They already released its Mega a while ago. 2015 I thinkRandomly got Sharpedo yesterday and thought "man they should totally add the Mega for this"... only to discover that they are adding the Mega for it
They already released its Mega a while ago. 2015 I thinkRandomly got Sharpedo yesterday and thought "man they should totally add the Mega for this"... only to discover that they are adding the Mega for it
I once went somewhere for a few days with no net connection and paid for tethering on my mobile phone so I could still check in.
Possibly I am insane.
They already released its Mega a while ago. 2015 I think
Any idea when we're due rewards for the Maga Banette event?
Finally got to Giratina 250 and it looks like it will take a full item run to beat it. I don't have enough coins at the moment so its back to Meowth. Somehow I don't think I will get to 300 before the event runs out since I know that 300 will require more coins and another full item run. When will I find time for all these new stages??? Argh!
250: +5 moves, DD, MS, Attack Up. M-Tyranitar, Hoopa-U, Yveltal, Giratina. 7 moves left. It is definitely doable without C-1, but it's not easy. I had taken only 20k HP by turn 12. But I had a couple of lucky 15 combos and HP went down very, very fast. I delayed with M-Ttar enough to not get disrupted, so no problem on that end. I had a good start with a M-Ttar match that could clean a good chunk of the board but Giratina failed Po4+ 3 times, so fuck Giratina. All in all, great team for this stage, Yveltal is just there for power. Zoroark is not advisable, combos are generally very little, and the chance of starting them with a Zoroark match is extremely low.
I just did 250 with All items without C-1 !!!!!!!!! 4 moves left!!! My team was M-Ttar(10), Yveltal(15), Hoopa-U(10)SL5 ,Giratina-A(10) At first of stage, I was really about to throw my phone away. The first screen was really awful that I can't even find one M-Ttar and at 18Turn I could found him. M-Ttar was MVP. I will tag my screenshot tommorow.
250: Tyranitar15/15 SL3 / SableyeLv15 SL3 / YveltalBS+ SL2 / Hoopa-USL5. MS, DD, AP↑, M+5, 1 turn left. Pretty nervous after a really bad starting board, but Risk-Taker and combos allowed me to pull through for a hard earned win. Didn't get disrupted.
Stage 250: M+5, MS, DD & AP↑ finished with 3 moves left. M-Tyranitar (10), Yveltal (15), Hoopa-USL5 & Dusknoir (11). M-Tyranitar and Hoopa were MVPs for this stage, I used M-Tyranitar to stall the disruption and remove the rocks while getting a few 3k+ Risk-Taker matches with Hoopa-U. I have skill boosted my Dusknoir however it didn't activate any high attack power support will do, Hoopa-C for BB+, Absol for Mind Zap or Zoroark for Sinister Power are my personal recommendations. I was very close to not beating the stage so for anyone with a weaker team should probably invest in a C-1.
Level 250: attack up, mega start, DD and moves+5, mega Tyranitar, Yveltal, Giratina-a and Hoopa-u level sl3. 5 moves left. Really isn't hard as I thought it would but I am quite used to mega Tyranitar. You need to have a balance between how many time you start a combo with Tyranitar but still activate risk taker and po4+. I didn't get any disruptions on this battle but the DD wore off.
Is there any comprehensive list with all the pokemon that can have raise level ítem and how much? (or whats the final attack power fully raised).
I bought six gems at the beginning of the month and still haven't received the 6 bonus gems :| Starting to think I might have goofed somehow.
I did the same, it's a bit confusingly worded but I think since you bought the gems after the Nov. 1st eligibility determination, it will instead check on the 8th and you'll get the bonus gems on the 9th.
The Pokemon Shuffle Reddit page has the information you seek:
Wow, that's even better!!! Thanks Machine
Edit: :| That's the face I put when seeing that raising Kyogre is a waste of time (I got it full raised as Groudon)... my god how many raise level waisted!!!!
The Reddit page also has a ranked list of which Pokemon to use speed-up candies on. I have no regrets about Shiny Gyrados but I wish I hadn't wasted all those candies on Banette. They need to have a one-time item that allows you to un-candy something.
That is how it works.
Quick question, but is there some clue as to the stages you can take three Pokémon into? Obviously there are three-mon stages, but there are other stages you can just leave a slot empty and get away with it, but do you literally just have to trial and error or is there some hint in-game? Or even a list out of game would do.
The Reddit page also has a ranked list of which Pokemon to use speed-up candies on. I have no regrets about Shiny Gyrados but I wish I hadn't wasted all those candies on Banette. They need to have a one-time item that allows you to un-candy something.
There are not enough rocks for Alakazam to do enough damage. A Mewtwo team is much more likely to beat him. When he does his thing with the rocks, just focus on making matches that will break them and then follow up with a Mewtwo combo.Also reconsidering PSB grinding on Machamp. The stage is quite tough to beat itemless. I suppose a MAX team would do the trick but all that wasted XP. I'm using Unown to boost Alakazam so sacrificing a bit of power there.
There are not enough rocks for Alakazam to do enough damage. A Mewtwo team is much more likely to beat him. When he does his thing with the rocks, just focus on making matches that will break them and then follow up with a Mewtwo combo.
Once I gave up on Alakazam and focused solely on Mewtwo, it stopped losing every now and then. I raised the skill to level 5 using the following team:
Mewtwo, Unown(!), Victini, Deoxys.
Alakazam could take Victini's place. Tried it a couple of times and was more or less the same.
Depending on how far along you are, it might be better to just tackle the escalation battle. It takes 40 PSB to get from 4 to 5, but only 30 to get from 1 to 4.I'm at lvl 4 with MMewtwo/Victini/Uxie/Fearrow
With a brand new EB tomorrow I don't know if I'll get it to lvl 5 this time. Machamp's stage just takes to long for quick PSB grinding.
Mega Boost++ has crap activation rates though.Wow, got Meloetta at level 4/%, that was surprisingly quick.
Also HOLY CRAP, Attack Power 80 and Mega Boost++, that is going to be VERY helpful when combined with Unown & Mewtwo for weekend Meowth.
Mega Boost++ has crap activation rates though.10/20/60. Mega Boost+ is better, I think.
Yeah, it's currently 30/40/80 on skill level 5, but to get there you need 120 skill points, which is a lot of investment for 80% on a 5 match, and you never really get 5 matches on weekend meowth anyway.MB+ is 50/100/100 at skill level 1 and adds 6 to the gauge, while MB++ adds 9. The idea of getting MMY online in two turns is really tempting for Weekend Meowth, though, and I'm still 100 stages before I get to Unown ! on mobile, with at least 20 coins sinks along the way. 120 skill points for SL5, though...
And some people on Reddit have said MB++ is 30/40/80 on SL5, but apparently it's been changed a few times and the guy who does the pastebins is working on getting it updated.
Awesome! Yeah, sometimes I got 5 straight matches without a gift. Level 5 is really worth it, but getting to 3 should be easy.Thanks for the tip about using MMewtwoY for Machamp. Haven't failed a level since, but getting terrible drop rates. May just stop at skill level 3.
Well that's cool, because I wasted a fuckton of coins on this stage >:|Apparently anyone who beats Mega Metagross by update time Tuesday will get a jewel (3DS) or five hearts (mobile) in addition to the RML.
I've been using M-Rayquaza and Zygarde 10 for a while and have to agree it's been rather effective (had overall better results than with Gengar). The other two I use both have Quirky+ instead though (Xerneas and Cherim)For weekend Meowth, a post on Reddit suggested trying M-Rayquaza, Zygard10, Sunkern/Manaphy, and leaving the fourth slot empty. Coins become the 4th team member and Pidgey is the extra 5th support, which you can eject.