What score did you have?
I can't remember. 15,000? I only tried it once on the first day.
oh great and now Groudon with a Mega Blastoise. Mega Glalie is fucking useless.
What score did you have?
Groudon is complete bull... right?
180 S Ranks unlocks EX21: Genesect
Fucking hell I only finished this game yesterday! Is it hard? How long is it?
1 Minute 30 Seconds
180 S Ranks unlocks EX21: Genesect
What score did you have?
I don't really like his Mega ability as it doesn't set up many combos. It's mostly useful to clear disruptions, but it's also very slow to fill the board again in timed stages.Mega Blastoise is pretty great, it's original ability is useful enough, and it's mega effect is really useful too.
I've heard that Onix is pretty tough (I'm still on Mega Mewtwo Y). Do you think Mega Blastoise would make for a good tool to use against it? I remember Mega Lucario made a huge difference when going up against Mega Mawile.
Also want to know. I'm curious as to what the bottoms scores were for the three regions this time.
54 hours and not a single cent spent - feel like I'm pretty much done with the game now ^_^ Will still play it every now and then I guess but it's time to move on now
What about all of today's new stuff?
You may have Mewtwo, but there's still Genesect after him.![]()
I had to google who Genesect was, so yeah... more of a fan of the older Pokémon![]()
Good, sounds like next week will finally bring us new weekday Pokemon.Don't forget. Today is the final day to get Pachirisu
Ffff. Took a nap, woke up like 10 hours later, missed the cutoff by just a few places. Had been planning to run it one last time.
Any idea if Lucario/Blastoise will ever return?
180 S Ranks unlocks EX21: Genesect
And I'm done with this game. I got my Blastoisinite (#14326, holy cow I dropped like a rock) and caught Groudon, but I refuse to S rank Onix. I only managed to B-rank it with items.
I like Rumble's Method of a max limit and you get something that gets you twenty gems a day. The Shuffle version may be 20 hearts per day or something.As the game expands, they totaly need to revise the time for recharging the hearts, half an hour is just to much. Even for cash grabs smartphone games level.
What I find annoying about the extra main stages is that the levels are getting progressively harder, and the pokemon you get from them are getting weaker. It's totally stupid that the new pokemon you get have a power of 40, 50 or 60, rather than increasing along with the difficulty.
Stages after Milotic seem easier. For now.