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Just broke 300 hours. Jesus Christ.
Any S-rank tips for 469? I've tried Mega Rayquaza (20/20) MAX or Mega Ampharos MAX (w/ Mega Start), Lv. 15 Raikou, MAX Zekrom, & MAX Magnezone.
I might finally give Mega Sceptile a try, but looking at my other grass types, they seem like they wouldn't be as good as my Electric team.
wtf, I'm trying the mission where it says to use Articuno more than any other pokemon on the Pidgeot stage, but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm activating Power of 4 more than any other ability, don't know what I'm doing wrong.
wtf, I'm trying the mission where it says to use Articuno more than any other pokemon on the Pidgeot stage, but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm activating Power of 4 more than any other ability, don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I have no jewels since 3 weeks ago... where are you guys getting yours? (preferably not paying any real money)
I bought some. I have 7 left, only using them for weekend Meowth.
I paid $5 when there was a buy 6, get 6 free promo on. Will probably do the same again, to be honest, my clock's just passed 200 hours so I think even at ten or 20 dollars I've received my money's worth.
I totally forgot to catch winking Bulbasaur yesterday. Now there is a hole in my collection. Why does this irritate me so much?
Everyone don't forget about winking Clefairy today.
Crap, I almost forgot! Thank youuuuu
Wasting a full ítem run on Hoopa unbounded not getting an S Rank and using 3 super balls to no avail... FML
I'm about to take that on for the very first time. When you say "full item run" do you include Complexity-1 in that?
Edit: Just went all in, including C-1. Managed to beat it with 6 moves left which gave me the S rank. Caught him with the first ball at 13% surprisingly.
Looks like Sableye (Spooky)'s Mega Ability is. Not sure if it'll come in handy in comparison to others of the same type, but kind of nice.Erasing 3 of the same time, so similar to Blaziken
& according to Reddit, this is next week's content:
Gengar (Spooky) Appears
Mega Banette Competitive Stage
Giratina-Altered Forme Escalation Battles
Dusknoir Special Stage Appears
Pikachu shows... and I fail again 3 super balls at 72%, come on sonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! T_T
Is it worth using items to try and get the Landorus that (I think) is ending tonight? I'm relatively new to the iOS version, currently at the reg Gengar stage, and I've been picking up most of the special pokemon (all of the current safari, Hoopa, daily pokes from last week). Will I regret letting this Landorus go?
Also need to try and get spoopy Sableye and maybe Drifblim, but I don't seem to have good enough pokemon for them at the moment. Hoping M-Gengar will help but I need to beat the regular stage first, and that's proving tricky itself...
EDIT: I did not lose my coins, and I did not catch the Porygon2. DAMNIT. I literally tapped the button that would have saved the game as the screen went black!
Is it worth using items to try and get the Landorus that (I think) is ending tonight? I'm relatively new to the iOS version, currently at the reg Gengar stage, and I've been picking up most of the special pokemon (all of the current safari, Hoopa, daily pokes from last week). Will I regret letting this Landorus go?
Used a couple of great balls and caught Porygon2 from the Expert Stages at 8% - no other items used.
Then the 3DS ran out of battery during the results screens! Did it still charge me for great balls? Will I still have the Pokémon when I turn the console back on?
Stay tuned for the answers to these exciting questions!
EDIT: I did not lose my coins, and I did not catch the Porygon2. DAMNIT. I literally tapped the button that would have saved the game as the screen went black!
Thanks allI managed to grab the Landorus last night, and while it isn't the Therian forme, it at least replaces Phanpy in my team /lol
Not entirely sure why Victini is up today but I figured it'd be a good time to get exp for my anti-ghost team, so I can better work on Giratina and spooky Sableye/Gengar. I just need to catch regular Gengar first, which is proving difficult even with Hoopa. Much more difficult than the mega stage o.o