Why have they reduced the number of winners in europe from 20,000 to 10,000![]()
Because the European playing field is less competitive than USA and Japan. It's the same reason that Japan takes the top 50K instead of 20K.
Why have they reduced the number of winners in europe from 20,000 to 10,000![]()
Why have they reduced the number of winners in europe from 20,000 to 10,000![]()
4434th. Don't see how I can get well over 13k without using items, yet some gaffers are on 14-15k. Guessing their final points push comes from a long, random combo at the end?
Do you think we will have another update with 15 more stages after the Mega Blastoise?
I just caught Raikou, and Sceptile specially for this event. I already had Zapdos, and Mega Ampharos. Any tips on which stage is the best to level them up quickly?
You guys all diving in to Rumble World too?
Pretty soon all these F2P Nintendo games are going to take up all my spare gaming time, I swear..
You guys all diving in to Rumble World too?
Pretty soon all these F2P Nintendo games are going to take up all my spare gaming time, I swear..
You guys all diving in to Rumble World too?
Pretty soon all these F2P Nintendo games are going to take up all my spare gaming time, I swear..
You guys all diving in to Rumble World too?
Pretty soon all these F2P Nintendo games are going to take up all my spare gaming time, I swear..
Tried it with Pachirisu, Pikachu, Emolga, and Flaafy and ranked in the 50,000's. Emolga and Pachirisu almost look the same.
Just barely beat my high score of 15,884 with 15,952. So tempted to use a Distortion Delay, but considering I have almost 6,700 coins, if I wait until the weekend, I should have enough to afford a Complexity -1.
Edit: HAHA, next attempt resulted in 17,569, bumping me to 1,541 out of 120k+.
I tried it a few times on the regular stage, but I don't seem to have much luck. I do play the Special version during the weekend & get around 1,000 to 1,500.Are you farming coins with Meowth?
What stage have you finished up to?
I tried it a few times on the regular stage, but I don't seem to have much luck. I do play the Special version during the weekend & get around 1,000 to 1,500.
Edit: Unless I'm only able to get 100 + the 30 each time.
You guys all diving in to Rumble World too?
Pretty soon all these F2P Nintendo games are going to take up all my spare gaming time, I swear..
I'm stuck on Mega Glalie right now. I could go back and catch some better Pokemon though (Jolteon, Dedenne, etc.)
The main team that people seem to be using (myself included) are Mega Ampharos, Zapdos, Raikou, & Sceptile. & of course, three of those are EX Pokemon.
You guys all diving in to Rumble World too?
Pretty soon all these F2P Nintendo games are going to take up all my spare gaming time, I swear..
I'll give a go. I'm a little skeptical though since I'm not a fan of RPGs.
Yes yes I'm aware of the irony.
Y'all working on that Mega Blastoise meanwhile I'm just happy I finally caught Rotom and Lucario.
Does anyone have a strategy to beat Mega Gengar without items?
I've tried this stage so many times I've lost count.
I'm stuck at Mega Mewtwo Y. I barely have 2000 coins so I can't even think of using items. What's the best team against it? What level should my Pokémon be?
I'm not even sure you can :lol:
maaaaybe with super effective max level pokemon, and probably even then...
No. Never waste a jewel to catch something. Just be patient.You probably already know this and just don't want to waste a jewel. But in case you don't: let time run out with a tiny amount of HP left. Waste a jewel for an extra 10 seconds (or whatever it is) and finish it off. The leftover time (from a jewel only) DOES count towards catchability. Be sure to have 2500 coins on hand just in case you don't catch it with a regular ball because it would be a shame to waste the jewel for nothing.
Maybe I won't need to spend those coins with my score of 17,569, but considering it seems we've got more participating, probably should still keep an eye on it to be safe.
Mega Ampharos, Sceptile, Zapdos, & Raikou, all level 6. I think I just have to get lucky with the lay out because I usually get around 13 to 15k if I retry it.17k - what level are your team!?
Mega Ampharos, Sceptile, Zapdos, & Raikou, all level 6. I think I just have to get lucky with the lay out because I usually get around 13 to 15k if I retry it.