Lv6 would make sense. I can't break 14k with all Lv5. There's a technique I'm missing - perhaps Mega Ampharos should be matched in a certain way or something.
Main stages all caught and all S-ranked. Still got 70,000 coins and five jewels. Haven't spent a dollar of real money.
Just mewtwo left to catch and then I've run out of things to do unless I S-rank the expert levels.
I just hope people will play more Rumble this week and they'll forgot about M Blastoise.![]()
Yay. 10 days of checking in. Now I should get 9,000 coins by Friday.
Ranked 2,114 out of 141k+. Maybe I won't need to spend those coins with my score of 17,569, but considering it seems we've got more participating, probably should still keep an eye on it to be safe.
Managed to increase my score from 13099 to 14144 and my rank jumped up from 6.6k to 4372.
I need to make this jump as well. Was it luck or did you use a particular technique?
Just luck and matched whatever I could see asap. Trained my pokemon up one level then it took about 5-10 attempts to beat my 13099 score. My pokemon are either levels 8/7/7/7 or 7/6/6/6, can't check right now.
Edit: levels are 8/7/7/7
Woah. How many Buneary rounds to go from 5-6 / 6-7? I lost the will to level up because it takes so long / gets boring.
:O any tips? haha
What triggers Sceptile's ability?
Does a match of 4 or more have to happen? Or does it trigger with only 3 too? I've been trying to pay attention while leveling up on the Ampharos stage.
EDIT: Also is the max amount of coins you can hold 99,999? I thought I saw that somewhere but can't find it now.
I should reach that limit today.As for coins, I don't think it's been confirmed but as soon as you pass certain threshholds the jewel exchange becomes unavailable. So once you have 53,000 coins you can't buy 48,000 any more, etc. So yeah, the limit is almost 100% 99990.
Sceptile's ability should trigger when you make any match with it as long as you physically move Sceptile's icon to make it.
So yeah, the limit is 99999
Woah. How many Buneary rounds to go from 5-6 / 6-7? I lost the will to level up because it takes so long / gets boring.
Starting Attack 70 = 70 Base EXP.
Lv.6: Base EXP * 9 (total: 18x)
Lv.7: Base EXP * 15 (total: 33x)
So Buneary is better to level the M.Blastoise team than Ampharos is?
I'm finding it better yeah, I'll kill buneary while with ampharos i'll only get it roughly half way, meaning I only get xp for 25 moves worth instead of the whole 30 with buneary. Then I get crown double xp too with buneary.
That's week-end Meowth?I only have 4000 coins. How do you guys get so many coins? I don't understand how you can farm Meowth when it disappears right after you beat it once.
That's week-end Meowth?
Normal Meowth can net you 530 coins/play if you're playing carefully.
If you play the game religiously, you can pretty much make around 6000-8000 coins every day.
Also, used the free gems to get coins. By the time I caught all mons, I still had 50000 coins on me.
Easiest way to beat Mega Mewtwo? Should I just use items? I have a ton of coins and gems.
Yeah, just go all out on the Megas. Everything except the exp x1.5. You'll get an S-rank without even trying.
It's not really worth using a few items and A-ranking so you have to go back and spend money on the same items again when you want to S-rank it.
So what's the trick to the Togekiss stage? I can beat it, but usually with 0-1 moves remaining, and rng hates me.
Not gonna lie guys...
Rumble has seriously cut into my Shuffle time.