Currently in the 1800s in NA without using items. I need to find a team that's easier to distinguish; the electric and grass-type Pokemon are terrible for all being the same colour.
Take a look at the rankings. The guys at the top use the best team.Team suggestion for Mega Blastoise, guys?
Take a look at the rankings. The guys at the top use the best team.
I need to get better at the timed stages in general. I've not really played any of the EX stages so I'm finding it difficult adapting to working against the clock.
Do not feel bad.mega bummed
spent One Jewel (for 5 turns) and One Mega Start to defeat Mega Ampharous :/
man I'm awful at this
Well on Normal stages yes, but in the context of EX stages you should be able to beat Xerneas without items. That is my problem.And on tough stages it just results in being able to throw yourself repeatedly at a stage in futility if you don't have enough Coins.
Best thing to do is to not spend any coins until the last hour or so.Did my first attempt at Mega Blastoise. Got 12762 points and placed 1887th. Probably won't last, but that's what items are for.
I am honestly not a fan of locking the stones behind competition. I think you should be able to buy the stones in the shop.Oh god these competitions again
I am honestly not a fan of locking the stones behind competition. I think you should be able to buy the stones in the shop.
I did this and managed to beat him on my last move. C. Phew.Do not feel bad.
Had to cave in and use items at Gengar.
Mehe Mewtwo Y went down after Disruption Delay, Mega Start, and +5 turns (just in case). Only got A rank though...
That is what I was thinking.This would be worse.I haven't and I don't plan to buy anything for this game. When they lock content behind a paywall I give up with the game.
Also, I'm pretty sure that sooner or later they'll make those stones available to everyone or at leas there will be repeats to these competitions.
Not really, you pretty much need Mega Amp. to do well. You could spend money to get hearts to progress more, but that is up to you.If I have recently started the game (4 days ago) do I have a reasonable shot at getting Blastoisinite?
.Oh no... Here we go again.
Lv. 130 (Ampharos) tends to be the best level since you have 50 moves. I don't know if the team would earn as much EXP since most are Electric type & wouldn't be effective against Ampharos, though I've noticed my team is still gaining some experience (Zapdos went from lv. 2 to 4 in about 2 or 3 matches, Sceptile is almost lv. 5, & Raikou is halfway to lv. 4).What's a good level to get experience for Pokemon for the Blastoisite event?
Really?Exp appears to be based on the number of turns a stage has.
yasoukyoku said:Each level gives [Total Moves] EXP. All EX Stages give 10 EXP, regardless of the time limit.
Remaining Moves, Bonus Combo, Overkill and Type Matchups have no effect.
If you don't manage to defeat the Pokemon, you get [Total Moves] * [Percentage Damage Done]% EXP, for example 64% damage on Ampharos would get you 32 EXP (50*64%).
The crowned Pokemon in the results gets a 2x multiplier, receiving double the EXP. The crowned Pokemon is the one that's removed the most, including those which are removed by a Mega Evolved Pokemon's effects.
The amount of EXP a Pokemon needs to level up depends on its starting Attack Power.
Starting Attack 30 = 50 Base EXP.
Starting Attack 40 = 55 Base EXP.
Starting Attack 50 = 60 Base EXP.
Starting Attack 60 = 65 Base EXP.
Starting Attack 70 = 70 Base EXP.
Starting Attack 80 = 75 Base EXP. (Edit: misread)
Other values are not checked yet.
Each level is harder to reach than the last.
Lv.2: Base EXP * 1
Lv.3: Base EXP * 2 (total: 3x)
Lv.4: Base EXP * 3 (total: 6x)
Lv.5: Base EXP * 3 (total: 9x)
Lv.6: Base EXP * 9 (total: 18x)
Lv.7: Base EXP * 15 (total: 33x)
Lv.8: Base EXP * 18 (total: 51x)
Lv.9: Base EXP * 21 (total: 72x)
Lv.MAX: Base EXP * 24 (total: 96x)
In other words, going from Lv.1 to Lv.5 takes as long as going from Lv.5 to Lv.6