i went ahead and bought bc it was $25. and dude... its been amazing. now, first of all, yes i can understand the blurry graphics complaint. its totally valid and, well... not much else to say about that. im really really easy to entertain so i have no problem at all just looking past it.
but ill be god damned if i didnt have another unforgettable vr experience with this game. holy shit, it is blowing my mind.
all that hype for NMS when it was first announced, how we all freaked out about it for years, it all totally died when this game released and i heard all the negative reviews, and then when i downloaded and played on xbox a couple years later... i dunno, it just didnt hook me, the hype died.
but all that hype and all that build up finally paid off for NMS on VR. this game is made for VR (well, clearly not considering the blur lmao, but you know what i mean) and i genuinely feel like im having the exact experience, no an even better experience, then i had imagined years ago when it was first announced.
im so glad they had this sale bc i absolutely would not have bought it full price. however, knowing what i know now, i legit would have paid double. this one is going down in the "one of the best video game experiences of my life" category.
had a cool moment last night... i remember being above a planet, in space, and then flipping over and just staring up at the planet from my cockpit, taking a hit ah weed, and just kicked back on my bed and took in the view just thinkin, holy shit im in space

and i never played past a few hours on my NMS run so this is brand new and fresh for me (another huge factor why im able to look past the blur)