I need some of this GAF Magic.Dedenne still refuses to be caught. I don't even want the damn thing.
EDIT: Of course I caught it after I posted on here.
Just spamming the regular Ampharos stage for levels. Because Mega Mewtwo Y is infuriating.
The former, Keldeo is actually quite difficult.i just began playing this game today, is catching Keldeo something i should feel accomplished about? or is it one of those evil "carrots" placed there for me to feel rewarded and keep playing?
Yep. Team must be level 5~6.*tries the 20th EX stage, ends up getting Mewtwo's HP to about 25% before running out of time every single time out of 9*
Anyone had luck with no items yet?
Yep. Team must be level 5~6.
IIRC, Mega Gengar / Scyther / Yveltal / ZoroarkYour team? I'd like to know.
So many disruptions and too many Espeon...
I still can't catch Keldeo even with 70% catchability. BS.
may I know which stage is that? I need to train up some levels
Stage 130 just after Zoroark (Stage 129) and before Mismagius (Stage 131). Ampharos has 50 total moves. So beating the stage gets you 50 EXP and 100 EXP to the crowned Pokemon.
If you haven't reached Stage 130, then you can do Buneary (Stage 21) who has 30 total moves.
Is that confirmed?
What if you beat a 50-move level in 30 moves? What if you fail?
yasoukyoku said:Each level gives [Total Moves] EXP. All EX Stages give 10 EXP, regardless of the time limit.
Remaining Moves, Bonus Combo, Overkill and Type Matchups have no effect.
If you don't manage to defeat the Pokemon, you get [Total Moves] * [Percentage Damage Done]% EXP, for example 64% damage on Ampharos would get you 32 EXP (50*64%).
The crowned Pokemon in the results gets a 2x multiplier, receiving double the EXP. The crowned Pokemon is the one that's removed the most, including those which are removed by a Mega Evolved Pokemon's effects.
The amount of EXP a Pokemon needs to level up depends on its starting Attack Power.
Starting Attack 30 = 50 Base EXP.
Starting Attack 40 = 55 Base EXP.
Starting Attack 50 = 60 Base EXP.
Starting Attack 60 = 65 Base EXP.
Starting Attack 70 = 70 Base EXP.
Starting Attack 80 = 75 Base EXP. (Edit: misread)
Other values are not checked yet.
Each level is harder to reach than the last.
Lv.2: Base EXP * 1
Lv.3: Base EXP * 2 (total: 3x)
Lv.4: Base EXP * 3 (total: 6x)
Lv.5: Base EXP * 3 (total: 9x)
Lv.6: Base EXP * 9 (total: 18x)
Lv.7: Base EXP * 15 (total: 33x)
Lv.8: Base EXP * 18 (total: 51x)
Lv.9: Base EXP * 21 (total: 72x)
Lv.MAX: Base EXP * 24 (total: 96x)
In other words, going from Lv.1 to Lv.5 takes as long as going from Lv.5 to Lv.6.
So to max out a strong Pokémon, you'd need to beat Ampharos like 150 times... haha.
Cheers, that's good to know at least.
Has anyone found any reliable tricks for Onix? Are those black barriers actually possible to destroy in any way, apart from with Pokémon skills? I've beaten it a few times and S-ranked it with items, but I just can't do it reliably. Its disruptions kill me, as soon as the vertical columns appear my combos stop entirely, and they're there for ages. It's like ten dead turns over the course of the battle. I don't have any Pokémon which are super effective against it which can also slow its disruptions, so I'm using Pokémon which can remove a few blocks here and there but it's just not enough.
Use Pokemon with Delay Disruption skills or Block Bash skills, IIRC Bronzong and Klefki both have Block Bash and are supereffective against Onix - the other route you could go is using Lucario as the Mega Evolution and using Pokemon that fill up their mega gauge as fast as possible e.g. Pancham.
Keldeo works as well as a Pokemon with Stabilise/Stabilise+ (Blastoise/Milotic).
That's basically what I'm doing, using block bash. Like I say, I couldn't find anything with disruption delays. The problem with Lucario isn't getting it evolved (it actually evolves really quickly without any help) it's that its skill is totally useless when the vertical columns are in place, and that's the part of the fight where I really suffer. There are probably five or six turns every fight where my only option is to make one match of three, and you can't beat Onix that way.
Why not try Mega-Mawile instead?That's basically what I'm doing, using block bash. Like I say, I couldn't find anything with disruption delays. The problem with Lucario isn't getting it evolved (it actually evolves really quickly without any help) it's that its skill is totally useless when the vertical columns are in place, and that's the part of the fight where I really suffer. There are probably five or six turns every fight where my only option is to make one match of three, and you can't beat Onix that way.
Why not try Mega-Mawile instead?
While it's not as effective at clearing blocks, it at least won't be completely useless in either phases.
Try disabling the Streetpasses for the game in the OS menu, loading the game, then reenabling them. You'll lose those 10, but you should be safe later on.
Tried that, disabled Streetpass but the game still crashes everytime I go to the encounters section![]()
I'm happy to get a break from the bullet sponges and glass ice barriers (unified terminology). Now I can go back to the upper EX stages. Ugh.Rayquaza was insultingly easy, heh. 30 moves, only took 10, S rank and capture first go.
I'm happy to get a break from the bullet sponges and glass ice barriers (unified terminology). Now I can go back to the upper EX stages. Ugh.
They should make Mega Rayquaza super effective against everything and has the highest damage per match, giving you no reason to use anything else.
And instant activation.
Game breaker!
aka the best Mega abiltyNa, they'll probably do something like give it the same ability as Mega Slowbro
aka the best Mega abilty
So, been playing this on and off during the last month. Everything caught so far except Yveltal, Mewtwo (gotta work on those S ranks) and the one that goes before Xerneas (Can't remember its name, I just can't catch it for some reason). I even got the Lucarionite, placed something like 16k.
I'm starting to think I should get Puzzles and Dragons when it comes out![]()
I actually tried P&D specifically because people were saying it's similar to Shuffle.
I find it a lot less interesting, honestly. Worse art, worse music, gameplay rules I like less. ¯\_(ツ_/¯