Anyone feel like maybe paying up, like, a budget 3DS eShop title worth of money for jewels?
Absolutely not. If you play daily there's no way that gems will help you other than ending the game faster. Everything till now is manageable.
Anyone feel like maybe paying up, like, a budget 3DS eShop title worth of money for jewels?
is there no way to grab a mega lucarionite now?
I don't see why you would ever spend money on this game outside of needing more coins for items and Great Balls.
Anyone feel like maybe paying up, like, a budget 3DS eShop title worth of money for jewels?
I would happily pay a budget eShop price for an infinite hearts unlock, but as much as I'd like to support the devs for making a fun game, I have no intention of supporting the pay model as-is because I'd prefer that they not make more games using this terrible exploitative pay model.
I would happily pay a budget eShop price for an infinite hearts unlock, but as much as I'd like to support the devs for making a fun game, I have no intention of supporting the pay model as-is because I'd prefer that they not make more games using this terrible exploitative pay model.
Same, not buying into the IAP mess. Wish they would give you an unlimited heart option and keep coins as jewels. With Tiny Tower and such, at least you could easily earn dollars compared to jewels.I would happily pay a budget eShop price for an infinite hearts unlock, but as much as I'd like to support the devs for making a fun game, I have no intention of supporting the pay model as-is because I'd prefer that they not make more games using this terrible exploitative pay model.
I got the game for free, and have played for 30 hours without paying a penny or needing to. I feel so exploited.
I don't see why you would ever spend money on this game outside of needing more coins for items and Great Balls.
Uh, anyone know if the last round of daily pokemon is going to repeat next week? I missed one and the notification thing disappeared :\
Last time they did daily stages, I believe they repeated the pattern the following week.
Yep. This pattern will be repeated until April 18th
So... Got to level 90 two days ago... Mega mawile... Sucks...
I literally googled strategies and the response is pretty much get Lucario and get lucky lol. I agree to those that say this stage feels like it wasn't play tested. Or maybe it is and they're just hoping you will buy jewels. Either way it sucks
EX2 and EX3 felt surprisingly easy when I gave them a second go.
At least I now have normal Rotom and Lucario.
Mega Mawile feels like a walk with Mega Lucario. lol
I remember trying them as soon as I unlocked them and barely finishing them on time. And now I finished the stages with more than half the time left.
I think the competitive stage was a blessing in disguise. All the score beating also improved our EX skills.
It kinda surprised me that the "ice" blocks aren't really ice at all, they are called "Barrier" blocks, like the pokemon is using Protect. Which makes more sense than so many of the pokemon inexplicably summoning ice everywhere.
I was a little surprised everyone in this thread kept calling that "ice," given that the game never calls it ice even once.
It doesn't 'alf look like ice though.
Yeah it looks like ice, I was more referring to the sheer volume of posters in this thread calling it that. I think I saw one person other than me calling them "barriers" and every single other person, "ice." Made me wonder if we were the only people who read skill descriptions.![]()
Yeah it looks like ice, I was more referring to the sheer volume of posters in this thread calling it that. I think I saw one person other than me calling them "barriers" and every single other person, "ice." Made me wonder if we were the only people who read skill descriptions.![]()
Try disabling the Streetpasses for the game in the OS menu, loading the game, then reenabling them. You'll lose those 10, but you should be safe later on.Help please, today I got 10 streetpasses, but now everytime I enter into the streetpass encounter option the game freezes and crashes, then, an error says that the console has to reset itself... anyone has encountered the same problem?![]()
For Zapdos, bring 4 Ground-types and chain combos near the bottom fast.Anyone have any ideas on beating Zapdos and Balziken? They are just sitting there, unbeaten between the rest /:
Rayquaza event stage being showcased in next week's episode of Pokémon Get TV. Not sure when it'll begin
How did you guys tackle Mega Glalie? I'm really tempted to Mega Start with Mega Mawile, who seems effective but takes ages to get going with all the ice, err, I mean BARRIERS in the way.
Also, I could have sworn that Barrier'd pokemon were destroyed if you matched them. Am I remember wrong or did the barriers get stronger either in an update or in later stages?