kind of confusing, but im glad i picked it bc there wasnt any movement and it helped me get my feet wet. the first orb i picked up was a green dino, and it opened up and seemingly did nothing. and i thought to msyelf "hm, well that was underwhelming but whatever, moving on!". so i start picking up more orbs and out come these little guys and they are being placed around this little room i'm in, doing fun/cute little things and running amuck. it was so much fun just watching them do shit. then i hear something gong on behind me and i'm like "no fucking way!" so i turn around (!!!) and holy shit there is an army of little robots behind me, and then they start waving at me (!!!) and i literally screamed "holy fuckin shit thats so cool!"... and then
i got a trophy! this vr experience just kept delivering every second. i legit was not expecting this level of amazingness and mind blowingness... and then i think to myself, "wait a minute..... if there's shit behind me... then what's above me!?". so i look up and towering above me, larger and more massive than i ever could have imagined was
it was fucking... just.... ugh, i have no words, i have no fucking words. it was so good.
so i finish that and move onto what i believe was an astrobot demo? im not sure, like i said i was still in such shock at how amazing the experience was that it was almost a blur. but it was a platformer where you controlled a little robot dude and tried to save other little robot dudes. and it was definitely just a demo.
so, remember how i said earlier that seeing the flat home screen was mind blowing, then vr worlds opening took it to the next level.... welp, buckle your seat belts ladies and gentlemen, bc video games as you know them is about the change forever.
playing this fucking game... it just opened up sooooo many possibilities for what video games can be. and im not just talking about "playing" games. no no no it could be so much more than that. i just dont get how people can say that vr doesnt have a future (i can understand that its not for everyone, and therefore isnt necessarily
the future, but it absolutely is an evolution that is here to stay). i also remember looking down into a chasm for the first time and feeling that "oh shit im gonna fall" feeling, which was fun. i did get a teeny, tiny, almost unnoticeable bit of motion sickness, but it was passing and i didnt really feel it too much more after that. which was a huge relief for me. i had a blast with this game and im really looking forward to playing more of it (i believe my bundle came with the full game).
i checked out all of the other worlds and had a blast with those too. i shot a massive gun at these block monsters, drove around in a hover car and blew up shit, zipped across a giant big slide in some kind of colorful and super trippy rhythm game, i dont even know, i was just having the time of my life. i legit remember thinking and feeling that i havent had that much fun with video games since i was a little kid. it was really like that though, i was like a kid in in toys r us who was at the store
for the first time ever. thats the best way i can describe how i felt.
i moved on to a demo disc that had a ton of other fun shit on it. one of them was "kitchen" which i guess is like a re7 demo, and noped right tf outta that lol. ill be playing re7 soon enough, but i wasnt ready for that at midnight in my apartment by myself last night.
i then came on to a demo called "moss" (i think) and oh my god it was so charming and fun. and then i started thinking about what adventure games and rpg could be like and my brain was just exploding with ideas and possibilities they can do with vr. i was solving puzzles not just by moving my mouse guy around the world, but by being
in the world with him, doing shit along side him. many times i actaully had to sit up, stick my head further into the play space, and peak around some corners or tree and find secret hidden shit. it was fucking awesome.
fucking. awesome.
ugh, sorry for the text book guys... i was so excited i wanted to crank this out last night but i decided to get some sleep lol.
after that i checked out a few other things, watched some netflix in vr and then called it a night. in all i probably spent two hours (with a couple breaks, bc the head set was so tight it gave me a bit of a head ache).
i keep bringing up feeling like a little kid again, bc i dont know how else to describe the level of shock and awe i was feeling. not sure how else i can describe all of this... maybe with more playtime ill find
something to complain about lol. for now, im just enjoying the shit out of this.
TL;DR - it was the one of the best, if not THE best video game experience of my life. i havent felt that level of excitement since i was a child. it was refreshing to feel like that again. im all in on VR and cant wait to see what the years to come have in store.
thanks to
(<especially helpful, thanks dood!),
@PaddyOCanager and
for all the help, guidance and tips
loading up skyrim today! gonna take it real slow as others have suggested and see how it goes. might even dive into re7 if im still feeling comfortable with everything.
i'm still open for tips, suggestions and what not. a couple things im trying to address is the tightness of the head set, and sometimes i feels like i have to look down when i have the vr headset on (maybe i need to adjust the camera angle?), and other minor playspace issues like the screen seemed tilted to the left or right, or my controller orientation got off while playing game that reuired you to use the controller as a tool. but these things were only minor issues, i didnt have any real major problems. but still, any help there would still be much appreciated.
thanks again!