If I get a new 3ds and migrate my data over, I lose all my jewels ¿correct?
I finished stage 500 8 hours ago and didn't get a jewelat least I got an S rank...
That'd be very helpful, thanks.I didn't lose anything when I did it, just make sure you do it properly. I'll confirm the method I used later when I have a bit more time if you like.
That'd be very helpful, thanks.
I'm thinking about getting a new 3ds given the deal that was recently announced. The black one looks great.
I'm at stage 161 of the Meloetta scalation battle. At first, on stages 151-160 I was able to beat it with some effort but now it is impossible. I always leave it with around 1/5 HP left even when I get some good combos going. My team is Mega Gengar (MAX), Forretress (7), Hoopa-C (MAX), and Darkrai/Giratina (MAX). Any tips on beating the remaing stages to reach stage 175?
Section 3 here. That's how I transferred my stuff and yeah, kept all my progress and jewels.
I'm at stage 161 of the Meloetta scalation battle. At first, on stages 151-160 I was able to beat it with some effort but now it is impossible. I always leave it with around 1/5 HP left even when I get some good combos going. My team is Mega Gengar (MAX), Forretress (7), Hoopa-C (MAX), and Darkrai/Giratina (MAX). Any tips on beating the remaing stages to reach stage 175?
I wish I had Bisharp. I'm using Forretress as a replacement. I'll try Mega Ray but I don't think I have enough MSUs to max it. Thanks!I think I was using Mega Ray, Bisharp, Hoopa-C, and Darkrai (all Max). Toward the end I used M+5 a few times to make it easier. Once you beat 175, the run from 176 to 200 is actually easier than the run from 151 to 175.
Darkrai with Sleep Charm is really the key. Get it to at least Skill Level 2 for a 10% increase in activation rate. Then set up 4 or 5 matches whenever possible. I had multiple runs where Meloetta never woke up.
As for the rest of the team, I used M-Genger, Yveltal (for the high attack power) and Zoroark (for Sinister Power, which increases damage for Dark types quite a bit). I felt like Hoopa-C wasn't too necessary because the later barrier disruptions aren't much of a hindrance. The HP does get ridiculous at 170+, however, and I just used Moves +5 to get to 175.
WTF, used C-1, Moves +5, and Mega Start, and STILL didn't get a S-rank on stage 500. Guide says to use Garchomp (who I have maxed out on candy), MAX level Landorus (with Risk-Taker almost maxed out), & level 15 Groudon, but I ended up with 8 moves left
WTF, used C-1, Moves +5, and Mega Start, and STILL didn't get a S-rank on stage 500. Guide says to use Garchomp (who I have maxed out on candy), MAX level Landorus (with Risk-Taker almost maxed out), & level 15 Groudon, but I ended up with 8 moves left
Is there some reason why people are using Garchomp instead of Rayquaza? MRay is basically C-2 if you're using the C-1 already, haven't failed to get an S-rank with it when I use Mega-Start (though I'm still a ways off 500.)
Yep, besides Garchomp having more attack power, in that stage is effective and can destroy blocks and whatever metagross throws at you with the mega attack. And you can't buy a disruption delay so the stage is full of these things
Yeah, if I could get DD, I'd gladly use Rayquaza, but for some reason, you can't.
Guess I should switch to Gallade despite the lower attack power.
Good that I've been reminded about using Darkai. Mine was on ability level 3 so that helped a lot I guess. Otherwise I was using M-Heracross, Giratina and Yveltal (I think) for racking up points during the zzz phases.Yeah that 150-175 part is brutal, I raged so much over it. I'm at 196 now and 175-200 had been, unless I got terrible rng, a piece of cake.
Okay, my first time with Meloetta (SL3) on Weekend Meowth, and I think she might shape up to become my MVP. On each of my four trys Mewtwo evolved on the second turn, and although there was some bad luck involved, I finished with >7k coins every time. Not too shabby.
Now that you mention it, yeah, I always had a 5-match of Meloetta on turn 1 and it did disrupt with more coins after that. That would certainly help with future runs if it continues lolDid you notice anything weird about Meowth this morning? All my four attempts had the same initial pattern and disrupted with way more coins than usual first time round. Never noticed this happen before.
I think the most popular think to jack up is Risk Taker for crazy damage.
Any tips for Meloetta 200 if you don't have M-Rayquaza nor M-Tyranitar? I've just realized I've got only coins for a single full-item try. I've got Hoopa, Genesect, Darkrai, Giratina and Yveltal, Zoroark who is not maxed out, and M-Heracross, M-Banette, M-Sharpedo, M-Absol and M-Gengar.
I tried twice a full item run with M-Gengar, Yveltal, Darkrai, Giratina/Zoroark and left it at around 1/5 HP both times. I wasn't even sure I was gonna be able to beat it wasting a jewel for 5 more turns because the disruptions were getting pretty nasty. I don't think it can be beat without M-Tyranitar because the blocks get in the way of getting good combos on the first few turns.
I found that M-Gengar was useless on the boss stages because of the heavy disruptions. I used M-Absol (Max) with Yveltal (11), Darkrai (Max), and Zoroark (7), plus full items, and managed to beat 200 with 2 moves left. M-Absol does a decent job at clearing out disruptions and triggering combos. Having a full Dark team means Sinister Power can do a ton of damage, but make sure to get it to at least Skill Level 2 for a huge +20% activation rate. I didn't actually use Yveltal that much since I relied on Absol to clear out blocks, but I would use Block Smash+ occasionally. Finally, Darkrai won't be of much use initially because of DD, but one or two well-timed Sleep Charms near the end helped. Really, though, the focus should be on triggering Sinister Power and M-Absol. For best results, try to trigger Sinister Power while also getting M-Absol matched. The resulting combo will be devastating.
Good luck! It's tough but doable, and the 2 Mega Speedups were worth it.
Did it with M-Absol like you suggested with one turn left. Thanks!
So, what teams are you using for Mega Camerupt?
I am trying a few itemless runs and the best I got so far was with this team:
Mega Rayquaza (10/20), Suicune (Level 10, SL2), Glalie (Level 10, SL2), Articuno (Level 10, SL2).
I can't help but think that I should've gotten Articuno to a higher level.
I'm also trying to use a similar team but swaping Shaymin for Glalie, but didn't get lucky with Rayquaza. Might put Glalie as mega instead.
Edit: Ok, did another itemless run, Shaymin did its thing, and I got a ton of Rayquaza to evolve him faster. Got 37968. I think a full item run could work out, but since the later part of the distruptions are beneficial, Shaymin/Glalie might be skipped for a hard-hitting water Pokémon, like Swampert, Palkia or Greninja. I will probably go with Swampert since his ability would be beneficial.
Another strategy could be a full water team with a skill swapped Keldeo, but losing Articuno might bring more harm than good.
So is it worth it giving the Raise Max Levels to Articuno, Zaptos, &/or Moltres? Right now, I'm focusing on Lucario & Xerneas (both have 2/5 at the moment) and I don't know who else to give them to after I max out those two. I have Genesect, Entei, Groudon, Kyogre, Suicune, & Raikou completely maxed out in both RML & their actual level.
Salamance, I almost never use because Flying type don't tend to appear in the Super Effective category. Maybe Yveltal, especially since I skill swapped him to have Block Smash+. Perhaps Machamp as well since he also got skill swapped, but for Risk-Taker.
Also running out of Mega Pokemon to give speedups to. Just been giving them to S-Gyarados (6/10) so he can feel more useful when he can actually be used in place of M-Gengar.
Got nothing else going on aside from more Meowth & going back to see who I can level up at the same time while waiting to see what a good team for the Mega competition would be.
If you're having trouble deciding what to use your max level ups on Check this
I would recommend Yveltal next since he's the strongest Block smash plus in the game and very useful
For who to speed up
Are you on mobile or 3DS? Mobile sometimes gets slower if the phone is doing something in the background, like updating an app.Maybe my brain is off today but have the animations become slower? Visited the safari and everything felt off.